"Come on, you want to be strong and you can not do it," Rayner shouted to Rias and the others.

At the moment Rayner was behind everyone along with Rose, Kuro and Alicia who were in simple clothes. Rose was in a white T-shirt and black pants, Kuro was the exact opposite and was wearing a black T-shirt and a white skirt and Alicia a purple tank top and a black skirt

Rayner was wearing a gym suit in a black tank top showing his skinny but toned muscles and a white shorts with blue stripes. The people in the hidden search club were all wearing school gym clothes

Soon after Rias was making the request to Rayner they were quickly to ask for the 10-day leave for them to travel overnight to the mountain, and arriving now tomorrow

As they climbed up, Rayner did not even spare Rias and took her with her huge suitcases for strength training as she climbed the mountain, leaving her furious but still doing

the only person who seemed to be having an ease in all this was Koneko with his great strength but still suffered from the ingress of the mountain, while Rias, Asia and Issei were the ones who had the greatest difficulty being that neither of them had adequate physical training

"Hehehe, so you can be considered one of the weakest parts on your side of the Rias-san?" said Rayner laughing and getting a mortal look from Rias

"I am trained in magic and not hand-to-hand combat," Rias replied, his body all sweaty and continued to rise

Issei who was at last was crying and shouting that he would give up but soon gave up because he received a mortal glare from Rayner who was now behind him looking at all

"Quick, faster, when we get to the top of the mountain, we"ll do some brief exercises and then we"ll rest," shouted Rayner.

When they heard this even Rias wanted to cry but it was she who asked him for it so it has to make it worthwhile

1 hour later they finally arrive at the top of the mountain and fall to the floor of exhaustion but soon after they looked at the place and are surprised by the sight of a good open field that could serve for the training and a great house

"Someone from the school told me there was a mountain house to rent when someone wanted to go on a vacation here so I found the right time to do it," Rayner said with a slight smile, "Well now that you"ve got 20 rounds in the backyard and can rest until tomorrow, "Rayner said, still smiling.

"This guy is a monster!" Shouted Issei.

"I"m not a monster, I"m a devil," Rayner replied, making everyone laugh but soon start running after Rayner starts screaming.

plus half an hour later they all finished running with some finishing faster and others more time consuming but still all finished tired

"Great, you guys can rest, this house has a big bathroom so take advantage," Rayner said.

Rias and the others wanted to run to the bath immediately but could not run then they gave up and walked slowly, Rayner and the girls saw that they started to laugh receiving hateful eyes from Rias and Issei but ignored

The next day arrives quickly and everyone is already in the middle of the huge patio in front of the house with Rayner and the girls in front of him

"Well today let"s start by evaluating what you can do to the fullest," Rayner said with a smile.

"How will we do this?" asked Kiba

"Oh? Is there any other way to test this other than a fight?" replied Rayner, still with his animated smile, "So I want you to prepare yourselves so that all of you are going to fight Rose, Kuro and Alicia," said Rayner, looking sideways at the girls and realizing that they are a little lively too, especially Alice

"Ughh," Issei wailed, realizing that she would have to fight these extremely strong women.

"They will prepare then and in half an hour we will start the fight" shouted Issei and Rias and the others went to a concealed corner of Rayner"s

they form a circle and begin to decide what to do

"So it"s decided, Akeno and I are going to face Rose, Issei and Kiba are going to face Alicia and Koneko will face Kuro, Asia you will stay behind and will heal us in turns" said Rias

"Yes President" they all a.s.serted together and headed toward Rayner

"We are ready," Rias said.

"Great, well let"s start the game each in their positions" shouted Rayner

Kiba grabbed his sword, Issei activated his boosted gear, Koneko and Kuro put on their kick boxing gloves and the most sinister of them all Rose takes off a large black scythe, even its blades were black as the night leaving Rias and Akeno a little intimidated but they did not back down

After Ryner saw that everyone was ready, he gave the start signal of the match "Begin the fight"

Rias and everyone ran after hearing Rayner"s scream and did not realize that the girls were waiting for her instead of attacking but they did not care and went each to their opponent with the exception of Asia that would cure all

"Well, their decision was simple but effective, but they decided it only by what they know of the opponent and not by what he may have hidden up his sleeve, so they lose a point for that," thought Rayner, who was watching the fight

Soon the opponents collided with each other and the fight started

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