Chapter 108

Chapter 108 One Blow Shocks the World

His broadsword whistled like thunder as it slashed down on the white-robed man, bringing with it a will that wished to destroy the very heavens .

That sword blow no longer seemed like a Battle Skill . Instead it seemed like it was a kind of Dao or Law that wished to defy the heavens and overturn the earth .

Seeing Long Chen’s attack slas.h.i.+ng down on him, the white-robed man’s tortoisesh.e.l.l flew out .

What shocked everyone was that that originally palm-sized tortoisesh.e.l.l immediately enlarged, reaching a three-meter diameter as it protected him behind it .


Sword Qi heavily slashed down upon that tortoisesh.e.l.l . The strange lines on top of it lit up, and a bizarre reaction occurred .

Long Chen’s Sword Qi seemed to be like light hitting a mirror, and the majority of it was reflected out .

Crack .

The tortoisesh.e.l.l managed to block that attack, but in the end it finally cracked and exploded from the terrifying force . Its white pieces scattered to the ground .

As the white-robed man, he also wasn’t that well off and repeatedly vomited out blood . Obviously that tortoisesh.e.l.l had been unable to completely block all of Split the Heaven’s force, and as the tortoisesh.e.l.l’s master, the white-robed man also received a heavy impact .

The strange lines on top of the tortoisesh.e.l.l had dispersed most of the force . However he was still heavily wounded .

Looking at the tortoisesh.e.l.l pieces and the wildly vomiting blood white-robed man, people became a bit sluggish . They were filled with reverence towards Long Chen .

Crack! Suddenly people noticed that Long Chen’s broadsword was becoming covered by growing cracks .

The broadsword finally exploded, its fragments littering the ground .

Looking at those fragments, Long Chen couldn’t help sighing . Even the broadsword’s quality was too inferior to endure Split the Heaven’s force .

Bursts of pain came from Long Chen’s meridians at this time . It felt as if they were on fire, an aftermath of using Split the Heavens .

Despite advancing to the Blood Condensation realm and having his meridians grow wider by a great deal, and even despite the expert from the Spirit World transforming them, Long Chen’s meridians were still unable to completely endure the impact .

But of course this was many times better than the last time . His meridians were only slightly damaged and hadn’t cracked . They would quickly recover .

The most important thing was that this was his most powerful use of Split the Heavens, but his meridians had still been able to take it . That was definitely something to celebrate .

And another surprise for him was that despite using his full strength, he was still far from being able to bring out the full potential of Split the Heavens . It seemed just like it was like a deep well . He had only just begun to explore its surface .

He was a bit regretful that he hadn’t managed to kill the white-robed man . Who would have thought he would have such a strange life-saving measure?

That tortoisesh.e.l.l definitely wasn’t an ordinary item . It was practically unheard of within the secular world . He was unable to compare to the profound items sect disciples had .

All of his spiritual qi was now exhausted . Even the divine ring behind him faded away . He was now deathly tired, entering an extremely weak state .

But Long Chen knew that the white-robed man wasn’t that much better off . Looking at his previous state of vomiting out blood, his internal injury must be severe . Both of them were still relatively even .

However, Long Chen’s side held a definite advantage since he had two Muscle Rebirth experts who weren’t injured at all by his side . Furthermore, he also had Little Snow and Chu Yao . The white-robed man would definitely die .

CRACK!!! More cracking sounds rang out, startling the crowd . But when they looked carefully at Long Chen and the white-robed man, nothing strange seemed to be happening .


This time people managed to hear that this sound wasn’t coming from them .

“The city gates!”

People hastily turned to see that the huge, imposing city gates had become covered in cracks .

“Long Chen’s attack caused the city gates to crack!”

People suddenly noticed that a deep ditch had been dug in front of the city gates . That ditch led straight up to the white-robed man .

Only then did people realize that the tortoisesh.e.l.l had deflected the majority of Long Chen attack onto the city gate .

Although it didn’t completely break the gates, they were still badly damaged, causing people endless shock .

Just what level of strength was that? Was that a strength that humans could really possess?

Furthermore, that had been caused by only a part of the force that had been reflected by the tortoisesh.e.l.l . If it had been a direct hit, the entire city gates would have probably been completely destroyed, right? Everyone’s jaws dropped as they looked on in horror .


The city gates continued cracking, and in front of everyone’s appalled eyes, they began to completely collapse!


What was completely unbelievable to everyone was the white-robed man was looking at the city gates in fright . He even let out heart-rending cry .

BOOM! Countless pieces of rubble shot out as the city gates tumbled to the ground .

Suddenly a three-meter thick pillar of light shot from the ruins of the city gates and into the sky . An extremely dense spiritual qi was blown out along with it .

Everyone only watched dumbfounded by these events that completely overturned their comprehension of the world .

Long Tianxiao suddenly comprehended something after seeing that pillar of light . Years of suspicions and doubt were completely resolved at this moment .

“It’s a spirit stone mine . There’s a spirit stone mine below the city gates!” Some people had managed to see through what it was .

Spirit stones were special spiritual items formed naturally from heaven and earth . They were condensed underground for millions and millions of years, absorbing endless spiritual qi to form a kind of ore .

