Next Life

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Episode 2 “Soldier Training Ground”

(On Progress/Hasn’t been edited)

I’m really sorry .
That the first thing that cross my mind after missing for almost two years .
But let me said my excuse .
First thing are this AhoNEET that not a NEET got money from overtime (Couse his supervisor need rest after operation) . And by that chance he see an AGP VGA in second-shop in display . Without box and without driver disc . But is was RADEON series yo!
without further-ado he download the driver from the web and attach it to motherboard .
Result = Power supply and motherboard short-circuited .
As you know, what I have were intel pentium 4 with square fan . It couldn’t handle the VGA .
Buying spare-part was more expensive than buying new one .
Almost 12 years with me . My dear darling had die . I cry that night!

So the journey to collecting money had started!

But unfortunate thing one by one come to me!

Last year, my Mom need urgent operation in December .
She got a gallstones .
Without health insurance, we need lots of money .
Debt ridden NEET! 52 Millions Rupiah (about $4 . 000)

This year my Dad sick and need hospitalised .
The prime complain were can’t eat anything . Anything in, all of it get out .
After changing 3 Doctors and 2 hospital, and get his hemorrhoid’s operated, couse some stupid Doctor said his diagnose that’s had pressure his nerve system in his tail-bone that cousing his digestion system disturbed .
In the end his last diagnose was Lung cancer, and in the late stage .
Without convalescence, he had pa.s.s away in hospital bed, in June 13, 2018 .
Another 12 Millions Rupiah debt, learn from before, more than half of it payed by health insurance .
At that time some of debt already payed by monthly payment .
In total, all of it about 60 Millions Rupiah (about $4 . 615) .
More debt get!

So where I get this PC? The answer is…
10 days ago, while he drunk, my cousin came in middle of night .
Saying his complain, saying that he heard my father disappointed with me . Saying that I was stupid by being a worker, that just eat food as a salary-man . How wasteful my PC skill is . Without development . Without thought for a future . Are you happy been single till now?
Almost punch the drunkard for that .
I said, ‘without fund there nothing that I could do! See here, do you see a PC? And my PC skill already a relic . Last time what I remember, I only touch innards of Pentium QuadToCore . SQL server and Visual Basic 2013 skill can only eat s.h.i.t . I’m a collage drop-out . Now my only skill just hearing j.a.panese language . To translate it and try to get donation . Just some trifle money if they like my blog . And for that I still need FUND! And can you date a woman without FUND!’
‘Then try harder’ he said .
I said, ‘like h.e.l.l! Even I can paid more, or even paid for PC in 2-3 month . If you forcing peoples by pay to read using Patreon or Discord, you only gathering anger . ’
He said, ‘you need money right?’
I said, ‘of course I am . ’
He said, ‘how much you need?’
I said, ‘3 Millions Rupiah (about $230), 4 Millions Rupiah (about $307) in total . But this 1 Million Rupiah (about $76) was for you . ’
Then he said, ‘I waiting for the good news in December . ’
With victory smile the Drunkard dropped the money and leave my home .
That how

I get this PC .
Another 3 Millions added to my debt . Total in 63 Millions (about $4 . 846)
In my mind, ‘Oh, G.o.d! This what they said that a sunken ship didn’t afraid being sunken . ’

Please give me your comments .

Translated by AhoNEET .

After the two of them come back to Royal Palace, immediately they guided to soldier training ground .
This was provided as opportunity to flaunt Marius power .
Although he did surprised, in order to establish his own position Marius instantly reply in agreement .

A man who in blink of eyes given position as State-Guest Magician, the reason of The King hastily taken this decision, their various guess in it, but they couldn’t get the conclusion .
Did he want to gathering attention of foreign country to himself, or simply want to enchant his own potential, or neither of that, that was the best option they had come out .
‘Either of that correct’, noticing this option would come in future of story .

Soldier training ground size was on par with Soccer-field in Original World, what appear as audience-seats was few meter above ground and equipped with fence as part.i.tion .
For safety of audiences, there are multiple defense barrier stretched .
Now, in it, King and his wife, Prince and Princess, Prime Minister Valk, Court Magician Leader Lucas, Knight Corps Leader Yadaberus, Imperial Guard Knight General Leader Yuzef, Magic Solder Corps Leader Nelson, along with the soldiers had been waiting .

