
"Wowow, this meat is delicious!" Xu Jun gnawed on the leg of a Spotted Spirit Deer while making unintelligible comments. "You guys should eat more."

Compared to him, Daeniste and Nar were much more refined. Daeniste laughed slightly, "Although the Bright G.o.d Church hasn"t ban the consumption of meat, it still holds vegetarianism in high regard."

After some careful thought, Xu Jun remembered that the game did possess this sort of setting. Apparently, because the Bright G.o.d was a parental figure, he had possessed a righteous and compa.s.sionate personality that other G.o.ds couldn"t compare to since birth. He had mercy on the weak, and was unwilling to kill living things. As for how an unwillingness to kill living things connected to vegetarianism, most likely it was due to the ancient believers" ignorance, and their thought that plants were not alive. 

After humanity became civilized, there was a long period of time where dragons had suppressed them. The humans of that era were like slaves, the dragons the slave owners. After one or two thousand years, this suppression had reached its peak; at the same time, voices of dissent rose amongst the human population. Prior to this, humans had followed the dragons in worshipping the Sky G.o.d. If they were to overthrow the dragons" rule, it would be unfitting to continue worshipping the dragon"s G.o.d. Thus, the Bright G.o.d and the Bright G.o.d Church came into existence.

In the end, this was a manmade G.o.d. The real Bright G.o.d might"ve existed before, but that should"ve been long ago. The Bright G.o.d currently worshipped by the Bright G.o.d Church was not necessarily the same G.o.d from long ago. 

However, for Xu Jun, being able to know companions who didn"t eat meat…what a spectacular thing this was!

"True believers of the Bright G.o.d Church shouldn"t eat me! I saw an archbishop munching on ribs once…such a thing isn"t right!" The Brave Xu Jun concluded within his heart.

At this moment, His Majesty Demon King Rozenke felt that all these fellows who proclaimed about light, righteousness, and compa.s.sion were all quite arrogant. Thinking back to when he was still Prince Ryan, he had actually believed in the nonsense that vegetarian believers had more faith…. However, what he found was that the past Holy Son, now the current Pope, had been secretly eating steak within his bedroom!

Hypocritical! Disgraceful! Shameless!

His Majesty the Demon King, who had harbored vile emotions about the Bright G.o.d Church since young, coldly snorted. "Do you also believe their nonsense?"

Xu Jun shook his head while grabbing another rib. No matter if it was Spotted Spirit Deer or Water Origin Fish, both were born and raised within the Sacred Highlands. Their lives could not be separated from the holy light element; however, they weren"t very powerful, and led pitiful lives in the Sacred Highlands. When Xu Jun had first arrived, the Spotted Spirit Deer and the Water Origin Fish had become rare animals, but they were the kind that no one had cared about.

However,  under Xu Jun"s help, the current Holy Light Elves had learned how to artificially breed these two magic beasts….

Xu Jun, the foodie, was very satisfied.

"Daeni, from now on, I"ll definitely bring you along whenever I go out to eat. This way I can eat all of the meat and we can split the bill after." Very pleased with himself, he took another bite of the Water Origin Fish fillets. As the Holy Light Elves didn"t really pursue the art of food, their fish fillets were even simpler than fish and chips. The fish had just been lightly steamed and then sprinkled with seasoning; however, such a simple preparation brought out the fish"s natural flavor. Its juicy and tender flesh left behind an unforgettable aftertaste. 

Daeniste and Nar gave each other a glance: "…"

All of a sudden, they felt as if the Bright G.o.d Church was making a great loss by promoting vegetarianism. _(:зゝ∠)_

Xu Jun, Daeniste, and Nar began chatting about it, with Xu Jun arguing that eating meat is human instinct and asking why they opposed it. Was it compa.s.sionate to not eat meat and only plants? The tree spirit brother and Wenqi outside were about to cry. Neither Daeniste nor Nar could refute. In order to win people"s hearts, the Bright G.o.d Church had devised many rules, many of which now made little sense. Even if they believed in the Bright G.o.d Church…they could no longer forcefully brainwash themselves.

From outside the window came Wenqi"s1 tender, childlike voice, "It"s fine, Xu Jun. They can eat plants, we can eat them."

A cold shiver ran through Daeniste"s body. "…When I get back to His Holiness the Pope… I"ll make sure to report this matter."

Stuffed full of food and wine, Xu Jun let out a great yawn. He didn"t know why he had tired so quickly today. Perhaps he had wasted too much energy doing business with that group of elders?

I don"t know what the outcome of their fighting was either… Xu Jun thought, completely oblivious to the fact that Queen Ellie had swept away all of the goods he had brought over this time.

After bidding goodnight to Daeniste and Nar, Xu Jun practically face planted onto his guest room"s bed. He was exhausted. Furthermore, since just a bit ago, he suddenly felt weak all over. He didn"t feel like moving and his consciousness was slowly blurring.

"Xu Jun? Xu Jun?" He could hear Prince Ryan"s voice calling out to him, but he didn"t want to answer.

He dreamt.

Demon King Rozenke furrowed his brows. The situation wasn"t normal. Xu Jun"s current condition seemed like he was drugged…but what sort of drug could affect a Brave with such great willpower and physique?

