Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts

Chapter 4734 Providing an Idea

Chapter 4734 Providing an Idea

“You guys go in. I’ll take a look.”

To not expose the Dragonblood Legion’s new power, Long Chen told Guo Ran to enter the academy with the flying boat. Such privileges were exclusive to Long Chen and his closest companions.

As the flying boat soared overhead, it drew everyone’s attention. When they saw Long Chen fly off the boat, countless experts immediately gathered around him.

“Dean Long Chen, you weren’t in the academy?”

“Did you need me for something?” asked Long Chen as he eyed these people. They were all new Divine Venerates, and quite a few of them were Doyens. However, they weren’t particularly strong, perhaps only five or six stars.

They seemed rather anxious. Long Chen had heard quite a few of them shouting and arguing just before, so he couldn’t help scratching his head.

“Dean Long Chen, the Sovereign Emperor Heaven’s major factions have sent their experts over and are doing their best to recruit people. They’ve offered many tempting conditions and promises. However, we don’t feel that good about their offers. We just wanted to ask what you thought about those offers. In this world, you are the one we trust the most,” explained one young man sincerely.

While this person still had some baby fat on his face, he was a genuine five star Heavenly Doyen.

“I don’t think those factions would refuse a genius like you. What don’t you like about their offer?” asked Long Chen.

Hearing Long Chen’s praise, the young man blushed and answered, “Dean Long Chen is joking. How could I count as a genius in front of you?”

Everyone laughed because what he said was true. Although none of them had seen Long Chen’s battle in front of the gate to the ninth heaven, countless people had personally witnessed him kill a nine star Heavenly Doyen during the Lifehunter race’s a.s.sault on the High Firmament Academy.

That nine star Heavenly Doyen was a terrifying, but even such a terrifying existence didn’t have the ability to resist Long Chen’s might.

This news shocked countless people. Just as they thought that the appearance of so many nine star Heavenly Doyens would cover up Long Chen’s light, they found that it was their light that grew dim in front of Long Chen’s. Those Doyens were like fireflies trying to compete with the bright moon.

As a result, more and more wors.h.i.+ppers of Long Chen were born. So, when he called someone a genius, they all laughed. In Long Chen’s presence, no one dared to claim the t.i.tle of genius for themselves.

After laughing, the young man said, “Dean Long Chen, all the factions of the Sovereign Emperor Heaven are trying to recruit people, but none of us have been to their headquarters. My Clear Cloud Sect from the Clear Cloud Mountain can at best be considered a second-tier faction. However, we receive daily visits from representatives of the Sovereign Emperor Heaven. Even Sage Kings personally extend invitations to us. Our own sect master is only an initial Eternal expert...”

Through this disciple’s story, Long Chen learned that even a second-tier sect like the Clear Cloud Sect had received countless invitations from many factions. So, the situation was even more p.r.o.nounced for first-tier sects; their doorstep was about to be crushed flat by the sheer volume of visitors seeking alliances.

According to this young man, Clear Cloud Sect had seventy Doyens, and he was the most talented one amongst them. All of them got invitations from many factions.

In truth, all those recruiters were much stronger than them, and their disciples were even more terrifying. Even eight star Heavenly Doyens had come to their sect, giving them a suffocating pressure.

However, those people were incredibly courteous, even bringing precious gifts for them. Seeing their humble att.i.tude, this young man and his fellow disciples were shocked.

In front of their promises and invitations, they felt like they were dreaming. It was too good to be true. As they couldn’t promise anything easily, they were still watching the situation.

As a result, more and more people were coming to recruit them, leaving them dazed. In front of so many offers, they had no idea how to make a decision.

This was indeed a huge opportunity for them. If they chose correctly, they would have limitless prospects. Otherwise, they would just be squandering their lives.

When they were pondering, news that Long Chen had easily slain Doyens of the Lifehunter race spread, causing countless people to slap their legs. They had actually forgotten about the High Firmament Academy.

Long Chen was the strongest expert of their heaven, so many of them wanted to see the High Firmament Academy’s att.i.tude, as well as Long Chen’s opinion. After all, the High Firmament Academy’s signboard coupled with Long Chen’s character made them very trustworthy.

“Joining them requires a spiritual contract? That’s a bit too much, isn’t it? It"s almost like selling oneself,” Long Chen remarked, taken aback by this revelation.

“Exactly! That’s what we thought too. However, they claim that it’s necessary to ensure our commitment, citing the significant resources and wealth they will invest in raising us. Without such a guarantee, they fear we might simply abandon them,” added a female disciple who managed to push her way through the crowd.

Long Chen found that this girl was quite valiant. To squeeze through this tight crowd of men without fear suggested that she was not one to be easily intimidated. She was incredibly emotional to have the chance to see the legendary existence known as Long Chen and even speak with him.

Long Chen nodded. “They are not wrong to say such a thing, but what if they are conning you? They can say things like how strong the Sovereign Emperor Heaven is, and how strong their faction is. However, none of us have seen anything!”

“That’s our main concern as well. Perhaps those people with bloodline connections aren’t afraid of this, but we don’t have such connections. If we go, perhaps we’ll just be their servants,” stated one person.

“I’m going to say something hurtful. Please don’t get angry. If they really were so strong, I don’t think that they would try to recruit you with such humble att.i.tudes. I think it’s very likely that they were just trying to scam you,” answered Long Chen.

Everyone was rather hurt by his answer, but it did sound logical. If those experts were as strong as they had boasted, they should have tried to invite people like Long Chen.

“Dean Long Chen, the entire world is in chaos now. Seeing so many people returning to their race and joining stronger factions, we are getting anxious. However, we also don’t want to be scammed. Dean Long Chen, can you tell us what we should do?” asked one disciple.

“In truth, there’s no rush. You can wait until the Sovereign Emperor Heaven opens before deciding,” replied Long Chen.

“We’re worried that all the major factions will have filled their quotas by then, leaving no s.p.a.ce for us. They claim they have limited spots available for new recruits,” the brave female disciple explained anxiously.

Long Chen laughed. “Hahaha, don’t listen to their lies. The situation in the Sovereign Emperor Heaven isn’t anything good. They just want some cannon fodder, which is why they are willing to lower themselves to invite anyone they can. Just wait for the Sovereign Emperor Heaven to open. Let me tell you something good: the High Firmament Academy has its own place within the Sovereign Emperor Heaven. If you can’t find a place for yourself in the Sovereign Emperor Heaven, you can come to rest in the High Firmament Academy. And if you find a better place, it won’t be too late to make your decision then.”

“Really? Dean Long Chen, you’re the best!” Those experts were all excited by his promise, and it directly erased all their worries.

“Dean Long Chen, you’re so handsome!”

“Dean Long Chen, I want your babies!”

Hearing this, the woman in front of Long Chen erupted in anger. “How can a woman say something so shameful? Show some dignity!”

Following that, she declared, “Don’t you see that there’s a queue? I’m clearly first in line!”

Long Chen directly s.h.i.+vered and bade his farewell. After that, the experts gathering in front of the High Firmament Academy quickly scattered.

Unbeknownst to Long Chen, his promise had instantly offended numerous factions. The very next day after he made the announcement, an enraged wave of people came to find him.

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