“Marius-dono power, by all means please let me learn it on this body . ”

Say Lucas and Nelson offering themselves as opponents, taking into account in case to be caught up in magic-battle Yadaberus become the referee .
Facing two of them, Marius recall when he was on the way to Royal Castle, what he had heard from Helka, her bragging about Loviesa .
Since early age gently caring her Kingdom, thought her peoples, and she had very brilliantly preventing the declining of National Power with her new spell chant, a gifted girl .

(Did the spell chant format different between continent… by the way did spell chant wasn’t the thing can be remembered by listened one or two times)

Around here wasn’t the setting in the game .
It was better to keep it by himself thought Marius .
Moreover, he will be learn it from the match with two of them now .

“Without delay, the mock battle will be held . ”

Declared by Yadaberus who raising his right-hand, Lucas and Nelson taking their stand with their staff, ten meter from there stand Marius who after being late a tempo matching them .

“Take caution to not killing each other . Start!”

When Yadaberus swing down his right-hand, Lucas and Nelson at a same time start chanting .

“Burn by flame [Fire]”

Fireball released by Nelson come to him .


Marius couldn’t hold being surprised .
Although he doesn’t know the language, somehow he could know it by sense, Nelson likely didn’t omit his chant .
Moreover that chant was one tempo faster than he know .
Promptly he chantless stretching [Magic Shield], negating the attack .
Then without giving time to breath, Lucas pursuit came .

“──Destroy it [Crimson Blaze]”

Wall of red flame comparable with Marius height occur, it pressure enclosed him .
Stretched simple [Magic Shield] had already disappeared .
Unwillingly to received it on purpose, there no other-way than to block it, but couldn’t properly making decision which magic should be used, he reflexively using [Dispel] .
Marius’ body wrapped by black fog, every time red flame being in contact with it being erased .
Big commotion arise from onlookers .

“By chantless…?”

“Is it something can be blocked by chantless!”

“First of all what did block it?”

Vomited all of their question, everyone line of sight concentrated on Raymond .

“Likely the first one was Magic Shield, the second

second one would be Dispel . ”

Even greater commotion arise from earlier .


It was the name of magic that even to people ignorant to magic had heard, it was a second-cla.s.s defensive magic .

By chantless invoked it, he had proofed that his strength was in different dimension .
Gaze concealed with awe are directed to Marius .
During third-parties interval, the fight had been interrupted .
This was merely a mock-battle, because this being held in order to find out Marius power .
Marius had heard the explanation in advance, basically they had decided for him to concentrated in defense .
However, suddenly being forced to antic.i.p.ate it with chantless was outside his a.s.sumption .
The power of “Loviesa Formula” vividly shown in that form .
Needless to say chanting was basic life-line of magician .
Although magic could be used without chant, the magic power consumption became bigger .
In actual combat conserving magic power was important option, it was better if a person doing chant if he/she could do it .

(If every magician had this pace of chant, it was not strange military power that connected to it had been improved . )

From the periphery of commotion, likely to him that using chantless was thing being surprised about, he could imagine it .
He still not know well the power capacities of Lucas and Nelson duo, but he tighten himself to not letting down his guard and receiving a clean attack .
Lucas and Nelson too also judged that they couldn’t break through Marius guard with normal way doing spell chant .
Even saying that this fight was to find out Marius power, acting like taken in easily and letting themselves being beaten were not allowed by their pride .
Even they couldn’t win, as much as possible they want to pull out the depth of Marius power .
Two of them exchanged glance and sight, moved to offensive .

(Oh, does some kind of tricky move will come?)

It was a thought that came from person seeing from above, while doing self-reflection, Marius also looking carefully two of them .

“[Crimson Blaze]”

“[Thunder Rain]”

Wall of red flame and coil of thunder landed few meter from Marius and converged .

“”[Plasma Blast]””

Along declaration of the two, torrent of purple lightning changes and attack Marius .

(Composite Magic!)

Once again Marius surprised .

Composite Magic is magic that fusing different magic system, dramatically powering it up, also made combined magic system effect result overlapping, a super high level technique .

It can’t be used without synchronised intention and magical power, but accomplished with only an eye-contact proof of Lucas and Nelson skill .

Beside single system invalidated magic can’t be used, can be said it was [Dispel] weakness .

If strongest defensive magic [Dimension Shield] are used, it can be prevented by magical power difference .

However, he thought it is somewhat inappropriate move .

