Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts

Chapter 559: 559

Chapter 559: 559

Mo Gate was located on the north side of Qingzhou City . It wasn’t too large, only taking up an area of three hundred miles . All of Mo Gate was situated atop a large, stone mountain, looking just like an ancient city of stone .

Currently, the core experts of the Mo family were gathered within a large hall .

The only outsider present was Long Chen . Here, he saw a truly world-shaking figure: Mo Gate’s current master .

This tall, mountain-like elder made him feel an unprecedented pressure . He seemed like a ma.s.sive volcano . Once he erupted, it could destroy the world .

In front of Mo Yi, Long Chen felt himself to be as miniscule as an ant . That aura from him was even more terrifying than Shui Wuhen’s .

“Little fellows, your display today was really not bad . You’ve gained some face for Mo Gate,” Mo Yi said to Long Chen and Mo Nian .

“You overpraise . All I know how to do is cause a bit of trouble,” said Long Chen .

As for Mo Nian, he had originally been standing side by side with Long Chen, but as soon as Mo Yi came over, he involuntarily s.h.i.+vered and took a step back .

“Little brat, what are you retreating for?!” Mo Yi’s expression sank and he glared at Mo Nian .

His tall stature and mountain-like imposingness made his glare so intimidating that even Long Chen jumped . Just now, he had been so amicable . How did he turn hostile in just an instant?

The Mo family’s experts were astonished not by this change, but by how pleased their old man had been acting . It had to be known that for as long as they had known him, they had rarely seen him speak so pleasantly .

His praise for Mo Nian and Long Chen was unprecedented, but seeing Mo Nian cowering, his fury immediately soared .

“I… I’m afraid you’ll hit me! I can’t beat you so… why can’t I retreat?!” raged Mo Nian .

“So, you’re saying if you could beat me, you’d fight me?” Mo Yi’s expression sank .

Who knew what was going on with Mo Nian today, but with Long Chen by his side, it seemed his guts had grown a great deal, and he shouted, “Even ten years aren’t too late for revenge! I remember every single beating you gave me . There will sooner or later come a day when I repay it all!”

The entire hall became silent as everyone looked at Mo Nian oddly .


Mo Yi suddenly laughed and appeared right in front of Mo Nian . Mo Nian reflexively raised his arms to protect his head .

But unexpectedly, Mo Yi just patted him on the shoulder and praised, “Good! I suppose you have at least a slight backbone! I’ll wait to see whether you can get your revenge within the next ten years . ”

Mo Nian was stunned . It seemed that in all his living memory, he had never received such nice words from his grandfather .

“Don’t just stupidly stand there . Hurry up and eat! Today, Nian-er’s friend has come, and we’ll take Nian-er’s place to hold a welcoming celebration for Long Chen!” laughed Mo Yi .

He was extremely happy today . He was smiling more than he had in the past few decades .

Long Chen noticed that all those who could sit in this place were Mo Gate’s core experts . They were all Xiantian experts, and he was shocked to see there were over three hundred of them .

They really were worthy of being Qing Prefecture’s ruler . This was an overwhelming strength . However, Long Chen noticed that Mo Nian, their junior gate master, didn’t seem to have any special status here .

Only after he asked Mo Nian did he learn that these people were all Mo Nian’s seniors . The only reason he even had the qualifications to eat with them was because of his status .

Mo Gate cared a great deal about seniority and strength . Mo Nian’s t.i.tle of junior gate master didn’t give them any special feeling . If he relied on his status to act arrogant in front of them, then these people would immediately give him a beating . Just mentioning that made Mo Nian furious .

Usually, a family’s junior master would be above the . But instead, he was often put in his place . It was truly stifling .

However, the leader of Mo Gate had already said that junior master was just a t.i.tle . If he wanted to convince everyone, he needed enough strength .

But these people here were all Xiantian experts . Mo Nian could only be suppressed . Mo Yi especially had already broken Mo Nian’s courage in that regard, and each time he saw his grandfather, he would cower .

“Dad, tell me, what drugs did those three idiots take today? Even after it reached that point, they still retreated . ” Once everyone had eaten their fill, Mo Yunshan asked the question that had been on his mind .

Mo Yi smiled slightly . “According to their previous arrangements, they probably would have tried to have a large battle with us in the near future to test our power .

“However, Long Chen’s arrival skewed their plans . That Luo Yingxiong’s son ended up being killed, and so he went to go find Long Chen .

“The other two should have received the news and decided that they weren’t prepared enough . However, that shouldn’t be the main reason . Instead, it’s because the person behind them ordered them to retreat . ”

“Do you know who that person targeting us is?” asked Mo Yunshan .

“There are quite a few people who have past grievances with our Mo Gate’s ancestors . Back then, when we withdrew from the ancient family alliance, we offended many people .

“Now, tens of thousands of years have pa.s.sed . Our Mo family has always been low-key, letting those powers believe that we’ve declined . Now they want to hit us while we’re down .

“Hehe, how laughable . Although I didn’t see who they were, I sensed their aura .

“You don’t need to worry . They probably won’t personally take action . It’s just a bunch of senseless tricks . All you have to remember is to act as you should act . There’s no need to have any misgivings . Even if the heavens collapse, I’ll be there to keep them up . ” Mo Yi’s voice was full of unconcealable domineeringness .

