New Word-Analysis

Chapter 36

AEROSTA"TION, _aerial navigation_.

AIR, _the atmosphere; a melody; the bearing of a person_.

AIR"Y, _open to the air; gay, sprightly_.

2. AG"EIN (a?e??), _to lead_.

APAGO"GE, _a leading away; an indirect argument_

DEM"AGOGUE (Gr. n. _de"mos_, the people), _a misleader of the people_.

PARAGO"GE (literally, a leading or extension beyond), _the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word_.

PED"AGOGUE (Gr. n. _pais_, a child), _a schoolmaster; a pedantic person_..

SYN"AGOGUE, _a Jewish place of worship_.

3. A"GON (a???), a contest.

AG"ONY, _extreme pain_.

AG"ONIZE, _to be in agony_.

ANTAG"ONISM, _direct opposition_.

ANTAG"ONIST, _or_ ANTAGONIS"TIC, _contending against_.

4. ANG"ELLEIN (a??e??e??), _to bring tidings_; ANG"ELLOS (a??e????), _a messenger_.

AN"GEL, _a spiritual messenger_.

ANGEL"IC, _relating to an angel_.

ARCHAN"GEL (Gr. prefix _archi-_, chief), _an angel of the highest order_.

EVAN"GEL (Gr. prefix _eu_, well), _good tidings; the gospel_.

EVAN"GELIST, _one of the writers of the four gospels_.

5. AR"CHE (a???), _beginning, government, chief_.

AN"ARCHY, _want of government_.

AR"CHITECT (Gr. n. _tek"ton_, workman), literally, _a chief builder, one who devises plans for buildings_.

AR"CHIVES, _records_.

HEP"TARCHY (Gr. _hepta_, seven), _a sevenfold government_.

HI"ERARCHY (Gr. adj. _hi"eros_, sacred), _dominion in sacred things; a sacred body of rulers_.

MON"ARCH (Gr. adj. _mon"os_, alone), _one who rules alone, a sovereign_.

MON"ARCHY, _government by one person, a kingdom_.

OLIGARCHY (Gr. adj. _ol"igos_, few), _government by a few, an aristocracy_.

PA"TRIARCH (Gr. n. _pat"er_, a father), _the father and ruler of a family_.

PATRIAR"CHAL, _relating to patriarchs_.

6. AS"TRON (ast???), _a star_.

AS"TERISK, _a mark like a star (*) used to refer to a note, and sometimes to mark an omission of words_.

AS"TEROID (Gr. adj. _ei"dos_, like), _one of the numerous small planets between Mars and Jupiter_.

AS"TRAL, _belonging to the stars_.

ASTROL"OGY, _the pretended science of foretelling events by the stars_.

ASTRON"OMY (Gr. n. _nom"os_, a law), _the science that treats of the stars_.

ASTRON"OMER, _one skilled in astronomy_.

DISAS"TER, _calamity, misfortune_.

DISAS"TROUS, _unlucky; calamitous_.

7. AU"TOS (a?t??), _one"s self_.

AUTOBIOG"RAPHY (Gr. n. _bi"os_, life, _graph"ein_, to write), _the life of a person written by himself_.

AU"TOCRAT (Gr. n. _krat"os_, power), _an absolute ruler_.

AUTOCRAT"IC, _like an autocrat_.

AU"TOGRAPH, _one"s own handwriting_.

AUTOM"ATON (Gr. _mema"otes_, striving after), _a self-acting machine_.

AUTHEN"TIC, _genuine, true_.

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