New Royal Cook Book

Chapter 20

Add eggs, parsley and lemon juice to white sauce after removing from fire.

Brown Sauce or Gravy

1 tablespoon b.u.t.ter or fat in which meat was cooked 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup beef stock or boiling water salt and pepper

Brown b.u.t.ter in saucepan; add flour and brown; add liquid and stir until smooth and thick. Season to taste and simmer 5 minutes.

Currant Jelly Sauce

1/2 gla.s.s currant jelly 1 cup hot brown sauce

Melt jelly over slow fire. Add sauce; stir well and simmer one minute.

Hollandaise Sauce

1/2 cup b.u.t.ter 2 beaten egg yolks 1 tablespoon lemon juice salt cayenne 1/2 cup boiling water

Cream b.u.t.ter; add gradually, stirring well, egg yolks, lemon juice, salt and cayenne; add boiling water slowly. Stir over boiling water till thick as boiled custard. Serve immediately.

Sauce Tartare

Make 1 cup mayonnaise, page 41. Chop very fine 1 tablespoon each of capers, olives, pickles and parsley. Press in a cloth till quite dry.

Blend gradually with the mayonnaise.

Maitre D"Hotel b.u.t.ter

2 tablespoons b.u.t.ter 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon white pepper 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

Cream b.u.t.ter; add gradually lemon juice, seasoning and parsley. Keep cold until served.

Mint Sauce

1/4 cup chopped mint leaves 1/2 cup vinegar 1/4 cup water 1/4 cup brown or granulated sugar

Cook all ingredients in saucepan over very slow fire for about one-half hour. Do not allow to boil. Serve hot.

Horse-Radish Sauce

2 tablespoons b.u.t.ter 2 tablespoons grated fresh horse-radish 1 tablespoon very thick cream 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Cream b.u.t.ter; add horse-radish, cream and lemon juice. Keep very cold.

Cranberry Sauce

1 quart cranberries 2 cups sugar 1 cup water

Put all together into saucepan. Cover until it boils. Remove cover and cook about 10 minutes or until berries have all burst. Pour into mold, chill and serve.

For Cranberry Jelly strain and put into mold and chill.


Boiled Eggs

Drop into boiling water and boil 3 to 3-1/2 minutes for soft boiled, 12 to 20 minutes for hard boiled; or place eggs in boiling water, cover, and cook over moderate heat without boiling from 8 to 10 minutes for soft, 20 to 40 minutes for hard cooked.

Poached Eggs

Break eggs and drop carefully one at a time into boiling water in shallow greased frying pan. Cook slowly until eggs are set. Remove each with skimmer and serve on toast garnished with parsley.

Poached Eggs in Cream

Put half cup of cream sauce into shallow baking dish. Open eggs carefully and place on sauce. Cook over boiling water from 10 to 15 minutes or until eggs are set or as firm as desired. Cover with half cup of cream sauce, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dust with paprika and serve.

Scrambled Eggs

Break eggs into bowl, season with salt and pepper and pour into hot frying pan in which b.u.t.ter has been melted. Cook over slow fire and as eggs thicken stir until cooked. If desired eggs may be beaten with milk, cream or water and cooked in same way.

Scalloped Eggs with Ham

4 hard-cooked eggs 2 cups cold boiled ham chopped fine 1 cup cream sauce 2 cups bread crumbs 2 tablespoons milk

Cut eggs into slices; cover bottom of greased baking dish with one-third of bread crumbs; then add in layers eggs, ham, cream sauce, crumbs, being sure to save bread crumbs to cover top. Add milk and bake in moderate oven 20 minutes.

Plain Omelet

Beat 3 eggs with 3 tablespoons milk; add 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper, and mix. Melt 1 teaspoon fat in hot frying pan; pour in eggs; lift edges of omelet, allowing thin portions to run underneath, shaking pan until egg is set; when brown underneath, fold over and serve on hot platter.

Puffy Omelet

4 eggs 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/3 teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 1 tablespoon corn starch 1/2 cup milk or half milk and half water

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