“Perhaps it is destined for Long Chen to have come here at this time . In a few days, when it’s time for the ancestral inheritance, Long Chen can enter with the others,” said Mo Yi .

His words surprised everyone, and one person said, “But the quota to enter is only ten, and they’ve long since been taken…”

“Give Mo Xi’s spot to Long Chen . His qualifications are the most lacking, and even if he entered, there’d be no hope for him . Even Nian-er only has a fifty percent chance of succeeding, let alone him . It’s better to let Long Chen test his luck,” said Mo Yi .

“But Long Chen isn’t a member of the Mo family . Isn’t this inappropriate?”

“There’s nothing inappropriate about it . I’ve already said my wish, so just obediently shut up,” said Mo Yi .

Long Chen was confused, and he asked Mo Nian, “What is this ancestral inheritance?”

Mo Nian whispered, “Brat, you’re very lucky . This ancestral inheritance is something left behind by the top experts our Mo family has produced . Before they died, they sealed their Heavenly Dao seed within them so that they could be absorbed by their descendants .

“Those mighty experts were all Celestials . As for Celestials… well, forget about it . Even if I explained it, you wouldn’t understand . In any case, they are rivalless masters of being bada.s.s . If you can obtain that inheritance, your bada.s.sedness would shake the heavens . ”

“Celestials?” Long Chen was startled . Had Yin Wushang also gained such an inheritance?

“Our Mo family was once glorious to the peak . Regrettably, I don’t know why, but we later declined . We only managed to retain ten statues of our ancestors . Unfortunately, even after all these years, no one has been able to inherit the Heavenly Dao seeds inside them .

“To inherit a Heavenly Dao seed requires you to have a strong affinity with it as well as a shocking talent . I feel like you have a high chance,” said Mo Nian .

“I feel like you should give the opportunity to someone else . I most likely won’t be up to it . ” Long Chen shook his head .

What kind of joke was that? He was someone expelled by the Heavenly Daos . How could that Heavenly Dao seed allow itself to be inherited by him?

“You should tell your old man . I really won’t be capable, and it’s a shame to waste it,” advised Long Chen .

“Tch, are you trying to get me beaten? You know how tyrannical that man is . The things he decides, no one can change . Even if you don’t want to go, you have to go,” whispered Mo Nian .

Tch, now he had to go even if he didn’t want to go? Long Chen bitterly smiled inside .

“You don’t need to worry . This time, we have the Hidden Ground Spider’s core . That’ll let our Mo family’s alchemists refine the Nine Revolution Dao-Heart Pill . It’ll greatly increase our chances of succeeding,” said Mo Nian .

“Your Mo family’s alchemists? What quality of Nine Revolution Dao-Heart Pill can they refine?” asked Long Chen .

“It seems that if their luck is good, they can refine a one-ring high grade medicinal pill,” said Mo Nian, unsure .

“One-ring? Then you should just give the core to me . I’ll refine it in a way that’s not so wasteful,” said Long Chen .

“You?” Mo Nian was doubtful, but he still gave the core to him .

“You can be at ease,” said Long Chen, patting his own chest .

The Nine Revolution Dao-Heart Pill was a fifth tier medicinal pill . However, now that Long Chen had reached Meridian Opening, his Spiritual Strength had become even stronger, so it wasn’t a problem .

After finis.h.i.+ng their meal, Mo Yi held a meeting with everyone . That had nothing to do with Long Chen and Mo Nian, so the two slipped away .

“Mo Nian, I still feel like this matter is a bit inappropriate,” said Long Chen with hesitation .

“When did you become like this? This matter was decided by the old man, and no one can change it,” said Mo Nian .

“This probably won’t be good for your family’s internal harmony . After all, anyone would be mad that their spot was taken,” said Long Chen .

“You’re overthinking it . This inheritance isn’t so easy to obtain . Not one person has obtained it in tens of thousands of years .

“My father said that even with my talent, I only have a fifty percent chance, and that’s already incredibly high amongst all our past generations . Other people are basically just extras, and they all know that . It’s just a formality . Don’t worry, our Mo family’s people are all magnanimous men . ” Mo Nian laughed .

“How come these words sound completely different from your mouth than from uncle Mo?” Long Chen also laughed .

“Tch, what are you implying? Are you trying to say I’m not manly enough? Then should we find somewhere to have a little compet.i.tion?” raged Mo Nian .

“Tch, if you have that much energy, then you should go kill some more enemies . What compet.i.tion are you planning to have with me?” Long Chen shook his head .

“Long Chen, today, you’ve given me a wake-up call . I really did have too many misgivings . Starting today, I’ll return to my true self .

“Wait here . I’ll go to my grandfather’s private room and steal some jugs of good wine . Let me say, those are the true fine wine . They’ve all been stored in cellars for over a thousand years, hehe…” Mo Nian actually involuntarily began to salivate .

“Alright, then go . But make sure not to take the one you p.i.s.sed in back then,” reminded Long Chen .

“ . . . ”

Once Mo Nian left, Long Chen just strolled around Mo Nian’s small courtyard . The walls of his room had been carved into statues . He was in the midst of examining them when an icy voice rang out .

“Who are you?”

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