Nov. 26--Turkish advance checked in Armenia.

Nov. 28--Fierce fighting in the Caucasus; Enver Bey starts for Egypt.

Dec. 6--Turks occupy Keda.

Dec. 8--Turks defeated near Batum.

Dec. 9--Turks at Kurna surrender to Indian troops.

Dec. 10--British take 1,100 Turkish prisoners and nine guns.

Dec. 11--Sheik Kiazim, Chief of the Shiites, proclaims a holy war; Turks report occupation of Geda.

Dec. 15--Senussi tribesmen threaten Egypt.

Dec. 18--Turks reinforced in Asia Minor.

Dec. 20--Turks gain near Lake Urumiah.

Dec. 21--Russians win in Armenia--Turks lose equipment.

Dec. 22--Arabs menace Christians in Hodeida; French Consul is seized.

Dec. 23--Turkish Army leaves Damascus and marches toward Suez Ca.n.a.l.

Dec. 25--Russo-Turkish operations stopped by cold.

Jan. 1--Turks invade Russia but fail to envelop Russian forces.

Jan. 2--Turks penetrate into the Russian Caucasus and occupy Ardahan.

Jan. 4--Turks ravage Persian territory.

Jan. 5--Russians rout Turkish columns at Ardahan and Sari-Kamysh; Russians capture Izzet Pasha.

Jan. 7--Turks occupy Urumiah.


Oct. 16--British cruiser Hawke sunk by German submarine U-9; British tramp steamship Induna sunk by Germans; British steamer Guendolen fires on German ship on Lake; British and j.a.panese warships bombard fort near Tsing-tau.

Oct. 17--British squadron, led by the Undaunted, sinks four German torpedo-boat destroyers off Dutch coast; allied fleets bombard Cattaro.

Oct. 19--British battleship Triumph damaged at Tsing-tau; j.a.panese cruiser Takachiho sunk by German submarine S-90 in Kiao-Chau Bay; British fleet helps to repel German land attacks between Nieuport and Dixmude; Austrian submarine sunk in Adriatic by French cruiser.

Oct. 20--German warships sink British submarine E-3; British gunboats fight German submarines and coast batteries; j.a.panese fleet takes islands of Marianne group; two German ships sunk at Jaluit; British steamer Giltera sunk by German submarine off Norwegian coast.

Oct. 21--British monitors Severn and Mersey sh.e.l.l German right flank; Cattaro again bombarded by French fleet, attack of Austrian submarines being repulsed; German cruiser Emden sinks five British steamships and captures a sixth in Indian Ocean; British steamer Cormorant sunk.

Oct. 22--British torpedo boat damaged by German artillery fire off Nieuport; French ships aid British in bombardment near Ostend; British auxiliary cruiser Carmania damaged.

Oct. 23--Allies" squadrons seeking German cruisers Emden and Karlsruhe; Emden"s activity is having a bad effect on Indian shipping; French ships aid British in sh.e.l.ling Belgian coast towns.

Oct. 24--British destroyer Badger sinks German submarine; Ostend bombarded by French warships.

Oct. 25--j.a.panese sink German cruiser Aeolius off Honolulu.

Oct. 26--Vessel containing French and Belgian refugees sunk near Calais, probably by a mine, the pa.s.sengers being rescued by a British ship; Germans claim that the British ships have been driven back from the Belgian coast.

Oct. 27--Germans lay mines off Irish coast; British freighter Manchester Commerce sunk; Germany demands that China release shipwrecked sailors of submarine S-90, which was destroyed by the Germans when being pursued by j.a.panese.

Oct. 28--Emden sinks j.a.panese steamer; j.a.panese cruiser Chitose repulses attack by two German warships.

Oct. 29--Emden, flying the j.a.panese flag, enters Penang Harbor and sinks Russian cruiser Jemtchug and a French destroyer; Turkish warships sh.e.l.l Theodosia and sink two Russian steamers; British vessels slightly damaged off Belgian coast, with ten men killed; Swedish steamer Ornen and two British fishing boats sunk by mine in North Sea; British sink German steamer in the Adriatic.

Oct. 30--Russian and Turkish fleets in battle in the Black Sea; Turkish torpedo boats bombard Odessa, sinking Russian gunboat Donets, three Russian liners, and French steamer Portugal.

Oct. 31--j.a.panese and British warships attack Tsing-tau; German submarine sinks British cruiser Hermes in Strait of Dover; Turkish cruiser bombards Sevastopol; Russian fleet attacks Turkish fleet near Sevastopol.

Nov. 1--German squadron under Admiral von Spee defeats British squadron under Rear Admiral Cradock off Coronel, Chile; British flagship Good Hope and the cruiser Monmouth go down with all on board: Germans suffer but slightly; sh.e.l.ling of Allied fleets sets fire to Tsing-tau.

Nov. 2--Turkish (formerly German) cruiser Goeben damaged by fire from Russian forts; British ship scuttled in Black Sea; Turkish commander sinks his ship to prevent capture; Germans blockade coast of Asiatic Turkey with mines; Karlsruhe captures British steamers Vandyck, Hurtsdale, and Glanton.

Nov. 3--Anglo-French squadron bombards the Dardanelles forts; British cruiser Minerva bombards Akabah, Arabia, and sailors occupy the town; British submarine D-5 sunk by mine in North Sea.

Nov. 4--Austrian cruiser Kaiserin Elizabeth sunk by Germans to prevent seizure; Anglo-French fleet continues bombardment of Dardanelles forts; German warships seen off coast of England; German cruiser Yorck sunk by mine in Jade Bay.

Nov. 5--British tow German sailing ship into Queenstown, the Captain not having heard of the war; British mine sweeper Mary sunk in North Sea.

Nov. 6--British ships sh.e.l.l Belgian coast; Turks bombard Batum; British warship damaged while sh.e.l.ling Dardanelles forts.

Nov. 7--j.a.panese squadron searches for German squadron in the Pacific; Russians bombard Turkish Black Sea ports.

Nov. 8--Russians report sinking of four Turkish transports; Turks sink Greek steamer carrying British flag; two Dardanelles forts destroyed by bombardment.

Nov. 9--Emden escapes British warship, but loses her store ships; Russians bombard Bosporus ports; Swedish steamer Ate blown up by mine.

Nov. 10--Australian cruiser Sydney wrecks German cruiser Emden, which had destroyed more than $5,000,000 worth of British shipping; war risks drop in consequence; British Admiralty reports that the German cruiser Koenigsberg has been bottled up in the Rufiji River, German East Africa.

Nov. 11--British torpedo boat Niger sunk by German submarine; j.a.panese torpedo boat sunk by mine in Kiao-Chau Bay.

Nov. 12--Turkish torpedo boat captured by Allies; Turkish cruiser Goeben crippled by sh.e.l.l.

Nov. 14--News comes to America by mail of the sinking of the British super-dreadnought Audacious on Oct. 27 off the Irish coast; apparently done by a mine.

Nov. 15--Many mines picked up by Dutch coast guards; mine layer flying Norwegian flag and manned by German sailors captured at Belfast; British cruiser Edinburgh aids in capture of Turba, Arabia, by Indian troops.

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