That kind of ore was viewed as a lifeblood for cultivators . It was said this kind of vein of ore was extremely rare, and most of them had already been occupied by the various large sects .

Only with the support of spirit stones could sect disciples cultivate so quickly . It was the greatest support of the sects .

Long Tianxiao had a complicated expression as he shook his head at the distant fourth prince . “Just for a vein of ore, you wanted to kill and silence me?”

The fourth prince’s expression was ashen . He knew that his judgement day had finally arrived . In front of Long Tianxiao’s words, there was not even the slightest he could say .

“Years ago when we were drinking once, His Majesty once told me that there was a vein of ore near the capital . He said if it was excavated, it would allow the Phoenix Cry Empire to rise high above other empires .

“Back then I thought he was talking about some rare iron ores that could be forged into weapons, so I only laughed and didn’t pay it any mind .

“I really never thought that it was because of something like this that you thought I had learned your secret . You wanted to exterminate me for something like that? It really is a joke,” Long Tianxiao sighed and shook his head .

“WHAT?!” The fourth prince was shocked . He had always thought that Long Tianxiao had known all about the spirit stone mine .

Over twenty years ago, the Grand Xia married off their most beautiful princess to Phoenix Cry in order to prevent further conflicts and form an alliance between the two empires .

But the Grand Xia’s princess’s mission hadn’t been to make peace . She had a greater mission . That mission was to take control of Phoenix Cry so that it could be swallowed by the Grand Xia .

That had been shrewdly hidden by the princess extremely deeply . Once she arrived at Phoenix Cry, she put in her full effort to wait upon the Emperor, and with her skillful techniques in bed, she began to receive a deep pampering from the Emperor .

Not long after, she gave birth to a prince, the fourth prince . The Grand Xia’s princess’s always maintained a low profile, never entering the conflicts between concubines, patiently enduring and eventually become a good sister to the Empress .

Originally the Grand Xia’s plan had been to overturn Phoenix Cry, but during that process, the fourth prince’s mother found a shocking secret .

That secret had been told to her by the Emperor after he had gotten drunk . He had told her that Phoenix Cry was about to become the most powerful empire in all of history . Being put on guard from that, the princess had used all her skills in bed to make the Emperor a slave to her skirts, and he finally told her the secret that he had found a spirit stone mine .

Originally the Emperor had been planning on build a secret tunnel for use to escape from or other dangers . If an enemy managed to enter the city, he could manage to slip away without anyone noticing .

But halfway through the excavation of the secret tunnel, they had found that the stones were becoming increasingly harder, and even cobalt started to appear .

Cobalt was a partner that was formed along with spirit stone . Where there was cobalt, there would be spirit stone . That discovery caused the Emperor to go wild with joy .

He directly completely exterminated everyone who had known about the secret tunnel to keep the whole matter secret . However, that Emperor had never been a tight-lipped person . A short while after telling her this, he died of ‘natural causes’ .

The Emperor had been within the Empress’s palace when he had died . Moreover, he had died on their bed while having private relations .

The Empress had been frightened out of her mind, but luckily, the fourth prince’s mother had ‘just happened’ to be walking by .

And in her panic, she had taken her good sister’s advice, faking that the Emperor had entered seclusion .

The plan was that they would eventually say he had died in seclusion, limiting the amount of panic that would occur . They just had to find a suitable moment .

In the end, under her scheming, the Empress smoothly gained all the authority over the empire . Lured by the power, she decided to just leave the Emperor in ‘seclusion’ forever .

As for the spirit stone mine, she never learned anything about it .

Whenever she would have any tough problems she would always go to her sister for help . Her sister became her most trusted aide .

The fourth prince’s mother leaked the information of the spirit stone mine to her father . The matter had become too huge, so she didn’t dare do too much without his advice .

This occured right at the moment while an expert from the Xia family was at a sect . But that expert wasn’t even good enough to become a disciple . He was only a worker . But by using this information, it was possible for him to smoothly enter the sect as a disciple .

Everything went extremely smoothly . The sect secretly sent people to investigate the terrain, confirming there was a spirit stone mine .

But rus.h.i.+ng in to mine it would release spiritual qi, alarming the surrounding powers . They sent orders down to take control of Phoenix Cry as fast as possible and also built a Hidden Spirit Formation to completely conceal the aura from the spirit stone mine .

That Hidden Spirit Formation had precisely been the city gate tower . Normally the aura from the spirit stone mine was completely isolated from the rest of the world .

That way they could secretly mine it in the future . However, members from sects couldn’t reveal themselves in the secular world without other powers noticing .

And so they could only rely on the power of non cultivators from the secular world . In order to not cause too many waves, they could only rely on the Grand Xia slowly infiltrating Phoenix Cry .

But their only worry was Long Tianxiao who also knew about this . He had become their biggest problem, and that was what had led to all of this .

But now Long Tianxiao said he hadn’t known about the spirit stone mine . Just what kind of joke was this? They had been more than capable of silently mining the spirit stone mine the entire time .


A bitter voice screamed out . The white-robed man was like a beast as he looked at Long Chen and the others, his eyes filled with a wild killing intent .

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