(‘Couse they want to see it let show it then . )

In the moment Marius thought it, he responded with omitted chant .

“[Plasma Blast]”

The torrent of purple lightning that Marius shot, erased another purple lightning, even while it power was decreased by half, it still attacking the two .

But they were no there .

(Did they use chantless to warp?)

While thinking that he felt magical power from behind, by conditional reflex Marius use his magic .

“[Thunder Rain]”


Nelson who moved to behind Marius, shot chantless [Thunder Rain], but the bundle of lightning was bounced back to Nelson by the film of light that immediately occur and hit him squarely .


Nelson who had intended to give whole body blow by releasing magic at close range, couldn’t react to it and took it straight .
After letting small groan and walking two-step, afterwards he collapses .
A remarkable boiling hot loud commotion happened, but it doesn’t need Marius attention .
Lucas that need it, few meters away diagonally to the

to the right of Marius, he almost finishing his chant .

“──Crush it [Maelstrom]”

3rd-cla.s.s magic of water system .
Big whirlpool generated which presses, flushes, and crushes enemies, a wide area effect annihilation magic .
Because it characteristic, it power wouldn’t drop in front of large number obstacle, [Magic Barrier] and also [Dispel] wouldn’t be useful either .

In other word, Nelson is nothing but a live decoy .
While watching muddy stream water that few times higher than his height, he was too late noticed it .
He had [Dimension Shield] that sufficiently to prevent that, but another attack will come after him .
Thank to habit that devote to defending, the sensation to taste nice attack from head to feet, the feeling to fight back had come .

“[Fire Storm]”

When a large pale pillar rise up, muddy stream water evaporate instantly .

“You’re kidding…”

Another commotion arise from onlookers .
Normally [Fire Storm] can’t offset [Maelstrom]
What born from magic was different from natural one, fundamentally there is no compatibility between them .
The one with greater power will win .
That why, with only lower-cla.s.s small area effect magic [Fire Storm], to negate higher-cla.s.s large area effect magic [Maelstrom] was abnormal thing .
However, as the matter of the fact [Maelstrom] had erased, even the water vapour phenomenon didn’t occur .
The result of wide differences of caster adeptness was too abnormal .
The power to make flock of Wyvern kick the bucket was clearly shown, now n.o.body let their voice aloud .
Lucas had the exactly same mood, nevertheless he didn’t throw the match .
He who had reputation as one of the strongest in continent even giving his best to the death, still can’t be said as a person who had reach his feet, yesterday Lucas can’t even image it .
If it was granted he still want to see his ability .
However his magic power almost reach it limit .
Calculating the next one as his last attack, he start his chant .
Marius who picked-up such atmosphere from Lucas, welcome him in focused mind too .

“O’ earth, pierce it [Earth Javelin]”

Soil rising from ground, four spear formed flying to Marius .
Marius can’t judge this as the last attack .
So he give his effort to finish the match with this .

“O’ fire burn thy enemy [Fire]”

Pale fireball that shot by Marius had penetrate four spears of earth, annihilate them, and still as it is charge to attack Lucas .
Lacking strength Lucas doesn’t move a muscle .
In front of weakened Lucas nose, fireball suddenly stopped and disappeared .

“Match end, winner Marius!”

As Yadaberus raising his right-hand and declared it, the biggest shout wrapped them .
Judging the victor had decided, Marius releasing a small relief sigh .
The result of training in the forest clearly came out .
If he hadn’t train till properly adjusting his power, he can’t stop it in front of his eyes and injured Lucas .
Even so, Lucas and Nelson were more stronger than he had expected .
Said in level Lucas was 94, Nelson didn’t cross 85, but with series of cleaver attack, if still defending till the end perhaps may take a hit .
Even having a overwhelming pure power, it sold at bargain in front experiences .

(After all, am just a newbie with high spec,huh . )

Once again realising his own immature-self, he seems pleased that he still had a room for growth .
Taking praises and expectations from surrounding cheers, he solidify his resolve to respond to it .
The unknown was a salvation by itself, because Marius didn’t understand their words, he didn’t realise the hidden fear that audiences had kept .
Accepted after showing his own power, that thought had prevented him to have an accurate judgement .
The opinions that/>The opinions that exchanged between audiences, in fact there hardly have a pure praise .

