Chapter 114

Chapter 114 The Truth

There was a certain river that flowed completely straight, no end in sight . It was bordered by high cliffs on both sides whose sides were as smooth as if they had been cut with a sword .

The river was hundreds of meters deep, and the racing water was like galloping horses, roaring into the distance, forming countless eddies .

Two people, one old and one young, were standing right on the edge of a cliff, looking down on the swirling river water .

“Dad, why have you brought me her?” Long Chen was still confused .

The two of them had flown on a Magical Beast for a full day to arrive here . The view was definitely amazing, but Long Tianxiao wouldn’t waste that much effort just to bring him here for the scenery .

Long Chen also sensed that this river was a bit odd . But as for what part of it was strange, he was unable to tell .

“We came here for me to tell you the truth about your past . ” Long Tianxiao looked down on the surging river water, his expression complicated .

“The truth about my past?” Long Chen couldn’t believe his own ears .

Long Tianxiao sighed and patted Long Chen’s shoulders . “You’re not actually my birth child . You were adopted . ”

“How is that possible!?” Long Chen looked at Long Tianxiao in shock, his heart in a complete mess .

“That is also why your mom went so out of control that day . She didn’t want you to know this secret . ”

Even in the face of life and death battles, Long Chen had never felt so lost . He couldn’t accept this! His own father and mother weren’t his birth parents?

Long Chen’s mind became empty and desolate as if he had lost his soul .

“Chen-er, although you aren’t my biological son, in the eyes of your mom and I, you are our true son . ” Long Tianxiao’s eyes blurred as he looked at Long Chen .

“If I’m not your biological son, why was I a part of your fiancee agreement you made before either Meng Qi or I were born?” asked Long Chen .

Hearing that, a pained expression appeared on Long Tianxiao’s face . Looking down on the surging water, he said, “Your mother and I were expecting to have a child . But in the seventh month of her pregnancy, an accident caused your mother to miscarry . We felt the painful loss of a child . At that time, your mother was in so much pain that she wished she were dead . Furthermore, at that time, I wasn’t even home . Your mother almost committed suicide . Only after I returned did your mother tell me about this matter . ”

“Was it done by Ying Hou?” Long Chen ground his teeth .

Long Tianxiao shook his head . “No . At that time, I still didn’t have that much of an enmity with Ying Hou . Furthermore, his finger had yet to be severed . It really was just a careless mishap by your mother . That was also why she was filled with so much remorse and pain . I had just happened to find you as a baby and bring you back while I was still unaware of what had happened . You coincidentally filled the regret in your mother’s heart . Speaking of which, we both have to thank you, otherwise with your mother’s const.i.tution, that depression probably would have already taken her life . ”

Long Chen continued to remain silent . Long Tianxiao patted him on the shoulder . “Real men don’t need become a mess just because of some blood relations or not . Even if you aren’t my birth son, I will forever spend my time trying to protect you from wind or rain . Even if I’m not your birth father, if I really do run into troubles, wouldn’t you still risk your life for me? There’s no need to worry about such senseless things like blood . ”

Long Chen nodded . He also felt there was no need to split hairs over an insoluble issue . But still, for the parents he loved to not be his birth parents was still something that was difficult to accept .

“Your mother and I truly treat you as precious as your own lives . That is especially true for your mom . Having already lost a child, you are the everything in her life,” said Long Tianxiao .

Long Chen shook . He finally understood why Long Tianxiao had told Chen Fei that if the worst case scenario arrived while protecting the Long family that he should protect Long Chen above everything else .

Back then he had thought that his father had given up on his mother . That he would protect him over his mother had caused him to feel some anger and disappointment . But now when he thought about it, he finally understood his father’s pain .

His mother had already lost a child . She absolutely wouldn’t be able to endure losing a second child . If his father did end up saving his mother, letting Long Chen die, she would hate him for the rest of her life .

Thinking of how deep his mother and father’s love for him was, Long Chen couldn’t control his tears anymore and began to cry .

A father’s love was life a mountain; a mother’s love was like an ocean . He would never be able to repay their love in his lifetime . And now he was about to leave them . He was really too heartless .

“Dad, I…” Long Chen was about to say that he wouldn’t go when his father interrupted him .

“Chen-er, men must aspire to travel afar and make their mark on the world . Don’t give up your dream just for some familial love . If you do, your mother and I would feel guilt for the rest of our lives . I know your mom . Although she can’t really let you go like this, she truly wishes for you to be happy . ”

Long Tianxiao had to stop for a moment before then continuing, “You’ve also become aware that someone has done something to your body .

“I also don’t know who did this . When I found you, you were barely over a month old . I have no idea who would do such a vicious thing to a baby, but when I found you, I realized your Dantian and abdomen had three strange holes in them that had yet to heal . If I haven’t guessed wrong, yoru Dantian’s Spirit Root must have been removed by some specific instrument . As for what the other two holes were for, I’m still not sure . But I a.s.sume it was furthering what had happened to your Spirit Root . ”

Long Chen’s heart was racing . So what had happened to his body hadn’t been done by Ying Hou . There was some other reason .

Long Tianxiao only knew that one hole had been facing his Dantian and realized that his Dantian was completely empty, his Spirit Root stolen .

