Taking a bath in a river was always a serious challenge. Even if it were Xu Jun, a veteran with years in the game, he would also have to say that the river is a mystical place. Hidden beneath the river plants were treasure chests, which after tearing open with an expectant heart, reveal only a ragged cloth and rusted bronze coins that had circulated on the market ten years prior.  On the riverbed were shattered stones and broken crystal bottles, carelessness could lead to a cut foot. There were also carnivorous fish that liked to attack a person"s softer parts…however, thankfully Xu Jun had already played this game for an entire three years, and is almost completely familiar with the environment.

This had been said to be washing, but it also involved a thorough search of the nearby waters. It could not be helped ah, but on the other hand, the disease of "kill all, loot all, and burn all" infected the gamers who play this game_(:зゝ∠)_

In the end, he found, preserved in a gla.s.s bottle, a formula for high-cla.s.s sleeping potions, and a set of amethyst bottles. Perhaps the reason for so few findings is that this was the scorching h.e.l.l, which bordered the Dark Abyss. Almost no peddlers would ever come here, so the riverbed is relatively clean.

If this was a city moat…there would probably be there would be a tenfold increase in the number of chests. Inside these chests, it would even be possible to find the love letters of the city lord"s aged mother, from back when she was young.

"The demons sure have made a great contribution to the environment ah," Xu Jun  said and stowed away his harvest into his backpack, his whole body feeling much more refreshed: "a set of amethyst bottles at least forty years old can be sold as antiques, right?"

Demon King Rozenke did as he said he would, shutting his eyes for the entire duration of Xu Jun"s bath. Even if he had become the king among demons, he still maintained the principle of being "upright" from his time as Prince Ryan. Whether it was as Prince Ryan or as the Demon King, he has always lived quite a n.o.ble life. Although he has experienced humiliation and betrayal, he has hardly ever had to worry about money. Thus, he could not really understand why this hero needed to be so…greedy.

No, not greedy, it is not that type of imbecilic greed, which causes people to feel disgusted; instead, it is rather… shrewd; or is this a way of living that bears wisdom?

He found that he would think that he wanted to initiate conservation with Hero Xu Jun. This was extremely strange. During the period of time when he was still the Demon King, in his eyes, the heroes were only insignificant figures with a hint of talent. Why would he want to chat with such an insignificant person?

However, now their positions have almost completely reversed. Now he felt the desire to speak to Hero Xu Jun rise from the bottom of his heart. He wanted to understand this hero.

…Is it because this hero defeated me?

"En, this pattern came from Master Kamanda. This might have come from a more recent age.  So it is an amethyst bottle from over fifty years ago…it can no longer be used as a potion bottle, but it at least can be sold as a legacy of the master." Xu Jun shook his head, there were usually requirements in order for a bottle to be able to hold potions. Ordinary gla.s.s bottles could only hold the most common herbal potions. The most mediocre of herbalists that wandered the countryside, would use this kind of cheap bottle. This type of gla.s.s bottle did not have the ability to stimulate the ingredients, nor guarantee the efficacy of the potion. Thus, all doctors or alchemists of a slightly higher grade were all unwilling to use such bottles. Of course, ordinary crystal bottles were a step above. They were slightly better than gla.s.s bottles, but usually contained impurities.  Another step up were the pure crystal bottles. These were a bit more expensive. There were also some high-grade crystal bottles, and above that, amethyst bottles.

Amethyst has a strong effect of retaining efficacy. Even in the present, a whole set of amethyst potion bottles never cost below a thousand gold coins.

If it was a n.o.bleman, perhaps they could disregard such a sum. However, Xu Jun knew, as a self-sufficient hero, there were too many places where he needed to spend money.

The Demon King expressed that he could not get used to Xu Jun"s stinginess: "you could also leave it to use for yourself."

Xu Jun: "No, the effects are too terrible. I generally use elemental crystal bottles that match the potion"s element."

Demon King Rozenke: "…"

He already saw, without Xu Jun needing to tell him. Inside Xu Jun"s spatial backpack were rows of potion bottles…all are tailored for specific potions, able to effectively retain the original properties of the potion, and even able to increase the potion"s effect. This type of bottle…one of them would require over ten thousand gold coins.

So how exactly should he describe this hero?  Careful with his money? Stingy?

The other couldn"t have been more generous!!!

Demon King Rozenke felt even more strongly that he could not see through this hero.  He could not help but feel quite confused. He switched the topic: "Where do you want to go next? Do we first go find the emperor of the Golden Flag Empire or the pope of the Light G.o.d Church?"

His tone could have been said to be very rude. Whether it was the emperor of the Golden Flag Empire or the pope of the Light G.o.d Church, in this world, these were people who could shake the continent with a stomp. Even so, he said it so easily and with a. hint of disdain. All that can be said is that the time he has spent with Xu Jun has increased, and he could no longer keep up a façade. He"s an arrogant Demon King, not an actor ah_(:зゝ∠)_

Xu Jun did not feel there were any large issues with this. After all, His Highness Prince Ryan is the prince of Snow Blade Kingdom, an old enemy of the Golden Flag Empire. It would be truly strange if he felt respect and admiration for the emperor of the Golden Flag Empire. As for the pope…Prince Ryan have a relationship where they love, but need to kill each other. Perhaps it is because of this point that his heart contains hatred towards the pope of the Light G.o.d Church. After all, this prince was also a Golden Knight of the Light G.o.d Church back then. If the church really wanted to save him, he would not need to have suffered here for so many years as a spirit…

Looking at Xu Jun, not knowing if he was thinking of something again, Demon King Rozenke quickly interrupted him and asked again. Xu Jun thought for a moment: "We won"t search for them, I have my little companions~"

The most reliable in the game had never been some pope or emperor ah, but rather some little companions that he met on his journey ah. They included the Holy Son, the Golden Flag Empire"s Second Prince, sheriffs in small and large cities, ruffians, even beggars, as well as witches who found joy in swindling others. Many within the group were nondescript, but it is with time, that one finds out who their true friends are. Having played this game for an entire three years, his hero account alone having existed for two years, Xu Jun already could not see them as NPCs.

To him they were "people."

If Demon King Rozenke still had his body, he definitely would"ve creased his eyebrows: "if your so-called "little companions" knew it was you who killed the Demon King, they are bound to change their att.i.tude towards you."

"They won"t" Xu Jun confidently stated, "even if there is change, it will be a good change."

Demon King Rozenke no longer spoke, but he understood the nature of the human heart. It has already been an entire three years, but he still remembered, when the news of him being the Demon King got out, the treatment he received from his parents, siblings, friends, and even the "G.o.d" he believed. People are sinister and cunning. This young hero would never know what he would be facing in the future.

But Xu Jun was also extremely confident: of course he knew those good friends of his would never do something harmful to him! After all, he has played through the game almost three times already! Who is good, who is bad, how could he not know?!

However, it was not possible to go back on the same route to return to human society. News that the Demon King was dead would quickly spread across the Dark Abyss—yes, although the Demon King has already died, but the demons of this world have not been eradicated. Of the Four Great Lords, three still remained. Xu Jun only killed a Flame Lord—the killing of any Lord opened the follow-up mission of killing the Demon King. The other three Lords are still alive. This wasn"t the hero"s responsibility anymore. This world"s "Justice League" ought to make some contribution for world peace.

Translator’s Niche:

Surprisingly not much to say… hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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