Nov. 16--Mine cast up by sea kills seven in Holland.

Nov. 17--Swedish steamer Andrew sunk by mine in North Sea; German squadron bombards Libau; Russian Black Sea fleet attacks Trebizond; German cruiser Berlin interns at Trondhjem to escape enemy.

Nov. 19--British naval guns bombard Dixmude; French cruiser Waldeck Rousseau sinks Austrian submarine.

Nov. 20--Austrian steamer Metkovitch sunk by mine off Dalmatian coast.

Nov. 21--The Goeben badly damaged in Black Sea.

Nov. 22--Turkish warships sh.e.l.l Taupse, but are repulsed by Russian land batteries.

Nov. 23--British warship Patrol rams German submarine U-18 and captures crew off coast of Scotland; German destroyer S-124 wrecked in collision with Danish steamer.

Nov. 24--French bark Valentine sunk by Germans near Island of Mas a Fuera; British ships attack German naval base at Zeebrugge.

Nov. 25--British steamer Malachite sunk by German submarine near Havre.

Nov. 26--British battleship Bulwark blown up in the Thames; magazine explosion is the accepted theory, but there is some suspicion that it was the work of spies; Turkish mine layer sunk in the Bosphorus; cruiser Goeben is being repaired.

Nov. 27--British collier Khartoum blown up by mine off Grimsby.

Nov. 28--Norwegian and Danish trawlers seized by the British for laying mines while using English port as base; British fishermen sweep coast waters for mines.

Nov. 30--British ships again bombard Zeebrugge.

Dec. 3--Danish steamer Mary blown up by mine in North Sea, six men dying.

Dec. 6--Forty British and French war vessels are off the Dardanelles.

Dec. 7--British steamer Charcas sunk by German transport in the Pacific; Swedish ships Luna and Everilda sunk by mines.

Dec. 8--British squadron under Vice Admiral St.u.r.dee defeats German squadron under Admiral von Spee off the Falkland Islands; German flagship Scharnhorst and the cruisers Gneisenau, Leipzig, and Nurnberg are sunk; the British casualties are slight.

Dec. 9--Three German merchantmen sunk in South Atlantic; Gulf of Bothnia closed because of mines.

Dec. 10--German submarine raid on Dover repulsed by the forts; Turkish gunboat sunk by defense mine.

Dec. 12--Turkish fleet bombards Batum.

Dec. 14--British submarine B-11, by diving under five rows of mines, sinks Turkish battleship Messudieh in the Dardanelles.

Dec. 15--German cruiser Cormorant interned at Guam; Turks bombard Sevastopol.

Dec. 16--German warships sh.e.l.l the English coast towns of Scarborough, Hartlepool, and Whitby; about 120 persons are killed and 550 wounded; British warships sh.e.l.l Westende.

Dec. 17--Austrian training ship Beethoven sunk by mine; British squadron bombards Turkish troops on Gulf of Saros; Russians sink German steamship Derentie off Turkish coast; Norwegian ship Vaaren sunk by mine in North Sea; three British ships sunk by mines.

Dec. 18--British auxiliary cruiser Empress of j.a.pan captures collier Exford with forty of Emden"s crew on board; Russian Black Sea fleet sinks two Turkish ships.

Dec. 19--Russian warship Askold captures German steamer Haifa and sinks a Turkish steamer; British warships sh.e.l.l German positions between Nieuport and Middelkerke.

Dec. 20--Allied fleets bombard interior forts of the Dardanelles.

Dec. 21--British capture German steamers Baden and Santa Isabel.

Dec. 22--Allied fleets sh.e.l.l German positions along Belgian coast; French destroyer Turkish troops; allied fleets sh.e.l.l Kilid Bahr.

Dec. 23--Russian destroyers in Black Sea bombard coast villages.

Dec. 24--French cruiser slightly damaged by Austrian torpedo; French submarine sunk by sh.o.r.e batteries.

Dec. 26--British make naval and air attack on German fleet without important results; French attack Austrian naval base at Pola on the Adriatic.

Dec. 27--British cruisers, a.s.sisted by seaplanes, attack German naval base at Cuxhaven; British claim to have done considerable damage.

Dec. 29--English coast towns expected American sympathy over German raid; dread new raid, and hold navy was dilatory.

Dec. 30--French submarine torpedoes Austrian dreadnought Viribus Unitis, but fails to sink her.

Dec. 31--Thirty French and British warships are bombarding Pola.

Jan. 1--British battleship Formidable torpedoed and sunk in English Channel; 600 men lost.

Jan. 4--Official Press Bureau at Berlin announces that the Formidable was sunk by a submarine off Plymouth; British ships sh.e.l.l Dar-es-Salaam, German East Africa.

Jan. 6--Turkish cruiser Goeben damaged by mines.

Jan. 7--Germans state that Austrian submarines are holding back French fleet in the Adriatic.


Oct. 23--German Taube brought down in Dunkirk; Reymond, French aviator, killed near Verdun; German aviators drop bombs on Warsaw.

Oct. 24--Zeppelins harry fighters southwest of Ostend.

Oct. 25--Five German aeroplanes destroyed by French.

Oct. 27--New Zeppelin flies northward from Friedrichshafen; new British gun is effective against airmen.

Oct. 29--German airmen drop bombs on Bethune, nineteen women being killed; British airman chases bomb-dropping Taube at Hazebrouck.

Oct. 30--French airmen rain bombs on German officers near Dunkirk.

Nov. 3--German airman drops bombs on Furnes; three German aeroplanes brought down near Souain; British airman drops bombs in Thielt.

Nov. 6--Austrian airmen drop bombs on Antivari.

Nov. 13--Russian cavalry captures two German aviators near Plock.

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