Oct. 28--Army ma.s.sed on the border because of fear of invasion.

Oct. 31--Ammunition is seized from interned French and Belgian soldiers.

Nov. 7--Soldiers protest to the German Minister at The Hague against alleged atrocities of German troops on the Belgian border.

Nov. 8--Scheldt River is being guarded; new intrenchments are being made; ca.n.a.ls are guarded.

Dec. 3--Rioting in Belgian concentration camps; troops kill six Belgians and wound nine.

Dec. 7--Government loans wheat to Belgium.


Oct. 28--Troops surprise German sentries in Belgium and destroy ammunition stores.

Nov. 1--Moslems support England against Turkey.

Nov. 3--The Nizam of Hyderabad issues manifesto proclaiming loyalty to Britain; Aga Khan says Germans coerced Turks.

Nov. 6--Army of Afghans sent to the frontier; border tribes reported in revolt.

Nov. 10--Letters found on wounded Germans show orders to make Indian troops a special target.

Nov. 18--German Emperor tells Crown Prince that Sheik-ul-Islam has issued proclamation of Moslem holy war; Indian troops are being used against Germans in East Africa.

Nov. 21--Detachment of motor ambulances is being formed for troops in fighting in Europe.

Dec. 6--Ruling Princes make large donations to expenses of the war.

Dec. 19--Gaekwar of Baroda buys Empress of India to serve as a hospital ship.


Oct. 16--Austrian Deputy crosses from Trient into Italy and urges people to join Allies.

Oct. 19--Fleet is mobilized, with Duke of the Abruzzi in command.

Oct. 22--Marconi says the country is ready for war.

Oct. 30--Amba.s.sador asked to care for Russian interests at Constantinople.

Nov. 2--Large part of the public wants war.

Nov. 10--Hotels discharge German employes.

Nov. 19--Many members of Parliament urge action for the Allies.

Nov. 20--Demonstration against Prof. Gra.s.si, a leader of the pro-German party.

Nov. 22--Government a.s.signs $9,200,000 for extraordinary military expenses in Cyrenaica.

Nov. 30--Cabinet meets to consider the nation"s international policy; Federation of the Italian Press denounces visit of journalists to Germany.

Dec. 3--Premier Salandro makes speech at opening of Parliament; nation will preserve armed neutrality; Belgium is cheered.

Dec. 4--Anti-German and anti-Austrian speeches made in Chamber of Deputies.

Dec. 5--Chamber of Deputies pa.s.ses vote of confidence in the Government.

Dec. 8--Reported in Rome that Prince von Buelow, new German Amba.s.sador to Italy, comes to offer Trient as price of Italy"s neutrality, and that Austria is willing to cede it.

Dec. 13--Artillerymen of older cla.s.ses called out.

Dec. 14--Meetings held in some cities in favor of intervention; pro-Germans mobbed in Rome.

Dec. 19--Unanimous manifestation in Senate in favor of peace; National Federation of Engineers offers services of 1,000 engineers for enlistment.

Dec. 20--Transportation company fined for trying to ship foodstuffs to Trieste.

Dec. 28--Government checks plot to export foodstuffs to Germany; two arrests.

Dec. 30--Foodstuff smuggling plot proves to be extensive; German Emba.s.sy stated to be involved.


Oct. 21--Winston Churchill praises the navy.

Nov. 18--Marshall and other German islands in the Pacific to be handed over to England until war ends.

Nov. 19--Baron Kato says sending of troops to Europe is a doubtful measure.

Dec. 3--It is reported that j.a.panese officers are serving with the Russian Army.

Dec. 8--Baron Kato tells Diet it has not been decided whether Kiao-Chau will be returned to China; he says fleet is looking for German ships in South American waters.

Dec. 9--Baron Kato"s statement causes a sensation in China.

Dec. 10--Military control over South Sea Islands to be divided with Australia.

Dec. 17--Ships sent to South Sea Islands for investigation of colonization possibilities; great welcome in Tokio to Lieut. Gen. Kamio and Vice Admiral Kato, conquerors of Tsing-tau.

Dec. 22--Gabriel Hanotaux opposes sending of j.a.panese troops to Europe.

Dec. 30--Foreign Office denies that troops have landed in Russia.

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