Xu Jun walked out from the orphanage of his youth, an orphanage, which although icy and heartless, had brought him no harm. The surrounding scenery was distorted and murky; it was unclear if he was in the game or in modern times. The left side of the road was full of traffic, whereas the right side of the road held a shabby bar, from which hung a wooden sign. Getting closer, he could hear the people inside shouting, "how much gold is today"s rubies worth?"

The sky was a faint yellow; staring at it too long would cause one"s eyes to blur. The road"s surface was pitch black, wet, and a little bit dirty. Xu Jun couldn"t see the end of this road; looking back, his past orphanage was now gone. Within this dream, Xu Jun scratched his head twice, his intelligence decreasing continuously. 

Subconsciously he knew he had never experienced this world before, and that he had never came to such a place. However, this world felt familiar, and the broken down bar enticed him greatly. As soon as he approached, he smelled the sweet scent of ripe fruits. Pushing open the doors, Xu Jun saw three tables. At the first table sat two merchants, engaged in a transaction of rubies. However, one of the merchants had a knife concealed behind his back.

The second table held a crown, ancient, but appearing to be of no monetary value. However, this crown should"ve been worn by some king; carved into it was a symbol of royal authority.

Xu Jun acted like he had not seen any of them. He walked towards the third table. This table was occupied by a woman with a beautiful face and a charming body. She didn"t possess any specific characteristics, she was just pretty, very pretty. Her beauty was one that all beautiful women possessed. Her skin was delicate and her hair silky and smooth. An elegant strand of hair slipped down from the large neckline of her chest. She lazily smiled at Xu Jun, sending his soul into turmoil. This lady was an ordinary sort of pretty, but her temperament was absurdly charming. 

His hand reached out, seemingly wanting to touch her face. The beautiful lady simply smiled quietly, silently waiting for Xu Jun. His surroundings suddenly seemed to freeze as everyone turned to observe them. The tavern owner whistled.

"All of these temptations," Someone seemed to say from the dark, "Xu Jun, all of these temptations, gold, power, and sensuality; you can"t avoid them forever. Let yourself fall, and become one of us…"

This voice was resounding and light, sounding as if spoken from a woman. Xu Jun frowned. He just about knew that something was wrong. However, what was even stranger was that the thing below his waist was reacting, making him eager to vent.

His hand was just about to reach the girl"s face.

Touching it would surely feel great… that delicate, fair skin… 

However, at this moment, a man"s st.u.r.dy arms suddenly came in from the side, separating Xu Jun from the woman. This arm was powerful and wrapped in a black, soft armor. Xu Jun looked closer and discovered that underneath it, the other was wearing a black rose, silk underclothes. 

…Wait a moment, why was he paying so much attention to the other"s underclothes.

Was it because black rose, silk underclothes were expensive? _(:зゝ∠)_ 

Wait, the black rose, silk underclothes weren"t important! Xu Jun, with great difficulty, shifted his gaze from the underclothes that had inexplicably grabbed his attention towards the other person–said person was male, standing at about 190 centimeters with a 280 centimeters tall aura around him. His skin was pale but not sickly and could turn people into a mess. Even Xu Jun, a firm willed (?), straight man could not help but become dazed for a moment. There were two reasons for this: one, this person was good-looking; two…this fellow appeared to be familiar?!

He was that, who was he again?

Demon King Rozenke had entered Xu Jun"s dreamscape giving the excuse that he wanted to see the Brave"s ugly side in his dreams, while actually worrying that Xu Jun would lose his way in this abnormal dream. Now, he raised an eyebrow and asked, "Recognize me?"

Xu Jun forcefully looked through his memories and discovered that his memorization abilities had degenerated into that of a goldfish. He simply asked instinctively, "…You are those black rose, silk underclothes…?"

Demon King Rozenke was speechless.

What the h.e.l.l are black rose, silk underclothes! Brave, do you have to be so unconscientious! Could it be that you believe this stupid thing is my, this Majesty"s, true body?!

His Majesty the Demon King was furious, but the Brave, Xu Jun, once again stepped onto a landmine, "…underclothes that have formed a spirit? Whatever. How about you let me go first, I want to talk to that little sister.”

Underclothes that had formed a spirit?!

And you still want to talk to that little sister?!

Immediately, His Majesty the Demon King, whose hackles were raised with anger, held Xu Jun under his armpit and thumped his way up the stairs."

The surrounding onlookers in the dreamscape were all very dedicated; this time it was the gorgeous and lazy young lady who whistled towards the back of the Demon King who was carrying Xu Jun away. Meanwhile the tavern owner…he actually started to applaud with great emotion!

Demon King Rozenke threw  the Brave straight into the tavern"s second floor guest room. The bed here appeared to be of poor quality, so Xu Jun made a loud noise as he slammed onto it. He felt like his entire body had been shattered to pieces. The pain didn"t do much to clear the now dizzy Brave"s head; it just made him more uncomfortable. Just now, because he had found it unsightly to have been grabbed by another man, he had temporarily ignored his body"s predicament. Now, however…

Xu Jun was in his early twenties, a young man who was full of vigor.

Thus, Demon King Rozenke helplessly watched as this Brave who took showers in the open, but was usually more modest…place his hands onto his own crotch. 


Was it too late to leave this dream now?!

Translator"s niche:

[1] The raw says Manqi, but that doesn"t make sense, and author stated that it was Wenqi who was outside just a couple sentences ago, so I am a.s.suming this was a mistake. ⏎

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