(Till the end, he didn’t use 1st-cla.s.s magic, huh . )

(Even so, to completely seal Lucas-tono and Nelson-tono, proofing himself to have an overwhelming power . )(NEETnote: for the one who didn’t know what ‘Tono’ is, just place Sir Lucas and Sir Nelson as you see it fit . )

With only information that he did annihilate flock of Wyvern, the audiences didn’t feel the admiration but they felt it now was their honest opinion .
Marius who not even a little letting out his serious-self was conveyed to them who watching the match .

“The fact that he keep unfazed while continuously using chantless magic making me felt scared . ”

“No, erasing high-cla.s.s magic with lower-cla.s.s magic is the truly frightening matter . ”

“Su, surely… it make us doubt it as technique that can be used by human . ”

Long long time ago there is a person who had sealed a Demon King Zagan which had invade three continents, The legendary great magician Klaus Adler .
Then there is a person who had sealed a Demon King Auranis which had destroy five continents, made world near extinction, Melinda Guildfort .
There are peoples who imagine the fright if the power that comparable to the heroes who had been sung as the one who had save the world directed toward them .
The one who had such idea were them who had long service in political world .

“It good that he was our ally . ”

“The one who urgently declare him as State Guest Magician was His Majesty, right . ”

The one who try to change bad atmosphere were Prime Minister Valk and Imperial Guard Knight General Leader Yuzef .
Of course, the result not satisfactory, some voices their slandering it a hasty and foolish judgement .
Marius match had save King’s reputation .
And with quick with of the Ministers, the atmosphere somewhat improved .
Marius had carelessly shown his own military prowess .
Excessive power gathering fright to many peoples feeling .
Seeing such surrounding, Loviesa decide to later give some advice to Marius .
Marius seems to be indifferent about how his own power reflects to others .
At least, he have doing things that can not be helped if taken as it is .
She didn’t have habit only as help taker, that’s why she doesn’t want too see her benefactor future being meaninglessly feared and isolated .
From her perspective, this country leader who knitting their eyebrows look comical .
They who giving her hard-time when she developing new chant .
The matter that chant in Famia language more better, was proven more obvious than watching sun rising, somehow many peoples only accepting Tarian language .

“Famia language were invader language of barbarian Famia Empire . If Tarian people use it, it will defile their character . ”

If voice of childish theory from peoples who had status and authority gathered, it will be heard as a sound argument .
Taking damage from Majin, the time when recovery of national strength and fighting power was an urgent task, they stuck with the silly thing, even King’s had been confined by it .
Probably if the proposer not a Princess, she must be charged with some kind of crimes .
In the end, Famia language more superior than Tarian language named as “Loviesa Formula” development was gratefully a success, but as soon it happened they turned their hands .
At least it was the case for Loviesa .
It was impossible toharm Marius physically because they don’t have power to do it, but it seem not difficult to trusting knife in his mind .
She thought that was the thing that need her concern, while at it she need to relying to Emma and Helka .
(End of Episode 2)

