Sept. 26--Fortress of Pelagosa dismantled by Anglo-French fleet; British cruiser Cornwall seizes Dutch steamer with coal consigned to Rio de Janeiro; French gunboat Surprise sinks two German ships and seizes Coco Beach, West Africa; British capture German ship Ossa and seize American ship Lorenzo and Norwegian ship Thor accused of coaling German cruiser.

Sept. 28--French warship sunk at Cattaro by forts.

Sept. 29--German cruiser Emden has sunk five British steamers in Gulf of Bengal and has destroyed all tank steamers at Madras; British warships bombard Tsing-tau forts.

Sept. 30--British cruiser c.u.mberland captures Hamburg-American liner Arnfried and nine merchant steamers; Italian ships sunk by Austrian mines.

Oct. 1--Account given out of bombardment of Windau by German squadron; fighting between German and j.a.panese warships in Kiao-Chau Harbor.

Oct. 2--British Admiralty plans to lay mines as counterstroke to German policy; German cruisers sh.e.l.l Papeete, capital of French Island of Tahiti; French gunboat sinks German auxiliary ships Rhios and Itolo; German cruiser Liepzig sinks Union oil tanker Elsinore.

Oct. 3--German cruiser Karlsruhe sinks seven British ships; British steamer Dawdon and Norwegian steamer Th.o.m.os sunk by mines; German steamer Mark bottled up in Philippine port; Italian boat sunk by Austrian mine; j.a.panese cruiser blown up by mine in Laoshan Bay.

Oct. 4--Anglo-French fleet bombards Cattaro and destroys l.u.s.tica; Dutch steamer Nieuwland sunk by mine in North Sea; Rear Admiral Troubridge recalled from Mediterranean to London to explain escape of German cruisers Goeben and Breslau.

Oct. 5--j.a.panese capture Jaluit Island; British grain ship sunk by mine near Dover; j.a.panese .h.i.t German gunboat Iltis in Tsing-tau Harbor.

Oct. 6--French lay mines in Adriatic to offset similar action by Austrians.

Oct. 7--British submarine sinks German destroyer off mouth of River Ems; six Austrian torpedo craft reported sunk by mines in the Adriatic; British trawler blown up in the North Sea.

Oct. 9--It is announced that thirty-two German merchant ships were destroyed at Antwerp.

Oct. 10--j.a.panese warships silence Iltis forts.

Oct. 11--French fleet sinks two Austrian torpedo boats.

Oct. 12--German submarine sinks Russian cruiser Pallada.

Oct. 13--Russians claim that Germans lost two submarines in attack on Pallada.

Oct. 14--Report denied by Germans.

Oct. 15--British cruiser Yarmouth sinks German liner Markomannia.


Aug. 2--Report that French aviators have dropped bombs on Nurnberg; German troops shoot down French aeroplanes near Wesel; report that Garros, French aviator, wrecked German airship at Longwy; French aeroplanes dispatched toward Nancy.

Aug. 3--German airships fly over Belgium.

Aug. 5--Duel between Belgian and German aviators; Austrians report destruction of Russian aeroplane.

Aug. 13--German aeroplane pursued by Belgians; German aviator throws bomb on Vesoul.

Aug. 15--Harmless bombs thrown by German aviators on Vesoul and Lure; French aviators throw bombs on Zeppelins in Metz; five men wounded in Namur by bombs thrown from German aeroplanes.

Aug. 18--Three Zeppelins wrecked by gunfire, one by fall; German monoplane drops bombs on Luneville; German aeroplane destroyed near Samno, Russia.

Aug. 19--German monoplane captured in Belgium.

Aug. 20--Pegoud"s airship destroyed in flight to drop bombs in Germany; Dutch capture German aeroplanes.

Aug. 23--French destroy Zeppelin.

Aug. 24--France believes five German Zeppelins are out of action.

Aug. 25--Zeppelin bombs fall in Antwerp.

Aug. 29--Russians bring down Zeppelin.

Aug. 30--German aeroplane drops bombs on Paris; French in Washington denies that aeroplanes bombarded Nurnberg.

Aug. 31--German aeroplane drops bombs on Paris.

Sept. 1--German aeroplane drops bombs on Paris.

Sept. 2--Fight between French and German aeroplanes; Zeppelin renews attack on Antwerp.

Sept. 3--German aeroplanes drop bombs on British transport on the Seine and on Belfort; German aeroplane over Paris destroyed, aviators killed.

Sept. 4--Three German aeroplanes wrecked by French.

Sept. 9--Russian and Austrian aviators killed in battle.

Sept. 12--German aviators killed in battle with French near Troyes.

Sept. 14--j.a.panese aeroplane drops bomb in Kiao-Chau.

Sept. 17--Berlin claims that no Zeppelins have been destroyed.

Sept. 18--Bomb dropped on Antwerp; j.a.panese aviator sets fire to ship in Kiao-Chau Bay.

Sept. 20--Vedrines kills German aviator; French aviator Chevilliard captured by Germans.

Sept. 21--j.a.panese aeroplanes wreck two forts at Tsing-tau.

Sept. 23--British drop bombs on Zeppelin shed at Dusseldorf; London fears Zeppelin attacks and reduces lights to minimum.

Sept. 24--Zeppelin drops three bombs in Belgium; French capture five Taube machines from Germans; destruction of Zeppelin by Russians near Sieradz.

Sept. 25--Duel between Belgian and German aviators over Brussels; Zeppelin drops bombs in Ostend; London prepares to repel attacks.

Sept. 26--Zeppelin raids Warsaw.

Sept. 27--Man killed and child crippled in Paris; three killed in Warsaw.

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