Chapter 188

Chapter 188 Absorbing the Neidan

The first level of the Xuantian pavilion was filled with medicinal ingredients and pills . But the second level was filled with various Battle Skills and techniques .

But after arriving at the second level, they saw it was mostly devoid of people . There were just over ten white-robed senior apprentice-brothers guarding this level .

Bookshelves covered the walls, each bookshelf separated from the others and filled with secret tomes .

Below the tomes were an introduction of the technique as well as its price .

Long Chen gasped when he saw the prices . Seventy-six thousand eight hundred…

That was an Earth cla.s.s Battle Skill . But of course the Xuantian Monastery’s collected Battle Skill’s were all first-rate, a completely different level from the Three Style Parting Wind Long Chen had learned .

But even so, this price was far too excessive . Tang Wan-er also shook her head .

It was no wonder there was no one here . Everything was far too expensive . In their present circ.u.mstances, there was no way for them to buy anything good .

Their current points had to be used to raise the collective power of the faction . They couldn’t just waste it all on one person .

If they did, then their faction would drop in power in comparison to the others . In their future compet.i.tions, they would be oppressed and end up losing out .

Tang Wan-er herself also possessed fifty thousand points for her own usage . But even that many points were unable to buy anything she needed . It would be better for her to just save them to use later .

Those senior apprentice-brothers guarding this place only indifferently glanced over at them without saying anything . Obviously the kind of shock they had displayed was already a common occurrence for them .

“Looks like we came for nothing,” sighed Tang Wan-er .

“Let’s just take a look,” smiled Long Chen . He started to rove around the bookshelves, finding many secret techniques that had mostly all reached the initial Earth cla.s.s .

There were also several mid grade Earth cla.s.s Battle Skills, but Long Chen didn’t even bother looking at them . That was because those tomes had prices in the hundred thousands .

Long Chen wasn’t even paying attention to what level the Battle Skill or technique was . He was only looking at their prices . If it was only in the ten thousands, he would read the introduction .

All the lower priced ones were just a couple secret techniques or arts . They weren’t true Battle Skills, and their cla.s.s was also not high despite their prices still not being low .

Suddenly Long Chen’s eyes brightened as he stopped before one shelf: Spiritual s.p.a.ce Opening Arts .

I finally found it! Long Chen celebrated . He had really found what he had been looking for .

Opening a spiritual s.p.a.ce was a fundamental skill of Beast Tamers . Using their Spiritual Strength, they would open a special s.p.a.ce to store their housepets so that they could carry them around at all times .

There were no such secret techniques circulating within the secular world . Long Chen had searched for a long time within Phoenix Cry without finding any .

And back when Lu Fang-er had sent Little Snow to him, she had been limited by her sect’s rules and couldn’t give him a true inheritance . And so Long Chen had been unable to learn this technique up till this day .

With Long Chen’s Spiritual Strength, he was long since able to open a spiritual s.p.a.ce . Once he did, he would be able to keep Little Snow by his side without anyone being able to argue .

The price was sixty-three thousand points . Long Chen really wanted to hatefully spit on the ground at that price .

This was an entry level technique that was only for Beast Tamers, but it was already so expensive . He had seen shameless people before, but he had never seen such a shameless price .

Tang Wan-er looked at it and curiously asked Long Chen, “You want to learn this?”

Long Chen nodded, “Yup . ”

Tang Wan-er smiled, “Then go ahead . We still have enough points . I still haven’t touched me own . ”

“Thank you . Just let me take care of the Heaven Earth Faction,” gratefully thanked Long Chen .

Long Chen was using their faction’s points to buy personal items . But opening a spiritual s.p.a.ce was extremely important to him . Once he did, he would have a powerful helper by his side .

At that time he would have another status: Beast Tamer . When he fought with others, he could call out Little Snow to fight with him .

Even if people were jealous about it, it was useless . That was because without a spiritual connection to a Magical Beast, it was impossible to absorb them into your spiritual s.p.a.ce .

And that was why the other disciples’ Magical Beasts could only count as mounts, while Long Chen and Little Snow had a housepet agreement between them . It was just that Long Chen hadn’t placed a slave imprint into Little Snow . But with their spiritual connection, it was no different from a contract .

Now that everyone had advanced to Muscle Rebirth, Long Chen had immediately become one of the lower leveled members . But if he had Little Snow with him, although he might not leap to the top, he definitely wouldn’t be oppressed by anyone .

“I’m really not used to you being so polite . In any case, you’re the executive manager in charge of the Heaven Earth Faction . If our Heaven Earth Faction’s power ends up dropping, hehe, well I’ll be coming to you for blame,” laughed Tang Wan-er .

“Don’t worry boss, Long Chen will do his fullest!” Long Chen put on a great act of saluting .

Tang Wan-er merely rapped him a bit in repuke . “Move on from your wackiness . ”

At this point someone walked over to them . He gave Long Chen a reminder, “This thing isn’t very useful . Are you sure you want to buy this?”

If you know it’s not useful, then why is it so expensive?! But Long Chen knew that these senior apprentice-brothers didn’t have anything to do with the prices .

