as they walked through the forest Rayner and the others ended up arriving in a crystalline lake that for some reason appeared to shine

"Here in this lake there are some Undines that are spirits of the water" said Zatouji

"Spirit of the water?" Interjector Rayner said

"Splendor of the water? By their name they must be beautiful One-san with great b.r.e.a.s.t.s where any man would want to take to make her his wife" said Issei already immersed in a imagination

"Look at the water," Kiba said, making everyone look at the water.

"Oh it looks like a Undine will appear," Zatouji said, looking at the water too.

In the middle of the lake there was a great blinding light and when she disappeared a large muscular being appeared on her back and turned, scaring almost everyone who was there

"Is this the spirit of water?" Rayner said with a little disgust and disappointment.

"Zatouji-san where that can be a water spirit, the water spirits were not supposed to be beautiful women with big b.r.e.a.s.t.s?" Issei said, grabbing Zatouji by the collar and crying.

"Oh but that"s a woman," Zatouji said.

"Where that can be a woman," Rayner and Issei shouted together

In the middle of the water was Undine she had a muscular body as a great bodybuilder champion where her b.r.e.a.s.t.s could already be considered muscles, curly hair and blond with a short pink dress

"You guys are lucky, guys, that"s a weird guy, you know, it"s not bad at all to have a water spirit at your side protecting you," Zatouji said with a face

Rayner and Issei seeing the face of Zatouji super serious almost considered taking the bodybuilder with them but soon returned to reality "I refuse" cried the dois making Rias and the others laugh at him

Suddenly they hear a sound coming from the top in the middle of the sky and soon after a burst occurs in the middle of the lake doing the Undine that was it in the middle return to the bottom of the sea again as if it were running scared of something

Soon after the small explosion in the lake the temperature in the place around begins to fall, the surface of the water gradually begins to freeze next to trees in the forest and snow to fall

This temperature drop created a small haze in the lake but soon disappeared showing the figure of a small bird the size of a dog

The bird had the form of an eagle but its feathers were all blue they seemed to be made of ice, its body itself appeared to be all frozen and its eyes were like an eagle despite its color of a crystalline blue

Rayner realized that the Animal was staring at him for some reason and started to walk towards him getting face to face with him making them all surprised that he could stand the temperature so low while he had to move away

Now that they were wide enough to stand the cold, they looked at Zatouji as if asking for an explanation

"That is a Psônen, an ice water eagle, it has a blue body like you saw it and its feathers seem to be made of ice, it usually only goes out to hunt but never hunt in places like these, so how did it come here?" Zatouji also surprised by the situation

Meanwhile on the lake

The Psen and Rayner seemed to be in an ice-dominating battle and Rayner seemed to be losing

"I"ve decided, you"ll be my servant," Rayner said with a smile to the Psônen.

The Psen, hearing this, screams out and further decreases the temperature, leaving Rayner with even more disadvantage

Rayner still stood staring at the Psônen until suddenly in his body appeared a large tribal-shaped tattoo that covered his arms and the left side of his face leaving the animal somewhat confused but continued to lower the temperature

[release 3 seal] Rayner said in a low voice and a small part of the tribal tattoo on his right arm disappeared and a small silver jewel appeared on his forehead until he heard a voice in his head

"What an interesting thing is happening here in Rayner," Weiss said after waking up to the jewel on Rayner"s forehead.

"Well sorry Weiss you have to spend most of the time sealed with my powers for not being able to control it" Rayner said now ignoring the bird that saw this and was furious

"Well do not mind that, but I think you"d better deal with this situation quickly because even if you have a frightening ice affinity you could not last forever," said Weiss

Rayner listening to this Rayner gave a short smile to the Psônen and soon after creating several ice spears as if challenging the Psônen for a battle

The Psion saw that he did the same and created several ice spears and threw it towards Rayner making the spears of each other shatter

The great bursts of spears continued without stopping and the one who would lose this bet would be the one who got tired first or at least that"s what the Psen was imagining

Rayner puts one of his hands up and suddenly a great meteor made of pure ice appears scaring even Rias and the others that were far

The Psônen was horrified to see this and soon realized that there would be no chance of winning but even so he had no sign of giving up making Rayner more excited to make him his servant

the Psônen began to spread its wings and also tried to create a great meteor to fight the one of Rayner but ends up failing and creating a useless better but still does not give up and begins to create several until its energy allows

Now it was Rayner"s turn to be surprised by the great courage and strength of the bird that surpa.s.sed his imagination but still only that was not enough to stop him and without even waiting for him to release the great meteorite made of ice in Psônen

Seeing this the Psônen entered in a brief despair but it did not stop to create small meteors until its energy is exhausted and finally it sends all towards the enormous meterito of Rayner

The large amount of small Psônen meterets went toward Rayner"s making a few pieces of ice fall from Rayner"s melee, quickly the whole amount of Psenium Meteorites was eventually destroyed just by making Rayner"s meteorite decrease in size but still reaching -o and causing the Psenen to faint and the whole domain of ice eventually disappear and the ice around quickly begins to melt

When Rias and the others saw the temperature returning to normal they went towards the lake where the Psen and Rayner were

Surprised when they arrived at the scene and saw the little Psen fainted beside the lao while Rayner was now with a crystal on his forehead while his body was full of tattoos

"Can you explain what just happened here?" asked Rias curious and half would be about the situation

"Well when we get back, I"ll explain everything," said Rayner, sitting next to Psônen and turning off his crystal and his left arm tattoo returns and then disappears along with all the others in the body and a huge weariness falls on his body

"Uuff now I can rest," thought Rayner, lying in a tree.

Seeing this all despite being curious began to rest also waiting for Rayner

1 hour later

Psônen finally wakes up

He looks at the outcrops and sees Rayner sitting next to a tree and flies in his direction.

seeing the animal heading toward him Rayner stands and for some reason raises his hand, The people who saw this gesture were confused by this, "What is he doing?" thought Rias and the others

But to his surprise the Psônen that was flying in his direction lands on his arm with something already accepted

"Hehehe, I see you"ve agreed to be my servant," Rayner said, stroking the animal.

"Well let"s take oath then Toran," said Rayner putting the Psônen that was now called Toran on the floor

A blue circle with the symbol of the Sitri Clan appears on the ground and then Rayner begins to p.r.o.nounce the oath

(On behalf of Rayner Sitri

I bind you to me as my faithful servant)

Soon after the blue circle disappears and a blue light shrinks Toran as evidence that the contract has been concluded

After Rayner asked Toran if he could change his size to that of a normal eagle earning a positive response, with now Toran getting on Rayner"s shoulders

"Well now it"s just the Servant of Issei," said Rias

"I"m sorry, ladies, but now I have to say goodbye," Zatouji said.

"What?" Issei said in amazement, "Old man, if you are how can I find my servant?" asked Issei in despair

"Well since you"re already going, we will not be able to do anything," Rias said, disappointed with that.

"Let"s go, too, Issei, the next time we came here and we got a servant for you."

"Well, let"s go home then," Rayner said.


*Psônen (P-son-en, literally "Snow Bearer") is the spirit of a giant eagle present in the mitigation of the Abenaki tribe, which lives in the northeastern United States of America and southern Canada

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