Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts

Chapter 1115: 1115

Chapter 1115: 1115

Hua s.h.i.+yu did her best to dodge, while she also sent flower petals to knock aside the earth thorns . But there were too many, and one of them pierced straight through her arm .

Her sleeve was torn off as well, revealing her skin . Blood poured out, and frightened cries rang out from the Xuantian Dao Sect’s disciples .

More and more earth thorns continued to fly out . Hua s.h.i.+yu dodged as she summoned new flower petals .

But right now, ninety-nine percent of her flower petals were stuck with that vile glue, making them too slow . They were unable to return to defend her, and she was injured several times, blood dyeing her robes .

But she still refused to admit defeat . She did her best to throw off the d.a.m.nable glue on her petals, and it would just take a bit longer to get rid of it .

“Little sister, take care down below!”

The Heaven Suppressing Magic Sect’s disciple suddenly sneered and waved his staff . The thorns in the air now returned, shooting at Hua s.h.i.+yu from all directions .

Hua s.h.i.+yu did her best to dodge, but one still instantly pierced her shoulder . Blood dyed her upper body .

Suddenly, one of the earth thorns rapidly spun and pierced her leg, tearing apart her clothing at the same time . Her leg was instantly exposed for everyone to see .

Hua s.h.i.+yu was infuriated, startled, embarra.s.sed, and panicked . She vomited a mouthful of blood, and her aura rapidly fell . She no longer had the power to continue fighting .

“I… admit defeat . ”

Hua s.h.i.+yu was transported off the stage, and Tang Wan-er immediately went over to hold her . Meng Qi took out a skirt to cover Hua s.h.i.+yu’s legs, but she had already fainted .

“So sorry, I caused her to bleed up above and down below! Apologies . ” The Heaven Suppressing Magic Sect’s disciple lazily said a few words before jumping off the stage .

The Xuantian Dao Sect’s disciples were all enraged . This was completely intolerable . Hua s.h.i.+yu was a heavenly genius, but she had been humiliated like this . They felt like they were about to explode .

Even the Xuan Master’s indifferent expression became a bit cold, a faint killing intent appearing in his eyes . But he still didn’t say anything .

“Boss, I’ll go and give them a lesson!” Gu Yang immediately stepped forward .

But one person was even faster than him . Tang Wan-er appeared on the martial stage .

“Boss…” Gu Yang hastily stopped .

“Let her go . It’s not like you don’t know her temper . ” Long Chen looked at Tang Wan-er and then to her opponent . A worried expression appeared on his face .

Her opponent was a man only three feet tall . And yet, his waist was at least eight feet in circ.u.mference . He was like a man that had been ruthlessly smashed .

Although his figure was a bit comical, he was a true rank five Celestial, and in innate one at that . A faint layer of mist covered his body . But in truth, that wasn’t mist, but dust .

Following a shout from the Elder Hall Master, the martial stage’s barrier reactivated, signaling the start of the battle .

“Hehe, does the Xuantian Dao Sect have no men? What are they sending a bunch of women up for?” The strange fatty shook his head . He lecherously looked up and down Tang Wan-er . “Women aren’t too useful on the stage . Only in bed…”


A wind blade silently cut his face, leaving a long line of blood . One of his eyes was destroyed .

Suddenly, rumbling filled the air as countless wind blades appeared . Like sickles straight from h.e.l.l, they slashed at the fatty .

“How regretful . ”

Long Chen muttered to himself . If Tang Wan-er had just used her wind blade to destroy his staff, this battle would be over . But it seemed she still didn’t have enough battle experience . Once the Heaven Suppressing Magic Sect’s disciples were separated from their staves, they were just dogs .

“Earth Spirit Shelter!” The fatty let out pained cries, but at the critical moment, he still summoned his defenses .

A huge earthen statue appeared in front of him . Boundless earth essence could be felt from it .

Tang Wan-er clapped her hands . At the same time, two huge wind blades slammed toward each other, meeting in the center of the statue . The statue instantly blew apart .

The one-eyed fatty, who had been preparing a counterattack behind it, was sent flying .

“Crazed High Wind Blades!”

A sea of wind blades poured out at the fatty . Although he summoned a runic armor, he was still cut a million times .

“One more attack and he’ll be dead!” Guo Ran and the others felt their blood boiling as they watched . Watching him get beaten so badly was incredibly satisfying .

“Peak Heaven Slas.h.!.+”

Tang Wan-er formed hand seals, and a huge wind blade condensed in the air . It slashed toward the Heaven Suppressing Magic Sect’s fatty .