Long Chen nodded . “I’ll have to trouble senior apprentice-brother . ”

That person took Long Chen’s medal . Seeing his points sharply drop, Long Chen’s heart dripped blood

Taking back the medal, that person opened the shelf and took out a jade tablet from beneath the tome . Handing it to Long Chen, he said, “This is a spirit jade tablet . Inside is the information of the tome . The content will only remain in the jade for three days .

“If you still haven’t learned it after three days, you can come get a new one here one more time . But if you fail to learn it twice, then you won’t get any further help . ”

Long Chen nodded . If you really couldn’t learn it after two tries then you really were useless . He suspected the second opportunity was most likely only for those who lost or damaged the tablets .

After saying thanks, the three of them didn’t waste any more time there . Seeing things they wanted but not being able to buy them was a kind of torment .

Although Tang Wan-er hadn’t touched her personal points, as the leader, she had to at least keep some savings in reserve .

The faction’s points had basically all been used up by Long Chen . Tang Wan-er didn’t even dare look at anything else for fear that she wouldn’t be able to control herself .

Once the three of them walked out of the Xuantian pavilion, Tang Wan-er told Long Chen, “We’ll go get some new talent to make up the numbers .

“Currently our faction has seventy-nine members, so we can get twenty-one more . We must get top elites .

“During the trial, there were a great deal of people who hadn’t joined any faction yet managed to pa.s.s .

“Most of those are only outer disciples with only a couple rare inner disciples . But even twenty-one outer disciples will be able to boost our strength . ”

Long Chen said, “You and Guo Ran go get more people . I have to hurry up and prepare to refine medicinal pills . We can’t stall the matter of increasing everyone’s strength .

“Also, when you go get new members, it isn’t strength that is important . Perseverance and determination are the most important things . Also, they definitely must be loyal .

“And also, if you end up finding someone as weird as Guo Ran, don’t let him join . Just having one such person in our faction is enough . ”

Guo Ran was speechless while Tang Wan-er laughed . She brought Guo Ran over to the Xuantian plaza . That was where the majority of the people who had yet to join a faction were .

Long Chen directly returned to the immortal cave . Seeing Qing Yu was present, he told her to go the plaza as well to help recruit people .

After all, those recruits would be their eternal companions, so it was extremely important to pick properly . Having more people helping out with the recruitment would be best .

Once Qing Yu left, Long Chen took out his pill furnace as well as a large pile of medicinal ingredients . Extending his hand, a light red flame soared into existence .

“It’s been a while since I’ve refined pills . I better not screw up… I only got one set of ingredients . ”

Once he finished warming the furnace, he increased his flame strength, beginning to slowly place the medicinal ingredients in the pill furnace .

What gladdened Long Chen was that his alchemy arts seemed to have sunk deep within his bones . He was not the slightest bit out of practice . And because his cultivation base had risen, his Spiritual Strength had also increased, allowing him to have even greater control than before .

Two hours later, he lifted the lid and saw a longan-sized medicinal pill .

That medicinal pill didn’t have any l.u.s.tre . It looked like a rusted old ball of copper . But Long Chen smiled .

“This Fire Gathering Pill’s quality is not bad . ”

Putting away the Fire Gathering Pill, he once more began refining medicinal ingredients . But this time he wasn’t refining pills, but a kind of medicinal liquid .

That medicinal liquid was red as blood and was strangely viscous . Only once that liquid changed color three times did Long Chen stop his flame .

Once the medicinal liquid in his pill furnace cooled off, Long Chen took out the Flame Salamander’s Neidan and gently began to drip drops of that liquid onto the Neidan .

The egg-shaped Neidan began to crazily absorb the medicinal liquid . Its original white color began to darken into a blood-red .

As the Neidan’s color changed, a terrifying heat began to circulate within it .

By the time all the medicinal liquid had been absorbed, the Neidan had become extremely bright . The fluctuations coming from within it were incredibly intense, like a volcano on the verge of erupting .

“Ok, the fire-attribute energy has been completely activated . I hope I can manage to absorb the runic power within it as well . ”

Long Chen hesitated a moment, and then decided to leave the immortal cave . Closing the door, he hurried to the back of the mountain .

Finding a secluded place, he took out the Neidan and swallowed the Fire Gathering Pill he had just refined .

As soon as that medicinal pill entered his stomach, it immediately dissolved . A light heat flowed through his meridians .

Long Chen looked within him and saw his meridians had been plated with a layer of gold . It was a protective membrane for the insides of his meridians .

That was why Long Chen had never absorbed the Flame Salamander’s Neidan up to this point .

Even someone as powerful as him didn’t dare absorb it without this medicinal pill’s a.s.sistance . A Flame Salamander’s Neidan whose energy had barely been used at all contained a flame that could heavily injure his meridians .

It was a third rank Magical Beast’s beast flame, and it was also number ninety-seven on the beast flame rankings . Long Chen didn’t dare be careless .

Furthermore, what Long Chen wanted wasn’t just the beast flame . He wanted something even stronger than a regular beast flame .

Taking a deep breath, he adjusted himself into his peak state . Placing his hands atop the Flame Salamander’s Neidan, he began to circulate his spiritual qi, absorbing the violent energy within the Neidan .

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