But after Long Chen had merged with a Pill G.o.d’s memories, he knew that it wasn’t just his Spirit Root . His Spirit Bone and his heart’s Spirit Blood had also been taken away .

Just how vicious would a person have to be in order to do such a thing to a baby only a month old?

“I knew then that you would perhaps never be able to cultivate . But I had thought that by relying on my capabilities, I could at least provide you with a basic, happy life .

“But unfortunately I was drawn into a maelstrom and even implicated you and your mother, causing both of you to suffer much pain,” helplessly sighed Long Tianxiao .

“Originally your mother and I thought that with our a.s.sistance, you would be able to live a carefree life . But now your fate has completely reversed . Even now, your mother and I are still unable to protect you . So even before you brought up leaving, I was long since mentally prepared . Today I brought you here to tell you these things . After all, you have your own birth parents . Your mother and I know the pain of losing one’s child, so I feel like you should know the truth . ”

“Who are my birth parents?” Long Chen took a deep breath .

Long Tianxiao shook his head . “I don’t know . Back when I found you, it was right at this place . Two people were fighting intensely . The river you see here was formed by a slash of one of their swords . ”

Long Chen was startled . He looked down at the river in disbelief, unable to say anything .

“If I hadn’t personally seen it, I also wouldn’t believe it . But it really is the truth . The two of them were fighting fiercely in the sky . Light s.h.i.+ned from their bodies as they fought high up in the sky . Sword Qi from them pierced through mountains…”

Long Tianxiao’s eyes became unfocused as he sunk back into his memories . Although over ten years had pa.s.sed since them, it was still as shocking as ever when he thought of it .

“Back then I had gone out alone in order to hunt red-horned elk as something nutritious for your mother’s pregnancy . That was how I ended up seeing such a shocking battle .

“I immediately hid myself in the distance . In the end, one of them used a secret art and their Sword Qi exploded out . Bizarre lines flew out and filled the sky, and he used a single final blow to kill the other .

“That sword blow resulted in this huge river . I was absolutely terrified back then, as I had never before seen someone cultivate to such a level .

“Only after that sword blow did I notice that that person was holding a baby . That person merely glanced at me and I was immediately unable to move .

“And then the wind around me changed and I actually involuntarily floated over to that person . I thought that I was done for .

“But then that person actually just handed over the baby to me and told me raise him into an adult .

“I was absolutely stupefied, not understanding why such a powerful person would hand me a baby .

“After that person said that, his expression suddenly changed . He sent me back with a wave of his hand . As for him, countless lines appeared over his body and he slowly dissipated . ” Reaching this point in his story, Long Tianxiao couldn’t help sighing . It was as if that had happened yesterday . That memory was still as vivid as ever .

“Chen-er, although I don’t know who your birth parents are, I dare say that I am sure they are shockingly great figures . That is because the person who brought you called you young master . Such a powerful person called himself your servant . ”

Long Chen’s heart jumped . A true expert the likes of which he had never seen which was capable of cutting apart a mountain with a single blow was just a servant? Then just how powerful would his parents be?

Long Tianxiao continued, “Later I was reading some ancient records that mentioned those strange lines . Those lines are called glyphs and are unimaginably powerful .

“As for that final technique, it’s called Empty Dao Transformation[1] . I didn’t understand it much back then, but later I guessed it was a kind of secret technique to make any of tracks disappear . He destroyed his own body in order to protect you .

“Once I brought you to the capital, I gradually forgot about these things . I always treated you as my true son . I thought that perhaps you would never leave us, but after the huge battle a couple days ago, I can sense that this is perhaps fate . ”

“What fate?” asked Long Chen .

“Just before his death, that expert told me that if you were unable to cultivate in your lifetime, you could just be an ordinary person, living a happy life .

“But if you could cultivate, he told me to tell you all about this and let you make your own decision .

“Originally I thought that you would forever not know the truth . But when I saw your intense fight with that white-robed man, I knew that you would leave .

“Your mom doesn’t want you to leave mostly because she’s afraid that once you learn all this, you’ll go to find revenge . ”

That person had been flying with Long Chen, meeting with enemies one after another, in the end even forced to use the Empty Dao Transformation . It went without saying that his enemies must be absolutely terrifying .

If Long Chen did learn the true, he would definitely choose to go take revenge . That was what his mother thought . He would have to face countless terrifying experts whose power none of them could imagine .

“Enmities definitely must be revenged . But dad, don’t worry . I won’t recklessly send myself to death,” said Long Chen .

The enmity of stealing his Spirit Blood, taking his Spirit Bone, and destroying his Spirit Root definitely had to be repaid in full .

But now still wasn’t the time for revenge . He had to quickly increase his strength, otherwise he would just be throwing away his life .

“I know that you would make such a decision . Come over here . Take a look at what your father and mother left you . ” Long Tianxiao swung his hand, crus.h.i.+ng a boulder, revealing an object beneath it .

[1] ‘Empty Dao Transformation’ 化道 hua dao: hua refers to transform, dao meaning the Dao . For those unaware, the Dao is both corporeal and formless . In this case, the person is transforming into that empty aspect of the Dao . Hopefully there will be more information about this technique in the future and I can maybe come up with a better name .

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