Long Chen couldn’t help but sigh . This was a clear sign her combat experience was still lacking . Sometimes, big moves weren’t the most effective for killing people .

“Earth Heavenly Star!”

Now the fatty had a chance to breathe, and he waved his staff . He was instantly enveloped by a huge ball of earth .

This ball quickly absorbed energy from the earth, going from dirt-yellow to golden-yellow .


Astral winds raged as Tang Wan-er’s terrifying attack struck . The huge ball was instantly blown to smithereens .

“s.l.u.t, f.u.c.k off!”

Suddenly, the fatty appeared in the air, covered in blood . His staff unleashed blinding light, and the ground beneath Tang Wan-er began to shake . Earthen walls appeared, trapping her . She disappeared from their line of sight .

The ground continuously shook as more and more layers sprang up . But suddenly they were destroyed as Tang Wan-er pierced her way out .

Just at this moment, the sky dimmed . Everyone looked up in horror to see a huge hammer had appeared .

This hammer was the same size as the martial stage . The s.p.a.ce around it was constantly twisting as it smashed at Tang Wan-er .

The fatty only had one eye, and his face was twisted in a sinister expression which made him appear even more frightening .

A rune lit up on Tang Wan-er’s forehead, and the wind blades around her suddenly came to a pause . It was like time had stopped for a moment .

The blood-colored lines grew on every wind blade . Tang Wan-er had activated her Spirit Blood to connect her soul to each and every one of her wind blades .

“Divine Blades of Wind!”

Tang Wan-er looked like a G.o.ddess of battle as those powerful wind blades rumbled . They gathered into one huge blade that slashed the hammer .


Runes and s.p.a.ce exploded, and the barrier shook intensely . Tang Wan-er and the fatty coughed up blood . This was an exchange of power without any technique .

Tang Wan-er’s blood-colored wind blades shot toward the fatty . Meanwhile, the fatty waved his staff, and earthen energy surged . Earth walls, earth spears, falling rocks, all kinds of attacks came . Sometimes, even other kinds of energy would be used, such as water energy or wood energy . The two of them started a heaven-shaking battle .

The wind blades shook the sky, while the magical arts came in an unending stream . This was a truly intense battle .

“s.l.u.t, I don’t believe you can last longer than me! You want to vent for that previous s.l.u.t, right? Then come, try and kill me!” roared the fatty after fighting for a long while . Even after all this time, he was unable to defeat Tang Wan-er .

“You d.a.m.n fatty, I’ll definitely kill you!” raged Tang Wan-er . Her wind blades became even fiercer .

Meng Qi’s expression changed . “Not good, Wan-er has fallen for his trap . He knows he can’t defeat her head-on, so he’s switching to defense and exhausting the energy of her Spirit Blood . Wan-er has always focused on offense, making it more exhausting for her, and now in her fury, it’ll be even more exhausting . ”

Long Chen nodded . Wan-er was still too inexperienced . Her fiery temper made it easy for others to provoke her . That was something they were all helpless about .

“Hehe, s.l.u.t, come! I’m waiting for you! The harder you work, the more comfortable I feel!” cried the fatty as he fought .

His vile words didn’t cause Long Chen’s expression to change . His expression was frighteningly calm . Those familiar with him knew this meant he was truly furious .

Tang Wan-er’s furious attacks didn’t last for long . With the fatty’s encouragement, her mental state was in disorder, and she suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood .

“Die!” The fatty was delighted, and a spear condensed in the air, shooting toward her .

Tang Wan-er blocked it with her wind blades, but she was sent flying, once more coughing up blood . This time, she received an internal injury, one that was not light .

The fatty once more waved his staff, unleas.h.i.+ng continuous attacks . Tang Wan-er clenched her teeth .

“I admit defeat!”

Tang Wan-er was instantly transported out . She threw herself into Meng Qi’s embrace and wailed, “Sister… I… I… I’m so useless…!”

Meng Qi was distressed, as well as infuriated . This was Tang Wan-er’s first time suffering like this . The Heaven Suppressing Magic Sect’s fatty was too hateful .

“The Xuantian Dao Sect’s men are useless, and their women are also useless . You weren’t even able to satisfy me, hahaha!” mocked the fatty before he jumped off .

Long Chen looked coldly at those pleased disciples from the Heaven Suppressing Magic Sect . His gaze settled on the man in the conical hat who hadn’t said a word .

Suddenly, within his spiritual sea, he said, “Xuan Master, do you want to bet?”

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