Episode 2 Soldier Training Ground On Progress Hasn t been edited I m really sorry . That the first thing that cross my mind after missing for almost two years . But let me said my excuse . First thing are this AhoNEET that not a NEET got money from overtime Couse his supervisor need rest after operation . And by that chance he see an AGP VGA in second shop in display . Without box and without driver disc . But is was RADEON series yo without further ado he download the driver from the web and attach it to motherboard . Result Power supply and motherboard short circuited . As you know, what I have were intel pentium 4 with square fan . It couldn t handle the VGA . Buying spare part was more expensive than buying new one . Almost 12 years with me . My dear darling had die . I cry that night So the journey to collecting money had started But unfortunate thing one by one come to me Last year, my Mom need urgent operation in December . She got a gallstones . Without health insurance, we need lots of money . Debt ridden NEET 52 Millions Rupiah about 4 . 000 This year my Dad sick and need hospitalised . The prime complain were can t eat anything . Anything in, all of it get out . After changing 3 Doctors and 2 hospital, and get his hemorrhoid s operated, couse some stupid Doctor said his diagnose that s had pressure his nerve system in his tail bone that cousing his digestion system disturbed . In the end his last diagnose was Lung cancer, and in the late stage . Without convalescence, he had pa.s.s away in hospital bed, in June 13, 2018 . Another 12 Millions Rupiah debt, learn from before, more than half of it payed by health insurance . At that time some of debt already payed by monthly payment . In total, all of it about 60 Millions Rupiah about 4 . 615 . More debt get So where I get this PC The answer is 10 days ago, while he drunk, my cousin came in middle of night . Saying his complain, saying that he heard my father disappointed with me . Saying that I was stupid by being a worker, that just eat food as a salary man . How wasteful my PC skill is . Without development . Without thought for a future . Are you happy been single till now Almost punch the drunkard for that . I said, without fund there nothing that I could do See here, do you see a PC And my PC skill already a relic . Last time what I remember, I only touch innards of Pentium QuadToCore . SQL server and Visual Basic 2013 skill can only eat s.h.i.t . I m a collage drop out . Now my only skill just hearing j.a.panese language . To translate it and try to get donation . Just some trifle money if they like my blog . And for that I still need FUND And can you date a woman without FUND Then try harder he said . I said, like h.e.l.l Even I can paid more, or even paid for PC in 2 3 month . If you forcing peoples by pay to read using Patreon or Discord, you only gathering anger . He said, you need money right I said, of course I am . He said, how much you need I said, 3 Millions Rupiah about 230 , 4 Millions Rupiah about 307 in total . But this 1 Million Rupiah about 76 was for you . Then he said, I waiting for the good news in December . With victory smile the Drunkard dropped the money and leave my home . That how I get this PC . Another 3 Millions added to my debt . Total in 63 Millions about 4 . 846 In my mind, Oh, G.o.d This what they said that a sunken ship didn t afraid being sunken . Please give me your comments . Translated by AhoNEET . After the two of them come back to Royal Palace, immediately they guided to soldier training ground . This was provided as opportunity to flaunt Marius power . Although he did surprised, in order to establish his own position Marius instantly reply in agreement . A man who in blink of eyes given position as State Guest Magician, the reason of The King hastily taken this decision, their various guess in it, but they couldn t get the conclusion . Did he want to gathering attention of foreign country to himself, or simply want to enchant his own potential, or neither of that, that was the best option they had come out . Either of that correct , noticing this option would come in future of story . Soldier training ground size was on par with Soccer field in Original World, what appear as audience seats was few meter above ground and equipped with fence as part.i.tion . For safety of audiences, there are multiple defense barrier stretched . Now, in it, King and his wife, Prince and Princess, Prime Minister Valk, Court Magician Leader Lucas, Knight Corps Leader Yadaberus, Imperial Guard Knight General Leader Yuzef, Magic Solder Corps Leader Nelson, along with the soldiers had been waiting . Marius dono power, by all means please let me learn it on this body . Say Lucas and Nelson offering themselves as opponents, taking into account in case to be caught up in magic battle Yadaberus become the referee . Facing two of them, Marius recall when he was on the way to Royal Castle, what he had heard from Helka, her bragging about Loviesa . Since early age gently caring her Kingdom, thought her peoples, and she had very brilliantly preventing the declining of National Power with her new spell chant, a gifted girl . Did the spell chant format different between continent by the way did spell chant wasn t the thing can be remembered by listened one or two times Around here wasn t the setting in the game . It was better to keep it by himself thought Marius . Moreover, he will be learn it from the match with two of them now . Without delay, the mock battle will be held . Declared by Yadaberus who raising his right hand, Lucas and Nelson taking their stand with their staff, ten meter from there stand Marius who after being late a tempo matching them . Take caution to not killing each other . Start When Yadaberus swing down his right hand, Lucas and Nelson at a same time start chanting . Burn by flame Fire Fireball released by Nelson come to him . Fast Marius couldn t hold being surprised . Although he doesn t know the language, somehow he could