JUDIC: ju"dicature, _profession of a judge_; judi"cious, _according to sound judgment_; prej"udice, n., _judgment formed beforehand_; prejudi"cial; judge (Fr. n. _juge_ = Lat. _ju"dex_); judg"ment; prejudge".
106. LE"GERE: le"go, lec"tum, _to gather, to read_.
LEG: le"gend (originally, stories of saints to be read--_legen"da_--in church); leg"endary; leg"ible; le"gion (originally, a body of troops _gathered_ or levied--_le"gio_); el"egance; el"egant; sac"rilege (originally, the gathering or stealing of something sacred--_sa"crum_).
LIG: dil"igent (originally, esteeming highly; hence, a.s.siduous): el"igible; intel"ligible; intel"ligence; intel"ligent; neg"ligent (literally, not--_neg_ = _nec_ = not--picking up).
LECT: lect"ure (-er); collect" (-ion, -ive, -or); recollect" (-ion); eclec"tic (Greek _ec_ = _ex_); elect" (-ion, -or, -oral); in"tellect; neglect"; predilec"tion, _a liking for_; select" (-ion); les"son (Fr. n.
_lecon_ = Lat. _lec"tio_, a reading).
107. LEVA"RE: le"vo, leva"tum, _to raise_; Le"vis, _easily raised, light_; _French_ Lever, _to rise or raise_.
LEV: lev"ity; levita"tion; alle"viate (-ion); el"evate (-ion); rel"evant, literally, _raising up_: hence, _pertinent, applicable_; rel"evancy; irrel"evant.
LEVER: leav"en (Fr. _levain_, yeast); Levant", literally, _the place of the rising sun--the countries near the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea_; lev"ee; le"ver (-age); lev"y.
LEX. (See page 43.)
108. LI"BER, _free_.
LIBER: -al, -ality, -alize, -ate, -ator, -ty.
Deliv"er (Fr. v. _delivrer_ = Lat. _delibera"re_, to set free); deliv"erance; deliv"ery.
LITERA. (See page 43.)
109. LO"CUS: _a place_.
LOC: -al, -ality, -alize, -ate; locomo"tive (Lat. v. _move"re_, to move); al"locate; col"locate (-ion); dis"locate (-ion).
110. LO"QUI: lo"quor, locu"tus, _to speak_.
LOQU: loqua"cious; loqua"city; col"loquy; collo"quial; el"oquent; magnil"oquent (Lat. adj. _mag"nus_, big, pompous); ob"loquy; solil"oquy (Lat. adj. _so"lus_, alone); ventril"oquist (Lat. n. _ven"ter_, the stomach).
LOCUT: circ.u.mlocu"tion; elocu"tion; interloc"utor.
111. LU"DERE: lu"do, lu"sum, _to play or deceive_.
LUD: lu"dicrous (Lat. adj. _lu"dicrus_, sportive, laughable); allude", literally, _to play at, to refer to indirectly_; delude"; elude"; prelude".
LUS: allu"sion; collu"sion; delu"sion; delu"sive; illu"sion; prelu"sive; prelu"sory.
112. LUX, lu"cis, _light_; Lu"men, lu"minis, _light_.
LUC: Lu"cifer (Lat. v. _fer"re_, to bear); lu"cid; elu"cidate; translu"cent.
LUMIN: lu"minary; lu"minous; illu"minate; illu"mine.
113. MAG"NUS, _great_; Ma"jor, _greater_; Magis"ter, _master_.
MAGN: magnanim"ity (Lat. n. _an"imus_, soul); mag"nate, _a man of rank_; mag"nify (-er); magnif"icent (Lat. v. _fac"ere_, to make), _showing grandeur_; mag"nitude.
MAJ: maj"esty (-ic); ma"jor (-ity); may"or; may"oralty.
MAGISTER: mag"istrate; mag"istracy; magiste"rial; mas"ter (Old Fr.
_maistre_ = Lat. _magis"ter); _mis"tress (Old Fr. _maistresse_ = Lat _magis"tra_, fem. of _magis"ter_).
114. MA"NUS, _the hand_; _French_ Main, _the hand_.
MAN: man"acle (Lat. n. _man"ica_, a fetter); manip"ulate, _to work with the hand_ (-ion, -or); man"ual; manufact"ure (Lat. v. _fac"ere_, to make); manufac"tory; manumit" (Lat. v. _mit"tere_, to send); man"uscript (Lat. v.
_scrib"ere, scrip"tum_, to write); amanuen"sis (= _ab_ + _ma"nus), one who does handwriting for another_; eman"c.i.p.ate (Lat. v. _cap"ere_, to take); quadru"manous (Lat. _quatuor_, four).
MAIN: man"ner (Fr. n. _maniere_, originally, the mode in which a thing is _handled_); maneu"ver (Fr. n. _manuvre_, literally, hand work; Fr. n.
_uvre = o"pus_, work); manure", _v_. (contracted from Fr. _manuvrer_, to cultivate by manual labor).
115. MA"RE, _the sea_.
Marine" (Lat. adj. _mari"nus_, pertaining to the sea); mar"iner; mar"itime (Lat. adj. _mariti"mus_ = _mari"nus_); submarine"; transmarine"; ultramarine"; mermaid (Fr. n. _mer_ = Lat. _ma"re_).
116. ME"DIUS, _the middle_.
Mediae"val (Lat. n. _ae"vum_, age), _relating to the Middle Ages_; me"diate (-ion, -or); me"diocre (Lat. adj. _medio"cris_, middling; hence inferior); medioc"rity; Mediterra"nean (Lat. n. _ter"ra_, land); me"dium (Lat. n.
_me"dium_, the middle); imme"diate (prefix _in_ = not), _with nothing intervening_; interme"diate.
117. MENINIS"SE: mem"ini, _to remember_; Me"mor, _mindful_; MEMORA"RE mem"oro, memora"tum, _to remember, to mention_.
MEMINISSE: memen"to (imper. mood; literally, _remember thou), a reminder, a memorial_.
MEMOR: mem"orable; memoran"dum (Lat. _memoran"dus_, p. part. of _memora"re_; literally, something to be remembered); commem"orate (-ion, -ive); mem"ory (Lat. n. _memo"ria_); memo"rial (-ize); immemo"rial.
Mem"oir (Fr. n. _memoire_ = Lat. _memoran"dum_); men"tion (Fr. n. _mention_ = Lat. _men"tio_, a speaking of); remem"ber (Old Fr. v. _remembrer = Lat.
remem"orare_); remem"brance; remem"brancer; reminis"cence (Fr. n.
_reminiscence_, from Lat. v. _reminis"ci_, to recall to mind).
118. MENS, men"tis, _the mind_.