New Royal Cook Book

Chapter 23

Remove leaves and wash cauliflower; place in uncovered saucepan, stem end down; cover with boiling water; boil 35 minutes or until tender and serve with Cream Sauce.

French Fried Potatoes

Pare and cut potatoes into long even pieces. Put into cold water for about an hour. Drain and dry well. Fry in deep fat until brown and cooked through; drain on unglazed paper. Salt just before serving. Sweet potatoes may be prepared in same way.

Potato Cakes

Pare and boil 1 quart potatoes; mash and season with salt, pepper and paprika; add 1 tablespoon melted b.u.t.ter; mix lightly. Take a spoonful into floured hands and roll. Dip in egg beaten with 1 tablespoon cold milk, then in flour. Fry in deep or shallow hot fat.

Brussels Sprouts

Wash and cover with cold water for an hour. Drain; put over fire in saucepan of boiling water; boil 20 to 25 minutes without a cover. Drain and cover with cream sauce; or serve with salt, pepper and melted b.u.t.ter.

Boiled Corn

Husk corn, removing all silk. Put corn into fresh boiling water to cover; and boil rapidly for 5 minutes. Remove from water and place on platter on which a napkin has been spread, covering corn with ends of napkin. Serve immediately.

Lima Beans

Sh.e.l.l beans just before using. Rinse in cold water. Put into saucepan; cover with boiling water and boil until tender. Drain and add seasoning and melted b.u.t.ter.


Peel turnip-shaped globe; cut into small pieces; boil until tender, 30 to 35 minutes. Add one teaspoon salt to each quart water. Serve plain with melted b.u.t.ter and pepper, or with cream sauce.

The leaves may be stemmed and cooked as greens, boiling 40 minutes.

Candied Sweet Potatoes

Boil in salted water 1 quart sweet potatoes until tender; drain and off skins; cut into slices and lay in shallow greased baking dish; brush with melted drippings or b.u.t.ter; sprinkle with 1/2 cup brown sugar; add 2 tablespoons b.u.t.ter. Bake in hot oven until well browned.

Baked Tomatoes

6 tomatoes 2 cups soft bread crumbs 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon b.u.t.ter

Wash tomatoes and cut off stem ends; remove pulp from center and fill with bread crumbs seasoned with salt and pepper; sprinkle with bread crumbs, and place small piece of b.u.t.ter on each. Bake in hot oven 30 minutes. The pulp may be seasoned to taste, cooked in the pan and served as a sauce.

Browned Parsnips

1 quart parsnips 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons b.u.t.ter or bacon drippings 1/8 teaspoon pepper

Wash, pare and cut parsnips into 1/2 inch slices. Cover with boiling water and boil until tender, 25 to 30 minutes; drain. Brown on greased griddle or frying pan. Season with salt and pepper.

Oyster Plant

Wash and cover with boiling water. Cook 40 to 60 minutes or until soft.

Peel, cut in pieces and serve with Cream Sauce.

Stuffed Potatoes

Bake 4 large potatoes. Cut in half lengthwise and, without breaking-skins, scoop out insides and mash; add 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon melted b.u.t.ter and mix with fork. Return to, put a few drops milk on top; rough with fork; sprinkle with paprika. Place in oven until brown.

Salads and Salad Dressings

All salad greens, such as lettuce, chicory, endive, romaine, or watercress, should be fresh, crisp, dry and cold. Wash leaves carefully and put on ice in lettuce dryer or in cloth.

Dressings wilt the leaves; they should be added just before serving.

Salads may be made in infinite variety. Lettuce plain or combined with vegetables, cold meat, fish, or fruits may be used with French or Mayonnaise Dressing.

French Dressing

Put 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper or few grains cayenne pepper into bowl; add 3 tablespoons oil, beating constantly. Serve very cold.

Mayonnaise I

1 egg yolk 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/16 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 cup salad oil 2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice

Utensils and ingredients should be very cold. Put egg yolk into shallow bowl; add seasoning, mix well; add oil slowly, almost drop by drop, beating until thick. Thin with vinegar; continue adding oil and vinegar until all is used.

Mayonnaise II

1 egg juice of 1 lemon or 4 tablespoons vinegar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups olive oil

Put egg with vinegar or lemon juice and seasoning into bowl, beating with rotary egg beater. Add oil a tablespoonful or more at a time, beating constantly. Well covered, this mayonnaise will keep for three or four weeks.

Boiled Salad Dressing

1/2 tablespoon salt 1-1/2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon mustard 1/2 tablespoon flour few grains cayenne 1/2 cup vinegar 2 eggs 3/4 cup milk 1 tablespoon b.u.t.ter or other shortening

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