know it by sense, Nelson likely didn t omit his chant . Moreover that chant was one tempo faster than he know . Promptly he chantless stretching Magic Shield , negating the attack . Then without giving time to breath, Lucas pursuit came . Destroy it Crimson Blaze Wall of red flame comparable with Marius height occur, it pressure enclosed him . Stretched simple Magic Shield had already disappeared . Unwillingly to received it on purpose, there no other way than to block it, but couldn t properly making decision which magic should be used, he reflexively using Dispel . Marius body wrapped by black fog, every time red flame being in contact with it being erased . Big commotion arise from onlookers . By chantless Is it something can be blocked by chantless First of all what did block it Vomited all of their question, everyone line of sight concentrated on Raymond . Likely the first one was Magic Shield, the second one would be Dispel . Even greater commotion arise from earlier . Dispel It was the name of magic that even to people ignorant to magic had heard, it was a second cla.s.s defensive magic . By chantless invoked it, he had proofed that his strength was in different dimension . Gaze concealed with awe are directed to Marius . During third parties interval, the fight had been interrupted . This was merely a mock battle, because this being held in order to find out Marius power . Marius had heard the explanation in advance, basically they had decided for him to concentrated in defense . However, suddenly being forced to antic.i.p.ate it with chantless was outside his a.s.sumption . The power of Loviesa Formula vividly shown in that form . Needless to say chanting was basic life line of magician . Although magic could be used without chant, the magic power consumption became bigger . In actual combat conserving magic power was important option, it was better if a person doing chant if he she could do it . If every magician had this pace of chant, it was not strange military power that connected to it had been improved . From the periphery of commotion, likely to him that using chantless was thing being surprised about, he could imagine it . He still not know well the power capacities of Lucas and Nelson duo, but he tighten himself to not letting down his guard and receiving a clean attack . Lucas and Nelson too also judged that they couldn t break through Marius guard with normal way doing spell chant . Even saying that this fight was to find out Marius power, acting like taken in easily and letting themselves being beaten were not allowed by their pride . Even they couldn t win, as much as possible they want to pull out the depth of Marius power . Two of them exchanged glance and sight, moved to offensive . Oh, does some kind of tricky move will come It was a thought that came from person seeing from above, while doing self reflection, Marius also looking carefully two of them . Crimson Blaze Thunder Rain Wall of red flame and coil of thunder landed few meter from Marius and converged . Plasma Blast Along declaration of the two, torrent of purple lightning changes and attack Marius . Composite Magic Once again Marius surprised . Composite Magic is magic that fusing different magic system, dramatically powering it up, also made combined magic system effect result overlapping, a super high level technique . It can t be used without synchronised intention and magical power, but accomplished with only an eye contact proof of Lucas and Nelson skill . Beside single system invalidated magic can t be used, can be said it was Dispel weakness . If strongest defensive magic Dimension Shield are used, it can be prevented by magical power difference . However, he thought it is somewhat inappropriate move . Couse they want to see it let show it then . In the moment Marius thought it, he responded with omitted chant . Plasma Blast The torrent of purple lightning that Marius shot, erased another purple lightning, even while it power was decreased by half, it still attacking the two . But they were no there . Did they use chantless to warp While thinking that he felt magical power from behind, by conditional reflex Marius use his magic . Thunder Rain Reflection Nelson who moved to behind Marius, shot chantless Thunder Rain , but the bundle of lightning was bounced back to Nelson by the film of light that immediately occur and hit him squarely . Guh Nelson who had intended to give whole body blow by releasing magic at close range, couldn t react to it and took it straight . After letting small groan and walking two step, afterwards he collapses . A remarkable boiling hot loud commotion happened, but it doesn t need Marius attention . Lucas that need it, few meters away diagonally to the right of Marius, he almost finishing his chant . Crush it Maelstrom 3rd cla.s.s magic of water system . Big whirlpool generated which presses, flushes, and crushes enemies, a wide area effect annihilation magic . Because it characteristic, it power wouldn t drop in front of large number obstacle, Magic Barrier and also Dispel wouldn t be useful either . In other word, Nelson is nothing but a live decoy . While watching muddy stream water that few times higher than his height, he was too late noticed it . He had Dimension Shield that sufficiently to prevent that, but another attack will come after him . Thank to habit that devote to defending, the sensation to taste nice attack from head to feet, the feeling to fight back had come . Fire Storm When a large pale pillar rise up, muddy stream water evaporate instantly . You re kidding Another commotion arise from onlookers . Normally Fire Storm can t offset Maelstrom What born from magic was different from natural one, fundamentally there is no compatibility between them . The one with greater power will win . That why, with only lower cla.s.s small area effect magic Fire Storm , to negate higher cla.s.s large area effect magic Maelstrom was abnormal thing . However, as the matter of the fact Maelstrom