After the death of the Demon King, the whole world seemed to be shrouded in light for an instant; the darkness element once again became dormant, however, they did not disappear, but only ran away from danger and escaped into shadows and crevices. The Demon King"s body rested atop the cracked ground; within the crevices of the surrounding land, dark elements swim and writhe about; a black gas would occasionally rise, wrapping around Hero Xu Jun"s feet.

These were a pair of feet that seemed to have been soaked in blood; one wrapped in a ragged boot, the other only has a woolen sock on. It is said that the boots were a gift from the Elf Prince, but now it was even more tattered than a beggar"s shoe.

Above these were a pair of long, slender, bloodstained legs, built with lean muscles; a waist with strength comparable to a cheetah; the broad shoulders and chest of males, but not to the point of seeming bulky; hair as golden as the sun, when stained by blood, seemed more like the sunset; there is also the face which could not be considered pretty but very handsome and long; his eyes are a blue even clearer than the  blue of the sky.

He carried a silver,heavy sword that could force people to their knees, the Griffin Shield he originally wore on arm was broken beyond repair, a heroic brave who aided strangers. Even still, he was laughing, a warm relief that contained a bit of sorrow.

Anyone who sees him had to admit, this is a real hero.

While the hero thought about the voice that appeared within his heart—Snow Blade Kingdom"s His Highness First Prince Ryan—what kind of unspeakable relationship did he have with the Demon King, he was also turning in his head the complicated twists and turns of the plot that also contained a small [beep] text[1] that could not be described in writing, oh, I give up! Being a veteran gamer who has played Gale Dad"s products for over five years! Who else could say they understood more about Gale Dad"s peculiarities than him!!!

Gale Dad is the legendary company said to be most daring one of all ah! The stories of the games they make simply do not consider if it is something children should not see, or if children can make sense of what they saw! This company has always been like this, trying the road of carrying emotion! Trying the road of adults! Trying the road of censored content![2]
At the end of last generation"s game, , the protagonist had a yuri[3] route with the Empress! There is already yuri! Will BL be far behind?!

Therefore Xu Jun was like a real hero when he talked to the spirit of First Prince Ryan: "There is probably a story between you and the Demon King, but rest easy, I am not the type of person who digs up secrets. But please, help me with one thing."

Dark Demon King Rozenke—who was indeed His Highness First Prince Ryan tens of years ago—felt his heart drop a little, this brave is really easily deceived, and did not know why the other"s kindness gave him a strange feeling. This hero was a bit silly, but wasn"t bad, on the contrary he is much better than those constantly lying aristocrats, Prince Ryan, who had become the Demon King Rozenke tens of years ago, could not help but think: he had once seen a young man who had also been so stupid and naïve with a head full of righteousness.

However it"s a shame, that young man had already died among the schemes and greed of humans, the country he once protected denied his existence, the Light G.o.d"s Religion that he had once admired abandoned and scorned him, he had already become a demon king.

That was something that happened tens of years ago.

Afterwards, he loathed the humans and other ostentatious and pretentious races.

But just after he had died, he found himself unintentionally admiring the brave who had killed him?

Although the other showed greedy and wretched traits, but at the same time was a bit silly, very honest, and very gentle……therefore towards the other"s request of "please, help me with one thing[4]," Demon King Rozenke thought he could try to fulfill the demands; after all, sooner or later he will occupy the other"s body, so giving a little compensation now is justifiable.

This is definitely not because of baseless admiration.

Thus, he coldly told Xu Jun to state his request, and heard Xu Jun excitedly clear his throat: "Well, Your Highness the First Prince, you must have stayed here for a long time, right? Since you and the Demon King had that kind of relationship, may I ask if you know where the Demon King"s treasury is ah? I"ve heard that the Demon King"s treasury is full of gold coins!!! Oh, that"s right! The Demon King"s armor is so hard to peel off ah, you might as well also tell me how to undress his clothes, this set of armor and the underclothes can still be worn!"

Demon King Rozenke: "……"

The air suddenly became quiet.

The atmosphere became extremely awkward in that moment.

"Hero, do you even still count as a hero?" After being angered to the point of almost not being able to speak, Demon King Rozenke"s tone calmed down: "When I was still a holy knight, I  never saw money as something important, you still need much more experience. Now, put down the Demon King"s armor."

"However, the key to the Demon King"s treasury can indeed be handed to you as compensation for putting down his armor—stop pulling! The collar is going to tear!”

Compared to his corpse laying □□ on the ground, the cost of delivering the treasury"s key to the brave was insignificant, after all, in the end……the hero"s body and wealth will all return to the Demon King, so it"s not that important. The Demon King Rozenke thought like this, but, although everything could be justified, he still felt a little wronged.

