Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts

Chapter 4710 Taking People

Chapter 4710 Taking People

The name card’s contents were modest and simple. In the end, they signed off as the Lightning Falcon race. Seeing this, Long Chen instantly thought of a certain maiden with silver hair and lightning runes in her eyes.

“Lei Yuner,” Long Chen softly murmured this name and smiled. She was a refres.h.i.+ng, straightforward girl. He wondered how she was now.[1]

Upon examining the name card, Long Chen pa.s.sed both it and the gift to Bai Xiaole. As Bai Xiaole noticed Long Chen refraining from opening the gift case, curiosity stirred within him. He wished he could open the case and look inside, but Little Nine scolded him sharply, “It’s impolite to open gifts in front of the giver! And no sneaking glances!”

Bai Xiaole hastily suppressed his curiosity and obediently stood by Long Chen’s side.

“Dean Long Chen, the High Firmament Academy’s inheritance is immense. You have many branches spread throughout every corner of this world. Do you know if any disciples of my Lightning Falcon race are in the academy?” Seeing Long Chen smile, the woman hastily made her request.

“Sadly, there are no disciples of the Lightning Falcon race in my academy.” Long Chen shook his head.

Hearing that, she was disappointed. She was about to say goodbye when Long Chen continued, “Please wait a moment. Although we don’t have anyone from the Lightning Falcon race in our ranks, I do know where you can find them.”

Long Chen took out an elegant case and handed it to Bai Xiaole, causing Bai Xiaole to be baffled. Little Nine then hit him with a claw, and only then did Bai Xiaole realize.

Bai Xiaole hastily handed the case to the woman, who then received it. However, she didn’t know whether she should open it now or not. Opening it in front of everyone here was very rude. But without opening it, she wouldn’t understand what Long Chen was thinking.

“Inside is the academy’s return gift, as well as the location of your people. Find a place with no one else to look at it,” explained Long Chen.

The woman was delighted to hear it. “Many thanks! The seven of us underwent a great trial to arrive here. We had to go through the Starry Sea Heavenly Path, pa.s.sing through the broken sea of stars in search of our people!”

She was so happy that she actually kowtowed toward Long Chen, followed by the other two women by her side. They all seemed extremely excited.

“There’s no need to be so polite. When you find your people, you will understand.” Long Chen waved a hand, and a gentle energy lifted them up.

The three of them excitedly left after thanking Long Chen once more. Once they were outside of the High Firmament Academy, they found a safe place to open the case.

Inside, a map with a marker on it made them shout excitedly.

“Wait, there’s something else!”

Beneath the map, there were three smaller cases. She then picked one up but didn’t sense anything odd.

However, when she opened it, a surge of lightning erupted, causing the world to shudder. The area they were in became covered in a ring of lightning.

“This is...”

They were shocked to see a golden lightning pill twinkling inside of the case. Even with all their experience, they were unable to recognize what tier of pill this was.

However, based on the thunderforce fluctuations coming from this pill, it was an absolute treasure, one that surpa.s.sed their understanding.

“Treasures can’t be exposed! Cover it up!”

When they closed the case, the lightning vanished, and the aura of the medicinal pill did not leak in the slightest. It was like what had just happened was an illusion.

“Heavens! What did that dean give us?! How could he treat us so well?” exclaimed one of them.

Their leader said, “It’s no wonder he told us to open it somewhere with no one else present. This kind of pill is enough to drive countless people crazy.”

“The other two cases... they couldn’t be...” One of them covered their mouth in shock

They put Long Chen’s gift away, once more bowing in the direction of the High Firmament Academy before flying off.


Within the academy, Long Chen was gazing at everyone coldly. “You came to the High Firmament Academy to find your people? That is no problem. The academy’s disciples are free to come and go. We will not stop them if they wish to leave. And in the same vein, we will not let anyone force them to leave if they do not want to. I will transmit your intentions to them, so every disciple of the academy will know the facts. However, you are not permitted to move within the academy. I will only permit you to set up a recruitment point outside of the academy, and you can think of your own ways to attract your people to you. I repeat, everything will be up to their own will. If any of you tries to force our disciples, I will not be so courteous anymore!”

Hearing this, these experts nodded inside. Long Chen might be fierce, but his conditions were still reasonable.

As a result, the hostile atmosphere instantly faded. Some people directly thanked Long Chen, apologizing for their rashness.

This was not a concession on Long Chen’s part; rather, it was all in accordance with the High Firmament Academy’s principles. If it were up to Long Chen, he’d have beaten the c.r.a.p out of these shameless experts who wanted to take away his people.

However, as the dean, Long Chen couldn’t deal with this matter like he wanted to. He had to approach it from the standpoint of the academy’s interests and values.

Some people directly left for the next spot. From their explanation, Long Chen learned that all of them came from the Sovereign Emperor Heaven.

Due to the slight opening of the gate to the ninth heaven, the people inside were already planning for the future, sending a batch of people to cross the dangerous sea of broken stars to recruit some fresh blood. They couldn’t allow their people to be s.n.a.t.c.hed up by other factions.

Crossing the sea of broken stars had been incredibly dangerous. Thankfully, due to the appearance of the gate to the ninth heaven, crossing it had become much safer. Even so, they could lose their lives at any moment during the crossing.

These people had paid an immense price to pa.s.s through the sea of broken stars, with some even losing their lives on the perilous journey. If even half the people managed to get through alive, that would already be considered fortuitous.

Only a fraction of their group made their way to the High Firmament Academy, while many others dispersed across various locations in search of their comrades. Additionally, they were trying to recruit other disciples inside the major cities.

To showcase the might of the Sovereign Emperor Heaven, they brought forth numerous treasures from their realm, highlighting its strength and the potential benefits of aligning with them.

As more and more experts emerged from the sea of broken stars, the atmosphere in this world grew increasingly tense, hinting at ominous developments on the horizon.

1. Chapter 3400 Lei Yuner ?

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