Chapter 149

Chapter 149 The Finch Follows from Behind

After Long Chen separated with Tang Wan-er, he used the tablet’s map to figure out his location and pick out a new goal location .

Currently he was still at the fringes of the trial region . According to the map, he needed to cross over a large river and pa.s.s by a large mountain before reaching the final destination of the trial .

But less than a week had pa.s.sed into the trial so far, so he still had more than ample time . So first he found an isolated cave and took out a Wonder Carp essence .

The Wonder Carp essence was around the size of a soybean . It looked like nothing more than a round, unremarkable bone . Even if it was crushed, there weren’t any clues as to what it really was .

He took out a black medicinal pill from his spatial ring . Crus.h.i.+ng it into a small bowl of water, the water immediately became black as ink .

Placing the Wonder Carp essence into the bowl, that black medicinal liquid immediately began to boil over . Countless bubbles popped up, and a faint energy slowly spread .

Long Chen smiled . Only this method was capable of drawing out the Wonder Carp’s essence energy .

Touching his forehead, his Spiritual Strength circulated . A faint vortex appeared between his eyebrows, absorbing the fluctuations being emitted from the Wonder Carp essence, not leaving even the slightest bit .

In just a single breath’s time, all the Wonder Carp essence’s energy was completely absorbed . Taking out the Wonder Carp essence from the bowl, he saw that it had already become much dimmer, in the end falling apart like a ball of mud .

That showed that all the energy within the essence had been completely drawn out . Long Chen closed his eyes and sensed his current state . His Spiritual Strength had advanced slightly from absorbing this Wonder Carp essence, but he couldn’t be too sure about that because it really was just a slight, minor advancement .

Over twenty Wonder Carp essences now appeared in his hand . These were the result of his two meals of Wonder Carps .


He placed them all into the bowl, causing the black liquid to once more boil . Powerful fluctuations began to surge .

Long Chen didn’t dare be negligent, and the vortex over his forehead once more appeared, beginning to absorb this energy .

This kind of energy was invisible to the naked eye . It could only be sensed with the soul . As he absorbed more and more energy, a pleased smile appeared on Long Chen’s face .

With this many essences, Long Chen could clearly sense a powerful energy nouris.h.i.+ng his soul . His Spiritual Strength began much livelier .

The Wonder Carp essences’ energy didn’t contain Spiritual Strength, but a kind of marvelous energy that could nourish the spirit .

If the Spiritual Strength was a tree, then the Wonder Carp essences’ energy was like fertilizer .

Under the nourishment of this many Wonder Carp essences’ energy, Long Chen could clearly sense his Spiritual Strength slowly growing . Although this growth was slight, it still made him go wild with joy .

Spiritual Strength was something that was set once you were born . It would only ever advance when you broke through realms .

Treasures that could nourish Spiritual Strength were exceedingly few . And treasures like the Wonder Carp essences were essentially unknown by others . They knew about its flavor, but they thought the Wonder Carp essence was just trash . It really was a pity .

“Unfortunately, this life ring is too low quality . Otherwise I could grab a couple extra and breed them over and over . ”

Long Chen couldn’t help sighing regretfully . The Wonder Carp’s reproductive ability had always been low, and they were extremely picky about their surroundings . They required a clean and natural environment . It was extremely difficult to breed them purposefully .

And as for his current life ring, it could only just manage to keep them alive . It wasn’t capable of letting them grow more, and so he was a bit disappointed .

Although the Wonder Carp essence only offered a weak energy, it was extremely pure without any side effects . As long as he had enough numbers, he would be able to continuously nourish his soul .

Grains of sand could eventually acc.u.mulate enough to make a tower; if he had enough time and enough Wonder Carps, his Spiritual Strength could continue growing stronger . To a Pill Cultivator, powerful Spiritual Strength was everything .

The pool he had found the Wonder Carps in hadn’t been very large . If Long Chen had continued using his method of catching them, it wouldn’t have been long before they were all gone .

Perhaps if Long Chen had really been planning on doing that, even the Xuantian Monastery wouldn’t have permitted it . So he could only take things one step at a time .

Aftering absorbing the Wonder Carp essences, Long Chen felt himself be refreshed and much livelier, taking a long stretch .

He had also consumed a couple healing medicinal pills . The damage the thunderforce had done to his body had was mostly healed at this time .

“I should go take a stroll around . I can’t waste the Xuantian Monastery’s treasures . ”

Long Chen left his cave and began to walk according to the map . On the way he saw quite a few registrants that were also searching around constantly like him .

Obviously everyone had already begun to gather at the final location from the map . Most likely they were preparing to cross the first barrier, the huge river . When many people saw Long Chen, they couldn’t help being nervous . But then seeing Long Chen didn’t bother with them, they relaxed .

“Didn’t you hear? That guy killed one of Lei Qianshang’s subordinates yesterday,” whispered one .

“I heard Zhao Wu was an extremely powerful figure and considered Lei Qianshang’s right-hand man . Who would have thought such a person would die under Long Chen’s hands?”