had erased, even the water vapour phenomenon didn t occur . The result of wide differences of caster adeptness was too abnormal . The power to make flock of Wyvern kick the bucket was clearly shown, now n.o.body let their voice aloud . Lucas had the exactly same mood, nevertheless he didn t throw the match . He who had reputation as one of the strongest in continent even giving his best to the death, still can t be said as a person who had reach his feet, yesterday Lucas can t even image it . If it was granted he still want to see his ability . However his magic power almost reach it limit . Calculating the next one as his last attack, he start his chant . Marius who picked up such atmosphere from Lucas, welcome him in focused mind too . O earth, pierce it Earth Javelin Soil rising from ground, four spear formed flying to Marius . Marius can t judge this as the last attack . So he give his effort to finish the match with this . O fire burn thy enemy Fire Pale fireball that shot by Marius had penetrate four spears of earth, annihilate them, and still as it is charge to attack Lucas . Lacking strength Lucas doesn t move a muscle . In front of weakened Lucas nose, fireball suddenly stopped and disappeared . Match end, winner Marius As Yadaberus raising his right hand and declared it, the biggest shout wrapped them . Judging the victor had decided, Marius releasing a small relief sigh . The result of training in the forest clearly came out . If he hadn t train till properly adjusting his power, he can t stop it in front of his eyes and injured Lucas . Even so, Lucas and Nelson were more stronger than he had expected . Said in level Lucas was 94, Nelson didn t cross 85, but with series of cleaver attack, if still defending till the end perhaps may take a hit . Even having a overwhelming pure power, it sold at bargain in front experiences . After all, am just a newbie with high spec,huh . Once again realising his own immature self, he seems pleased that he still had a room for growth . Taking praises and expectations from surrounding cheers, he solidify his resolve to respond to it . The unknown was a salvation by itself, because Marius didn t understand their words, he didn t realise the hidden fear that audiences had kept . Accepted after showing his own power, that thought had prevented him to have an accurate judgement . The opinions that exchanged between audiences, in fact there hardly have a pure praise . Till the end, he didn t use 1st cla.s.s magic, huh . Even so, to completely seal Lucas tono and Nelson tono, proofing himself to have an overwhelming power . NEETnote for the one who didn t know what Tono is, just place Sir Lucas and Sir Nelson as you see it fit . With only information that he did annihilate flock of Wyvern, the audiences didn t feel the admiration but they felt it now was their honest opinion . Marius who not even a little letting out his serious self was conveyed to them who watching the match . The fact that he keep unfazed while continuously using chantless magic making me felt scared . No, erasing high cla.s.s magic with lower cla.s.s magic is the truly frightening matter . Su, surely it make us doubt it as technique that can be used by human . Long long time ago there is a person who had sealed a Demon King Zagan which had invade three continents, The legendary great magician Klaus Adler . Then there is a person who had sealed a Demon King Auranis which had destroy five continents, made world near extinction, Melinda Guildfort . There are peoples who imagine the fright if the power that comparable to the heroes who had been sung as the one who had save the world directed toward them . The one who had such idea were them who had long service in political world . It good that he was our ally . The one who urgently declare him as State Guest Magician was His Majesty, right . The one who try to change bad atmosphere were Prime Minister Valk and Imperial Guard Knight General Leader Yuzef . Of course, the result not satisfactory, some voices their slandering it a hasty and foolish judgement . Marius match had save King s reputation . And with quick with of the Ministers, the atmosphere somewhat improved . Marius had carelessly shown his own military prowess . Excessive power gathering fright to many peoples feeling . Seeing such surrounding, Loviesa decide to later give some advice to Marius . Marius seems to be indifferent about how his own power reflects to others . At least, he have doing things that can not be helped if taken as it is . She didn t have habit only as help taker, that s why she doesn t want too see her benefactor future being meaninglessly feared and isolated . From her perspective, this country leader who knitting their eyebrows look comical . They who giving her hard time when she developing new chant . The matter that chant in Famia language more better, was proven more obvious than watching sun rising, somehow many peoples only accepting Tarian language . Famia language were invader language of barbarian Famia Empire . If Tarian people use it, it will defile their character . If voice of childish theory from peoples who had status and authority gathered, it will be heard as a sound argument . Taking damage from Majin, the time when recovery of national strength and fighting power was an urgent task, they stuck with the silly thing, even King s had been confined by it . Probably if the proposer not a Princess, she must be charged with some kind of crimes . In the end, Famia language more superior than Tarian language named as Loviesa Formula development was gratefully a success, but as soon it happened they turned their hands . At least it was the case for Loviesa . It was impossible toharm Marius physically because they don t have power to do it, but it seem not difficult to trusting knife in his mind . She thought that was the thing that need her concern, while at it she need to relying to Emma and Helka . End of Episode 2

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