Sept. 13--Treasury Department will receive no further deposits; sailors on the Tennessee cheer British transport.

Sept. 23--Money from North Carolina reaches Constantinople.

Sept. 28--Americans leaving Brussels.

Sept. 29--Tennessee ordered to Adriatic.

Oct. 10--Consul Deedmeyer says he was forced to leave Chemnitz because of bad treatment from Germans.


July 24--Minister at Belgrade prepares to leave.

July 25--Diplomatic relations severed with Servia; martial law proclaimed; Servian Gen. Putnik seized.

July 26--Servian envoy dismissed; Emperor Francis Joseph takes decisive part in country"s action; war measures taken.

July 27--Army deserters sought in Cuba.

July 28--Emperor will take command at Vienna headquarters; food prices raised in Vienna.

July 29--Emperor sends letter to the Czar.

July 30--Government may declare war on Russia; newspaper correspondents expelled from Semlin; Emperor cheered in Vienna; men up to 50 years of age called to service; Count Salm-Hoogstraetem says Slavs in Austrian Army will be loyal.

July 31--Government a.s.sures Italy that there is no desire for more territory.

Aug. 1--Whole nation wants war; Government was pressed by Germany to discuss matters with Russia and to localize war.

Aug. 2--Cadets in military academies made Lieutenants; Countess Szechenyi places palace at disposal of army.

Aug. 5--United States represents France at Vienna and Austria at Paris; food prices fixed; Church permits marriages without publication of bans.

Aug. 6--Russian Amba.s.sador receives pa.s.sports.

Aug. 7--Pressure brought to bear on Italy to aid.

Aug. 8--Threat to declare war on Italy; full text published of ultimatum to Servia, of Servia"s reply, of circular note to powers, and of notes exchanged with Germany.

Aug. 10--Government acknowledges receipt of President Wilson"s offer of good offices.

Aug. 11--Army corps marches along Swiss border to relieve Germans in Alsace; Italy demands explanation of sh.e.l.ling of Antivari; United States will look after French interests.

Aug. 13--Troops mutiny on southern frontier; United States will look after interests in England; Prince Hohenlohe arrested in Canada.

Aug. 14--Currency question acute; insubordination of troops; Government tells Italy British declaration of war was based upon lies.

Aug. 16--Martial law, proclaimed on Italian border; Consul arrested in St. Petersburg.

Aug. 18--Army mobilization accompanied by disorder and mutiny.

Aug. 19--Ma.s.sacre at Prague after Czech uprising.

Aug. 25--Troops ma.s.sing on Italian frontier; Government will join war with j.a.pan; pa.s.sports handed to Amba.s.sador.

Aug. 27--Fortification of Vienna begun; children of murdered Archduke sent to Switzerland.

Aug. 29--Country reported seething with rebellion.

Aug. 30--Servians charge atrocities by retreating Austrians.

Sept. 3--Troops sent to reinforce German left wing.

Sept. 4--Mutiny of Czech soldiers in Vienna, many shot; Gen. Bobrinsky appointed Governor of Galicia.

Sept. 5--Reports that Italians in Istria and Goerz have been shot for treason without trial stirs Italy; England releases Austrian ships from her ports.

Sept. 6--Year"s provisions seized at Lemberg; England orders Consular officers out of Egypt.

Sept. 7--Vienna makes hasty preparations for defense; possibility of famine.

Sept. 8--Government appeals to Jews in Poland to fight against Russia.

Sept. 10--Panic in Cracow; Archduke Frederick admits loss of 120,000 men in Galicia.

Sept. 11--Berlin paper tells of agreement with Germany before war started not to make peace separately.

Sept. 14--Troops admit that there have been no Russian cruelties; Vienna official report claims victories.

Sept. 16--Guns taken by Russians bear initials of German Emperor.

Sept. 17--Report of preliminary steps for peace with Russia; all available men called to arms.

Sept. 18--Police forbid public to spread unfavorable war news.

Sept. 21--Field Marshal Vodinowski executed on charge of aiding Russians; Field Marshal Foreich commits suicide after being cashiered for defeat.

Sept. 23--Serbs captured at Shabats to be court-martialed for firing at troops.

Sept. 24--Italian frontier fortified.

Sept. 27--Cholera spreading among wounded soldiers.

Oct. 2--Emperor is urged to shift Government from Vienna.

Oct. 3--Alarm in Vienna over possibility of Russian invasion.

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