Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts

Chapter 4716 Enraged

Chapter 4716 Enraged

“What do you think you’re doing?!” shouted the elder.

After killing Xiuyang, Long Chen walked back to his seat and placed Evilmoon beside him. He then looked down on them arrogantly, no longer showing any of his previous humility.

“Stop acting. Let us speak frankly. I cannot be bothered to play this kind of probing game with you. I’ve given you an inch and now think you"re the ruler of the jungle, is that it? For eight star Doyens to dare act arrogant in front of me, you must have a death wish. Tell me, what did the Heavenly Desolation Long clan send you here for? If you feel like answering, go ahead. If you don’t, f.u.c.k off. Stray off-topic, and I’ll break your legs.”

Long Chen’s tone was so firm that it could sever metal, and his icy killing intent continued to intensify, causing even the Sage King elder to quiver. On the other hand, the disciples were so shaken that they could barely move.

To them, it felt like Long Chen had suddenly become an entirely different person, his menacing aura instilling sheer terror.

Under Long Chen’s pressure, the elder had no choice but to answer. “We received your father’s suppor—”

Suddenly, Evilmoon appeared next to the elder’s neck, and he couldn’t even react to it.

“What are you doing?!”

“My patience has run out. You can choose not to answer my question, but I will not tolerate lies. Next time, your head will fly off. Go ahead and test me.” Long Chen stared at the elder icily.

Just what kind of person was Long Zhantian? How would he entrust a bunch of trash to find Long Chen? For this elder to start off lying right at the start, Long Chen almost couldn’t hold himself back from beheading him.

The elder was now ashen, finally sensing the terror of this legendary figure. No longer speaking in roundabouts, he obediently answered, “We received orders from the higher-ups of the Long clan to test you out.”

“Why would you do that?” demanded Long Chen.

“It’s because your father’s return caused an uproar in the Long clan. In less than a year, he became one of the Long clan’s four Heavenly Sages, who are second only to the clan head. He previously mentioned that he had a son, so the clan sent us over to check what kind of person you are.” After saying this, the elder seemed to have recovered a bit.

“And yet, here you are. Even if you wanted to gauge my strength, using useless trash like Xiuyang was unnecessary, wouldn’t you agree?” sneered Long Chen.

“No, that wasn’t our intention. We initially had two nine-star Heavenly Doyens with us, but...” The elder’s voice trailed off in bitterness.

Those two nine-star Heavenly Doyens had met a tragic fate. When a fearsome monster in the sea of broken stars targeted them, only a handful of them managed to escape.

Originally, they had decided for the elder to test out Long Chen with words, and if Long Chen pa.s.sed, then that would be all. If not, it would be the turn of these disciples to exchange some blows with him. Once they had a general understanding of his power, they would go back and report it.

“Were you planning on crossing the sea of broken stars again to report this news?” asked Long Chen.

“No, there’s no need for us to do that. Although going out of the Sovereign Emperor Heaven is very difficult, sending word back over isn’t that difficult. It just requires a certain amount of time,” explained the elder.

“Alright then. You can leave. Go back and report to your higher-ups.” Long Chen rose to send them off.

“Dean Long Chen, no matter what, you are a member of the Long clan! I still have many things to discuss with you!” exclaimed the elder hastily.

“First, I am not a member of the Long clan. If we were a family, there would be no need for you to test out my power. Second, although my father is in the Long clan, that does not mean that I will return to the Long clan. Third, I know your goal in coming here. You should give up on that dream!” said Long Chen disdainfully.

“But in any case, you still have the blood of my Long clan in your veins!” cried out the elder. It seemed that he was panicking.

“Blood?” Long Chen sneered. “A clan with countless years of inheritance has likely lost any semblance of family ties based on blood, don’t you think? Just give it up. If my guess is correct, you’re here to conduct a thorough examination of me. If the rumors about me were true, you’d leave it there. But if they were false, and I was nothing more than an ordinary person, you would immediately capture me and use me to threaten my father, right?”

“How could that be? I swear that—”

“It’s a good thing that you’re willing to swear. Swear on your soul then.” Long Chen directly cut the elder off.

Hearing this, the elder was stunned speechless. The atmosphere then grew somewhat awkward, and those disciples stared foolishly at them.

Long Chen disdainfully said, “If the rumors were true, you’d do your best to pull me over to the side of the Long clan, using my status as the dean of the High Firmament Academy to recruit soldiers for the Long Clan. Those soldiers would then become a ma.s.s of cannon fodder for the Long clan. Of course, you would have to figure out my character first. You had to know what I like and dislike, my weaknesses and strengths. That’s why they sent a smooth-talking elder like you. Unfortunately, I’ve seen such things too many times in the mortal world. To tell the truth, it’s far too boring to play this game with you.”

The elder couldn’t say a word because Long Chen’s guess was almost entirely on point, and he was unable to understand how a youngster like him had figured everything out.

“In truth—”

“That’s enough. There’s no need for you to say anything useless. Tell me, how is my father right now?” asked Long Chen.

“The Heavenly Sage is doing very well!” answered the elder hastily.

“But he isn’t in the Long clan any longer, am I right?” Long Chen stared into the elder’s eyes.

“You’re right, the Heavenly Sage left a few months ago!”

The elder was sweating, finally feeling completely terrified. It seemed like Long Chen’s eyes could pierce through his heart and see all his secrets.

Hearing the elder’s answer, Long Chen curled his lips. If his father was in the Long clan, he wouldn’t send someone to gather information on Long Chen. Hence, their arrival signified more malice than good intentions.

“I suppose my father gets along decently with the other Heavenly Sages, correct?” asked Long Chen.

“Yes, their relations.h.i.+p can be considered harmonious!” replied the elder as he hastily nodded, his sweat dripping from his head as he did so.

Long Chen simply laughed. However, no one knew if he was laughing at the elder or the Long Clan.


With a snort, Long Chen bade them farewell. The elder still wanted to talk, but seeing Long Chen’s apathetic expression, he helplessly sighed. In the end, the six of them left, accompanied by one corpse.

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