New Word-Analysis

Chapter 53

GAMBOGE", _a yellow resin used as a paint_: "Cambodia, where it is obtained.

GING"HAM, _cotton cloth, made of yarn dyed before woven_: "Guincamp," in France, where it was first made.

GUIN"EA, _an English gold coin of the value of twenty-one shillings_: "Guinea," whence the gold was obtained out of which it was first struck.

GYP"SY, _one of a wandering race_: old English "Gyptian," from "Egypt,"

whence the race was supposed to have originated.

HOL"LAND, _a kind of linen cloth_: "Holland," where first made.

HOL"LANDS, _a spirit flavored with juniper berries_: "Holland," where it is extensively produced..

IN"DIGO, _a blue dye_: "India".

JAL"AP, _a cathartic medicine_: "Jalapa," in Mexico, whence it was first imported in 1610.

JET, _a mineral used for ornament_: "Gagates," a river in Asia Minor, whence it was obtained.

LAN"DAU, LAN"DAULET, _a kind of carriage opening at the top_: "Landau," a town in Germany.

MADEI"RA, _a wine_: "Madeira," where produced.

MAGNE"SIA, _a primitive earth_: "Magnesia," in Thessaly.

MAG"NET, _the loadstone, or Magnesian stone_.

MALM"SEY, _a wine_: "Malvasia," in the Morea.

MAR"SALA, _a wine_: "Marsala," in Sicily.

MEAN"DER, _to flow in a winding course_: "Meander," a winding river in Asia Minor.

MIL"LINER, _one who makes ladies" bonnets, etc._: "Milan," in Italy.

MOROC"CO, _a fine kind of leather_: "Morocco," in Africa, where it was originally made.

NANKEEN", _a buff-colored cloth_: "Nankin," in China, where first made.

PHEAS"ANT, _a bird whose flesh is highly valued as food_: "Phasis," a river in Asia Minor, whence it was brought to Europe.

PIS"TOL, _a small hand gun_: "Pistoja," in Italy, where first made.

PORT, _a wine_: "Oporto," in Portugal, whence extensively shipped.

SARDINE", _a small Mediterranean fish, of the herring family_: "Sardinia"

around whose coasts the fish abounds.

SAUTERNE", _a wine_: "Sauterne," in France, where produced.

SHER"RY, _a wine_: "Xeres," in Spain, where it is largely manufactured.

SPAN"IEL, _a dog of remarkable sagacity_: "Hispaniola," now Hayti, where originally found.

TAR"IFF, _a list of duties or customs to be paid on goods imported or exported_: from an Arabic word, _tarif_, information.

TO"PAZ, _a precious stone_: "Topazos," an island in the Red Sea, where it is found.

TRIP"OLI, _a fine grained earth used in polishing stones_: "Tripoli," in Africa, where originally obtained.

TURQUOIS", _a bluish-green stone_: "Turkey," whence it was originally brought.

WORST"ED, _well-twisted yarn, spun of long-staple wool_: "Worsted," a village in Norfolk, England, where first made.



ANTARC"TIC: Gr. _anti_, opposite, and _arktos_, a bear. See _arctic_.

ARCHIPEL"AGO: Gr. _archi_, chief, and _pelagos_, sea, originally applied to the aegean Sea, which is studded with numerous islands.

ARC"TIC: Gr. _arktikos_, from _arktos_, a bear and a northern constellation so called.

ATLAN"TIC: Lat. _Atlanticus_, from "Atlas," a fabled t.i.tan who was condemned to bear heaven on his head and hands.

AX"IS: Lat. _axis_, an axletree.

BAR"BAROUS: Gr. _barbaros_, foreign.

BAY: Fr. _baie_, from Lat. _baia_, an inlet.

CAN"CER: Lat. _cancer_, a crab (the name of one of the signs of the zodiac).

CAPE: Fr. _cap_, from Lat. _caput_, head.

CAP"ITAL: Lat. _capitalis_, from _caput_, head.

CAP"RICORN: Lat. _caper_, goat, and _cornu_, horn (the name of one of the signs of the zodiac).

CAR"DINAL: adj Lat. _cardinalis_, from _cardo, cardinis_, a hinge.

CHAN"NEL: Lat. _ca.n.a.lis_, from _canna_, a reed or pipe.

CIR"CLE: Lat. _circus_, from Gr. _kirkos_, a ring.

CIRc.u.m"FERENCE: Lat. _circ.u.m_, around, and _ferre_, to bear.

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