EP"ILOGUE, _a short poem or speech at the end of a play_.
ETYMOL"OGY (Gr. _et"umon_, true source), _a part of grammar; the science of the derivation of words_.
EU"LOGY, _praise, commendation_.
GENEAL"OGY (Gr. n. _gen"os_, birth), _history of the descent of families_.
GEOL"OGY (Gr. n. _ge_, the earth), _the science which treats of the internal structure of the earth_.
MINERAL"OGY, _the science of minerals_.
MYTHOL"OGY (Gr. n. _mu"thos_, a fable), _a system or science of fables_.
ORNITHOL"OGY (Gr. n. _or"nis, or"nithos_, a bird), _the natural history of birds_.
PATHOL"OGY (Gr. n. _path"os_, suffering), _that part of medicine which treats of the causes and nature of diseases_.
PHILOL"OGY (Gr. _phil"os_, loving, fond of), _the science which treats of languages_.
PHRENOL"OGY (Gr. n. _phren_, the mind), _the art of reading the mind from the form of the skull_.
PHYSIOL"OGY (Gr. n. _phu"sis_, nature), _the science which treats of the organism of plants and animals_.
PRO"LOGUE, _verses recited as introductory to a play_.
PSYCHOL"OGY (Gr. n. _psu"che_, the soul), _mental philosophy; doctrine of man"s spiritual nature_.
SYL"LOGISM, _a form of reasoning consisting of three propositions_.
TAUTOL"OGY (Gr. _tau"to_, the same), _a repet.i.tion of the same idea in different words_.
TECHNOL"OGY (Gr. n. _tech"ne_, art), _a description of the arts_.
THEOL"OGY. See _theos_.
TOXICOL"OGY (Gr. n. _tox"icon_, poison) _the science which treats of poisons and their effects_.
ZOOL"OGY (Gr. n. _zo"on_, an animal), _that part of natural history which treats of animals_.
17. MET"RON (et???) _a measure_.
ME"TER, _arrangement of poetical feet; a measure of length_.
MET"RIC, _denoting measurement_.
MET"RICAL, _pertaining to meter_.
ANEMOM"ETER (Gr. n. _an"emos_, the wind), _an instrument measuring the force and velocity of the wind_.
BAROM"ETER (Gr. n. _ba"ros_, weight), _an instrument that indicates changes in the weather_.
DIAM"ETER, _measure through anything_.
GEOM"ETRY (Gr. n. _ge_, the earth), _a branch of mathematics_.
HEXAM"ETER (Gr. _hex_, six), _a line of six poetic feet_.
HYDROM"ETER (Gr. n. _hu"dor_, water), _an instrument for determining the specific gravities of liquids_.
HYGROM"ETER (Gr. adj. _hu"gros_, wet), _an instrument for measuring the degree of moisture of the atmosphere_.
PENTAM"ETER (Gr. _pen"te_, five), _a line of five poetic feet_.
PERIM"ETER, _the external boundary of a body or figure_.
SYM"METRY, _the proportion or harmony of parts_.
THERMOM"ETER (Gr. adj. _ther"mos_, warm), _an instrument for measuring the heat of bodies_.
TRIGONOM"ETRY (Gr. n. _trigo"non_, a triangle), _a branch of mathematics_.
18. MON"OS (????), _sole, alone_.
MON"ACHISM, _the condition of monks; a monastic life_.
MON"AD, _something ultimate and indivisible_.
MON"ASTERY, _a house of religious retirement_.
MONK (Gr. n. _mon"achos_), _a religious recluse_.
MONOG"AMY (Gr. n. _gam"os_, MARRIAGE), _the marriage of one wife only_.
MON"OLOGUE (Gr. n. _log"os_), _a speech uttered by a person alone_.
MONOMA"NIA (Gr. n. _ma"nia_, madness), _madness confined to one subject_.
MONOP"OLY (Gr. v. pol"ein, to sell), _the sole power of selling anything_.
MONOSYL"LABLE, _a word of one syllable_.
MON"OTHEISM (Gr. n. _the"os_, G.o.d), _the belief in the existence of only one G.o.d_.
MON"OTONE, _uniformity of tone_.
MONOT"ONY, _sameness of sound; want of variety_.