Chapter 215

Chapter 215 Embryonic Thunderforce Rune

Tang Wan-er worriedly watched Long Chen . That thunderforce had almost erupted out several times, causing her heart to pound .

But as time pa.s.sed, the thunderforce’s rebellious will was gradually eroded by Long Chen’s Spiritual Strength .

Unfortunately, Long Chen wasn’t much better off . Suppressing that much thunderforce at the same time exhausted him to death .

After a prolonged battle, the deadlock was finally broken . Long Chen’s advantage was that his Spiritual Strength slowly recovered with time .

But this thunderforce was without any further reinforcement . After three whole days, Long Chen finally taught Tang Wan-er a lesson: perseverance always wins .

In those three days, Long Chen had finally eroded the berserk will within the thunderforce so that it no longer resisted him . But Long Chen was already completely exhausted and didn’t have the energy to refine it at this time .

He rested a whole day before recovering and beginning to refine the thunderforce .

Because there was no further resistance, it was like a group of wolves had transformed into sheep . Now Long Chen used his previous thunderforce to easily devour this new thunderforce, increasing his own thunderforce .

Long Chen immediately gained control of over ten times his previous thunderforce .

He was also pleasantly surprised to see that the golden particles in his blood had increased . There were also faint runes that had appeared in his blood .

Those runes were extremely minute and very weak, but they were definitely a kind of rune .

Connecting to those runes in his blood, his face immediately erupted into ecstasy .

“What happened?!” When Tang Wan-er saw Long Chen finally open his eyes, she was given a fright .

“Hahaha, I’ve really struck gold!”

Long Chen hugged Tang Wan-er and crazily spun around, unable to control his own excitement .

“Aiya! Scoundrel, it hurts! Let me go!”

Tang Wan-er’s heart pounded as she was hugged by Long Chen . Her red face almost seemed like blood would drip out of it . She felt warmth, bashful, as well as a bit angry .

Long Chen let her go and awkwardly apologized, “Sorry, I forgot myself . ”

Tang Wan-er’s face was completely red and she didn’t dare look at him . It wasn’t as if she could say it was alright, as wouldn’t that encourage him to do that a second time?

“What’s going on? Why are you so excited?” Tang Wan-er forced herself to be calm, pretending to be tranquil .

“Hehe, let me show you something good . ”

Buzz .

Long Chen opened his hand and a spear of thunderforce appeared . Lightning covered it along with faint runes, and it looked just like a real, solid spear .

Rumbling sound came from the spear and a terrifying destructive will accompanied it, causing Tang Wan-er to fearfully take a step back .

Her shy expression became shock as she stared at that thunderforce spear in Long Chen’s hand .

“This… this thunderforce is…”

Long Chen laughed, “Yes, this is the natural thunderforce I s.n.a.t.c.hed . This time I really did profit . I don’t know why, but the thunderforce’s rune automatically condenses within my blood now . In the future I’ll have my own thunderforce seed, hahaha…!”

“Long Chen, you really are amazing!” Tang Wan-er was truly in awe of him . She actually took the initiative to hug Long Chen in her excitement .

“Aiya, it hurts! Let me go!” Long Chen imitated Tang Wan-er’s previous tone and expression .

“Scoundrel, you really don’t know how to talk properly!” Tang Wan-er was immediately enraged and let go Long Chen . She gave him a kick .

Long Chen laughed and dodged her kick . “It was just a joke; don’t be so angry . This thunderforce will be one of my killing moves in the future . ”

His excitement had still not faded . Now that he could control his own thunderforce, he could use thunderforce to temper his body .

However, at this time the runes in his body were still in an embryonic state . If he wanted it to progress faster, he would need to s.n.a.t.c.h even more thunderforce .

In this manner he would have much greater guarantee against future heavenly punishments . Furthermore, his thunderforce would even be able to increase his own cultivation base and would be a powerful attacking force . It really like three birds with one stone .

With the presence of those runes in his blood, it meant he could transform his own spiritual qi into thunderforce .

So now Long Chen had his flame blade, a lightning blade, Split the Heavens, and his FengFu Battle Armor as powerful attacks .

The last two were especially shocking . But they also were greatly exhausting . His FengFu Star was not really enough .

Now he understood why the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art involved forming nine stars . That was because without such an ample reserve of energy, it was impossible to keep up with that terrifying consumption rate .

“Wan-er, let’s go do some missions and get some points,” said Long Chen .

Now they had nothing more to do . It would be best for him to do some missions and gather enough points for the Alioth Pill’s ingredients as soon as possible . He hoped to form the second star as soon as possible .

Otherwise, if he could be temporarily powerful with his trump cards but had no way to maintain it, it would be completely useless . So at this time he needed to increase his ability to fight longer .

“Hmph, if I waited for you to think of such a thing, it really would have been late . I’ve long since made the arrangements,” snorted Tang Wan-er, wrinkling her nose at him .

She had already sent people to complete the monastery’s missions while he had been in his unconscious state .

Although the Heaven Earth Faction was ranked number one this time, there was no way they could monopolize every single mission . They took around twenty percent of the missions .

But to take one fifth of the missions amongst seventeen factions was definitely a large proportion .