“I heard that after Long Chen killed Zhao Wu, he didn’t receive any punishment and was still allowed to continue the trial . ”

People couldn’t help sighing . Back then Long Chen had been riding his powerful mount and fought fiercely with Qi Xin . They had all thought he was just some spoiled brat relying on his family’s power . His third rank Magical Beast didn’t represent he truly had any power .

That was because true experts didn’t need to bring powerful Magical Beasts to guard them . So they had never viewed Long Chen importantly .

“Long Chen is definitely a dark horse . I wonder if he can stand on par with the monster-cla.s.s experts,” sighed one person .

“Tch, just him? Who do you think he is to dare compare him to monster-cla.s.s experts? Didn’t you hear he immediately coughed up blood after just one of Lei Qianshang’s attacks?

“He’s just bullying weaker people . In front of a monster-cla.s.s expert, he is unable to receive even a single blow,” one person coldly snorted, obviously disdainful of Long Chen .

Of course, Long Chen had no idea that the news of him killing Zhao Wu had already explosively spread . At this time, people already considered him to be the number one figure below the monster-cla.s.s level .

Walking over a mountain, he arrived a flat plain . The huge trees had already disappeared from this region . Taking their place were endless shrubs .

These shrubs were all several meters high . After walking in, it was incredibly easy to get lost . Long Chen looked around, determining his direction, and walked in .

It was extremely difficult to walk through this place . There were many th.o.r.n.y thistles, and the majority were poisonous . Although they couldn’t break through Long Chen’s defense, it was still uncomfortable and tore through his clothes . A slight mistake caused a huge hole to tear in his clothes . If he didn’t think of a method, perhaps just halfway through he would be streaking naked .

Suddenly a figure rushed by Long Chen’s side, causing him some surprise . Was this person so strong he didn’t need to bother with the thorns?

But then he immediately laughed when he saw that person . He was wearing a golden armor over his entire body .

No wonder he wasn’t afraid of the thorns . Long Chen shook his head . Searching his spatial ring, he found he really did have a couple sets of armor .

Long Chen thanked that fellow who had thought of robbing him back then . These sets all came from him .

He found a bronze set that fit him . Now with this bronze armor covering him, he wouldn’t have to worry about these thorns .

After thinking for a moment, he continued looking through his spatial ring and found a helmet for himself as well .

“Haha, excellent . ” This helmet was a full helmet that completely covered his head, leaving only two holes for his eyes . Even someone who knew him wouldn’t be able to recognize him .

“Ah, if I want to commit some sins, having good tools is definitely a must!” Long Chen was delighted . Putting on the helmet, he found that although his line of sight was somewhat restricted and it was a bit uncomfortable, it wasn’t that difficult to get used to . He sent his divine sense to see things for him .

He continued forward again . With this armor protecting him, he no longer worried about these thorns .

This set of armor should weigh more than one hundred and fifty kilograms . By relying on inertia, Long Chen could shoot forward like a cannonball . During that wild rush, even if he ran into some huge tree, he wouldn’t have to dodge and could directly charge through it .

“Haha, how refres.h.i.+ng!” That was the first time Long Chen experienced such a feeling . He felt as if his heart and spirit had been released and were flying . He enjoyed the thrill of this high-speed travel .

“Ah, c.r.a.p!”

While he was enjoying this refres.h.i.+ng feeling, he hadn’t expected to run into two others . They were also wearing armor and charging forward . However, in his eyes, their speed was no different from a snail’s .

“Get out of the way! I can’t stop!”


Long Chen had only just shouted when he slammed into the two of them . Those two were immediately sent flying into the air, shouting in panic .

With two loud bangs, those two crashed to the ground . Ached groans came from them as they rolled around completely battered .

“Ah sorry! This crash was definitely my fault!” Long Chen was alarmed .

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d, hand over your tile!”

Those two crawled up and angrily pointed at Long Chen .

Taking off their helmets, he saw their hair was a complete mess and blood was flowing from their noses . There were even some bruises on their faces . He had definitely crashed into them too hard .

“d.a.m.n, it hurts . I can’t even feel my nose . What are you just staring for?! Hand over your tile!” One person angrily shouted in between pained moans .

“Oh, I’m sorry . Junior only just began to practice this method and isn’t too familiar . This tile will be my apology to you two . ”

Long Chen definitely felt in the wrong and handed over his Tian tile to them . In any case, he already had a full set and he no longer had any use for it .

The two of them continued cursing as they received the tile . “Brat, this time your luck is good . Next time pay attention . ”

“Yes, next time I’ll definitely pay more attention,” laughed Long Chen .

“Ok, let’s go . Boss Qi wants us to quickly gather . Don’t delay Boss Qi’s major affair . We’ll just let this kid off this time,” said one to the other, pulling on the other to quickly leave .

After the two of them left, Long Chen was left wondering: boss Qi? To be called boss, didn’t that mean it was most likely a monster-cla.s.s figure, Qi Xin?

Long Chen turned to look in the direction they were going . Hehe, Qi Xin, let me see just what you are planning .

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