New Word-Analysis

Chapter 42

SCOPE, _s.p.a.ce, aim, intention_.

BISH"OP (Gr. n. _epis"kopos_, overseer), _a clergyman who has charge of a diocese_.

EPIS"COPACY, _church government by bishops_.

EPIS"COPAL, _relating to episcopacy_.

KALEI"DOSCOPE (Gr. adj. _kal"os_, beautiful), _an optical instrument in which we see an endless variety of beautiful patterns by simple change of position_.

MI"CROSCOPE (Gr. adj. _mik"ros_, small), _an instrument for examining small objects_.

MICROS"COPIST, _one skilled in the use of the microscope_.

STETH"OSCOPE (Gr. n. _steth"os_, the breast), _an instrument for examining the state of the chest by sound_.

TEL"ESCOPE (Gr. _te"le_, afar off), _an instrument for viewing objects far off_.

31. TAK"TOS (ta?t??), _arranged_; TAX"IS (ta???), _arrangement_.

TAC"TICS, _the evolution, maneuvers, etc., of military and naval forces_; _the science or art which relates to these_.

TACTI"CIAN, _one skilled in tactics_.

SYN"TAX, _the arrangement of words into sentences_.

SYNTAC"TICAL, _relating to syntax_.

TAX"IDERMY (Gr. n. _der"ma_, skin), _the art of preparing and arranging the skins of animals in their natural appearance_.

TAX"IDERMIST, _one skilled in taxidermy_.

32. TECH"NE (te???), _art_.

TECH"NICAL, _relating to an art or profession_.

TECHNICAL"ITY, _a technical expression_; _that which is technical_.

TECHNOL"OGY, _a treatise on or description of the arts_.

TECHNOL"OGIST, _one skilled in technology_.

POLYTECH"NIC (Gr. adj. _pol"us_, many), _comprising many arts_.

PYR"OTECHNY (Gr. n. _pur_, fire), _the art of making fireworks_.

33. THE"OS (?e??), _G.o.d_.

THE"ISM, _belief in the existence of a G.o.d_.

THEO"CRACY. (See _kratos_.)

THEO"LOGY. (See _logos_.)

APOTHEO"SIS, _glorification, deification_.

A"THEISM, _disbelief in the existence of G.o.d_.

A"THEIST, _one who does not believe in the existence of G.o.d_.

ENTHU"SIASM, _heat of imagination_; _ardent zeal_.

PAN"THEISM. (See _pan_.)

POL"YTHEISM (Gr. adj. _polus_, many), _the doctrine of a plurality of G.o.ds_.

34. t.i.tH"ENI (t??e?a?), _to place, to set_.

THEME, _a subject set forth for discussion_.

THE"SIS, _a proposition set forth for discussion_.

ANATH"EMA, _an ecclesiastical curse_.

ANt.i.tHESIS, _opposition or contrast in words or deeds_.

HYPOTH"ESIS, _a supposition_.

PAREN"THESIS, _something inserted in a sentence which is complete without it_.

SYN"THESIS, _a putting together, as opposed to a.n.a.lysis_.

35. TON"OS (t????), _tension, tone_.

TONE, _tension, vigor, sound_.

TON"IC, adj. _increasing tension or vigor_; n. _a medicine which increases strength_.

TUNE, _a series of musical notes on a particular key_.

ATTUNE", _to make musical_; _to make one sound agree with another_.

BAR"YTONE (Gr. adj. _ba"rus_, heavy), _a male voice_.

DIATON"IC, _proceeding by tones and semitones_.

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