While Xu Jun was thinking that the reactions of the First Prince"s soul were realistic, he also felt that the other was definitely not telling the truth, what was that about being imprisoned by the Demon King ah, nomaybe this First Prince"s heart had already been softened for many years! Otherwise why is he so protective of the  Demon King"s corpse ah?! He considered that it indeed might not be a good idea to pluck the clothes off of someone in front of their lover (?); after thinking about it for a bit, he was not lacking this one set of armor, moreover underclothes…… what is not within the Demon King"s treasury ah _(:зゝ∠)_

While wondering, his hand slightly exerted some strength, and actually tore apart the collar.

Xu Jun: "……It wasn"t on purpose!"

Demon King Rozenke: "Put it down! Immediately! Now!"

Xu Jun felt that this First Prince Ryan had a temper similar to that of his high school dean……

"Only by following my instructions will you be able to get the key to the treasury. Hero, do not delay!"

Xu Jun, who had already graduated from college a few years ago, remembered the humiliation of being caught escaping from cla.s.s by the dean, his whole body shuddered, "Wait a minute ah."

Demon King Rozenke who was very worried that this brave was still not willing to part with his armor and……underclothes or whatever, instead heard the Hero Xu Jun sincerely say to him: "at any rate, the Demon King"s body should be buried first, being left outside like this is really……this really doesn"t seem like the way a demon king should be treated ah."

Burying the Demon King"s body, this game"s main story was cleared beautifully, after this, all that needs to be done is to go find the young girl in White River town and get married, and then life would be perfect.

Xu Jun suddenly felt a bit lonely.

His mood, transferred through the fluctuations of his spirit, was completely felt by the Demon King Rozenke who dwelled in his soul.

"……go, the key to the Demon King"s treasury……I will hand it to you."

After scouring through the Demon King"s treasury, Xu Jun revealed a bright, satisfied smile: as expected of a Demon King ah!!! The levelling materials are all of the highest rank ah! Refined, golden mythril were spread about everywhere like cabbages ah! There are also so much fine silk! So many high-grade runes! The demon cores of all sorts of high level monsters and even the epic, legendary level monsters!!!

At first he cried out twice in surprise, but by the end he could no longer shout, feeling as if his body had been hollowed out; what have I been doing in these past two to three years of hard work –>_–>

This game isn"t even about a Hero fighting the Demon King, but is instead about overthrowing the landlord to divide the land!!!

"Fortunately it was me who came to defeat the Demon King," Xu Kun sighed deeply: "If any other person in this world who obtained this wealth, his heart would definitely be filled with greed and desire, becoming the new Demon King."

However, the Demon King Rozenke only wanted to say this line: I have never met someone this brazen before!

However……before lamenting the shamelessness of the hero, the poor, defeated Demon King landlord wanted to first ask a question: "Hero, how many things can you put in your s.p.a.ce backpack?"

Xu Jun loftily said: "Not much, not much, say, the treasures within the Demon King"s treasury……it can hold three times as much!"

–Hey! Your tone of seemingly ridiculing the Demon King"s treasury as being too small and not putting it in your eyes, what kind of trouble are you trying to stir ah!!! Also, how can there be such a large spatial backpack in this world ah?!!!

The author has something to say: This is a story of defeating the landlord and taking the landlord"s property, as well as being a story of a Demon King who is defeated in every aspect.

This really is deserving of sympathy, therefore the author cannot help but begin to sympathize with the Demon King

PS: The Demon King doesn"t actually know Xu Jun"s giant spatial backpack originates from him receiving the t.i.tle "Plunderer of a Pa.s.s" in a previous game, after which Gale Dad gave gave him an unrivalled giant backpack that could be used in all games, account binding(equal to soul binding), and cannot be stolen.

Therefore, everyone should develop the good habit of looting thoroughly when playing video games –>_–>

PPS: According to @A Ling"s suggestion, Demon King Rozenke"s name is too long, so from now when the author has something to say it will be shortened to Demon King Zeze.

Isn"t it cute!!!

Translator’s Niche:


No idea what this is…just use your imagination and fill in the blanks.Return


Extremely loose translation because I just couldn"t find a good way to turn it into EnglishReturn


Currently using the j.a.panese terms since I believe most people know them, more so than the Chinese ones. Still, should I use the j.a.panese terminology , Chinese, or just straight out English?Return


You don"t see it because it doesn"t translate into English perfectly, but XJ refers to the Demon King with a very respectful form of "you," and continues to do so for pretty much the rest of the chapter. Return

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