New Word-Analysis

Chapter 34

Av"enue (Fr. n. _avenue_, an approach to); contravene"; convene"; conven"ient (Lat. pres. part, _conve"niens, convenien"tis_, literally, coming together), _suitable_; conven"ience; cov"enant _an agreement between two parties_; intervene"; rev"enue; supervene", _to come upon, to happen_.

212. VER"b.u.m, _a word_.

VERB: verb (-al, -ally, -ose, -osity); ad"verb; prov"erb.

Verba"tim (Lat. adv. _verba"tim_, word for word); ver"biage (Fr. n.

_verbiage_, wordiness).

213. VER"TERE: ver"to, ver"sum, _to turn_.

VERT: advert"; inadver"tent (literally, not turning the mind to), _heedless_; ad"vertise, _to turn public attention to_; adver"tis.e.m.e.nt; animadvert" (Lat. n. _an"imus_, the mind), _to turn the mind to, to censure_; avert"; controvert", _to oppose_; convert", _to change into another form or state_; divert"; invert", literally, _to turn the outside in_; pervert", _to turn from the true purpose_; retrovert"; revert"; subvert".

VERS: adverse" (-ary, -ity); animadver"sion; anniver"sary, _the yearly_ (Lat. n. _an"nus_, a year) _celebration of an event_; averse", _having a dislike to_; aver"sion; con"troversy; converse" (-ant, -ation); conver"sion; diverse" (-ify, -ion, -ity); ob"verse; perverse" (-ity); retrover"sion; reverse" (-al, -ion); subver"sion; subversive; tergiversa"tion (Lat. n. _ter"gum_, the back), _a subterfuge_; transverse", _lying or being across_; u"niverse (Lat. adj. _u"nus_, one), _the system of created things_; univer"sal (-ist); univer"sity, _a universal school in which are taught all branches of learning_.

Verse (Lat. n. _ver"sus_, a furrow), _a line in poetry_; ver"sify; versifica"tion; ver"sion, _that which is turned from one language into another, a statement_; ver"satile (Lat. adj. _versat"ilis_, turning with ease); vertex (pl. ver"tices), _the summit_; vertical; vertebra (pl.

ver"tebrae); ver"tebrate; ver"tigo; vor"tex (Lat. n. _vor"tex_, a whirlpool); divorce" (Fr. n. _divorce_), _a separation_.

214. VE"RUS, _true_; Ve"rax, vera"cis, _veracious_.

VER: ver"dict (Lat. n. _dic"tum_, a saying), _the decision of a jury_; ver"ify, _to prove to be true; _verifica"tion; ver"ity (Lat. n. _ver"itas_, truth); ver"itable; verisim"ilar, _truth-like_; verisimil"itude; aver", _to declare truer_; aver"ment; ver"ily; ver"y.

VERAC: v"era"cious; verac"ity.

215. VI"A, _a way_.

VIA: vi"aduct (Lat. v. _du"cere, duc"tum_, to lead); viat"ic.u.m (Lat. n.

_viat"ic.u.m_, literally, traveling money), _the sacrament administered to a dying person_; de"viate (-ion); de"vious; ob"viate, _to meet in the way, to remove_; ob"vious; per"vious, _affording a pa.s.sage through_; imper"vious.

Voy"age (Fr. n. _voyage_); convoy", _to escort_; en"voy (Fr. v. _envoyer_, to send), _one sent on a special mission_; triv"ial (Lat. n. _triv"ium_, a cross road), _trifling_; trivial"ity.

216. VIDE"RE: vi"deo, vi"sum, _to see_.

VID: ev"ident, _clearly seen; _ev"idence; invid"ious, literally, _looking against_: hence, _likely to provoke envy_; provide", _to look out for, to supply_; prov"idence; prov"ident.

VIS: vis"ible; vis"ion (-ary); advise"; advis"able, _expedient_; im"provise, _to compose and recite without premeditation_; provis"ion; revise" (-al, -ion); supervis"ion; supervis"or.

View (Fr. v. _voir_, to see, _vu_, seen); review"; in"terview; vis"age (Fr.

n. _visage_, the countenance); vis"it (-ant, -or, -ation); vis"or, _part of a helmet perforated to see through; _vis"ta (It. n. _vista_, sight), _a prospect as seen through an avenue of trees _; advice"; en"vy (Fr. n.

_envie_ = Lat. _invid"ia_, from _invide"re_, to see against); in"voice (It.

n. _avviso_, notice), _a priced list of goods_; peruse" (Lat. v.

_pervide"re, pervi"sum_, to look through); provi"so, _a stipulation_; pru"dent (Lat. adj. _pru"dens _from _prov"idens_); pru"dence; purvey", _to look out for in the way of buying provisions_; purvey"or; survey" (-or).

217. VIN"CERE: vin"co, vic"tum, _to conquer_.

VINC: vin"cible; invin"cible; convince"; evince", _to show clearly_

VICT: vic"tor; vic"tory (-ous); convict", _to prove guilty of crime_; evict", _to dispossess_; evic"tion.

Vanquish (Fr. v. _vaincre, vaincu_ = Lat. _vin"cere_); prov"ince (Fr. n.

_province_ = Lat. _provin"cia_, literally, a conquered country).

218. VOCA"RE: vo"co, voca"tum, _to call_; Vox, vo"cis, _the voice_.

VOCAT: voca"tion, literally, _calling, occupation_; voc"ative, _the case of a noun in which the subject is called, or addressed_; ad"vocate _to plead for_; convoca"tion, _an a.s.sembly, a meeting_; equivocate (Lat. adj.

_e"quus_, equal), _to use words of doubtful meaning_; equivoca"tion; evoca"tion, _act of calling forth_; invoca"tion; provoca"tion; provo"cative; revoca"tion.

VOC: vo"cable (Lat. n. _vocab"ulum_, that which is sounded with the voice), _a word_; vocab"ulary; vo"cal (-ist, -ize); vociferate, _to cry with a loud voice_; ad"vocacy, _a pleading for, a defense_; irrev"ocable.

Voice (Fr. n. _voix_ = Lat. _vox), sound uttered by the mouth_; vouch, _to call out, or affirm strongly_; vow"el (Fr. n. _vouelle_, a voice-sound); advow"son, _right of perpetual calling to a benefice_; convoke", _to call together_; evoke"; invoke"; revoke".

219. VOL"VERE: vol"vo, volu"tum, _to roll_.

VOLV: circ.u.mvolve"; convolve", _to roll together_; devolve"; evolve"; involve"; revolve" (-ion, -ionist).

VOLUT: circ.u.mvolu"tion; evolu"tion; revolution (-ary, -ist, -ize).

Vol"ume (Lat. n. _volu"men_, a roll, or inscribed parchment sheet rolled up), _a single book_; volute", _a kind of rolled or spiral scroll_; vol"uble, literally, _rolling easily_: hence, _having great fluency of speech_; convol"vulus, _a genus of twining plants_; revolt".

220. VUL"GUS, _the common people_.

VULG: vul"gar; vul"garism; vulgar"ity; vul"gate, _a Latin version of the Scriptures_.

Divulge", _to make known something before kept secret_; divulge"ment; promulgate (-ion).




a- = _without_; a-pathy state of being _without_ an- _not_ an-omalous feeling.

_not_ similar.

amphi- = _around_; amphi-theater place for seeing all _both_ amphi-bious _around_.

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