Furthermore, there were only a dozen second level missions available . The rest were all just third level or even fourth level missions .

No matter what, the monastery wouldn’t allow a single faction to immediately swallow all the points available . After all, everyone needed to struggle and compete with each other . There had to be at least something left for the bottom ranking factions .

Tang Wan-er had told him that if the first rank faction completed all the missions they could, they would bring in two hundred and seventy thousand points .

Even Long Chen had been startled then . Those points were essentially free since the missions weren’t at all difficult . They were more than capable of completing them all .

Missions didn’t need that many people to accomplish and so Tang Wan-er had already arranged everything .

“Wan-er, I feel like Song Mingyuan, Li Qi, and Luo Cang was trustworthy people . I’m thinking of having them join us,” said Long Chen .

Even after Long Chen had been exiled, the three of them had never abandoned them, even despite ranking at the bottom because of it . That was enough to win over Long Chen’s trust .

“I don’t really get what you mean,” said Tang Wan-er . Weren’t they all already allied?

“I mean we should place everyone’s earning together . We’ll raise all our power equally,” proposed Long Chen .

Tang Wan-er was startled . “That’s a bit too sloppy . There’s no problem with sister Zhiqiu’s side, but if all five of our factions formed a total alliance like that, something bad can happen all too easily . ”

The more people there were, the more difficult it would be to stay one family . If one side became dissatisfied, if there was criticism or discrimination, or any injustices at all could have a huge impact .

If there was even the slightest mistake, they would collapse from the inside out . There was too high of a chance of their alliance crumbling if they did that . Tang Wan-er felt that the benefits did not warrant the risk .

“I understand what you’re thinking . But I believe with their abilities, they are able to control their subordinates . Conflict will only arise because of irreconcilable differences of opinions . But if everyone saw their power crazily rise every day, what differences would ever occur?” smiled Long Chen .

“What do you mean?”

“I have the ability to let everyone’s cultivation bases to crazily soar . As long as they trust me and let me use their points, I can let their faction grow to an unprecedented power level,” confidently said Long Chen .

Tang Wan-er immediately realized Long Chen was going to rely on his amazing alchemy skills to increase everyone’s power .

Although the monastery’s medicinal pills were very expensive, the medicinal ingredients themselves were much cheaper . With Long Chen’s abnormal refining success rate, they would be able to greatly save everyone’s points .

“Furthermore ,I know the pill formulas for every single medicinal pill in the monastery, as well as pill formulas they don’t even know . ” Long Chen smiled .

Within his Pill G.o.d memories were countless pill formulas . As long as he had enough medicinal ingredients, what medicinal pill couldn’t he refine?

With enough medicinal ingredients, increasing everyone’s cultivation bases was simple .

Song Mingyuang and them had stood by the Heaven Earth Faction even in such difficult times . That was enough to show they were straightforward and upright people .

Long Chen didn’t like to owe anyone, and since they considered him their brother, he would definitely not disappoint their trust .

Since everyone had decided to trust their backs to each other, they should trust each other completely through thick and thin .

“Ok, you can decide that . There’s no problem on sister Zhiqiu’s side, but you’ll have to go to Song Mingyuan and them to propose this . ” Tang Wan-er nodded . Since Long Chen had already decided, she wouldn’t oppose him .

She actually greatly admired this kind of action by Long Chen . Men should be like that, straightforward and upright, knowing when to repay kindness and enmity .

Compared to Long Chen, the others like Gu Yang, Lei Qianshang, and Qi Xin were absolute trash . Such fellows didn’t even deserve to be called men .

“How’s your condition? Do you need to rest more?” Tang Wan-er worriedly asked when she saw how exhausted he was .

“It’s nothing big . Let’s go; Little Snow should have returned . I’ve already opened a spiritual s.p.a.ce, and so I can properly bring him with me . Furthermore, we’ll have another powerful helper in the next compet.i.tion . I want to see if that baldy Gu Yang can still be so arrogant then,” said Long Chen with high spirits .

Tang Wan-er laughed, “Why do you sound so excited? Lei Qianshang and Qi Xin were beaten into dogs by you, and you even defeated Gu Yang . Are you still not satisfied?”

“Tch, I’m not that nice . They made you cry from grief and broke Guo Ran’s bones; how could I let it go like that?

“I have never claimed to be some good person . If someone hurts my friends, I will make them pay such a bitter price that anyone watching won’t dare get any further ideas,” said Long Chen .

Tang Wan-er’s heart warmed when she heard that . She had definitely been part of the reason why he had been exiled . The feeling of being protected was definitely a good one .

“Let’s go back . ” Long Chen walked back in the direction of the monastery . He couldn’t absorb more thunderforce without some rest first .

Tang Wan-er quickly followed after him, curiously asking, “Long Chen, can you tell me about what happened to you during your exile?”

“There’s nothing good to tell . ”

“No, you definitely have to tell me!”

“Aiya, it was nothing . Everyday it was just hunting, eating meat, and drinking blood . It was really b.l.o.o.d.y, and there was nothing of interest . Let’s just hurry up and not let Little Snow wait . ”

Long Chen didn’t want to think about those things and he also didn’t feel like there was anything to talk about . Just like that, he brought Tang Wan-er away from this mountain peak .

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