Chapter 67

Chapter 67 Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf

Within the guest room was a woman in a long white skirt who was currently laughing at the stupefied Long Chen . “What, do you not recognize me after just this little time?”

Long Chen had never imagined that the guest looking for him was actually this woman . He felt as if he were dreaming .

That woman was precisely the maiden who had had protected him from c.r.a.p-brother Xi when he had attacked him on Sunset Mountain .

“No, no . I still haven’t thanked elder sister for your help back then,” hastily said Long Chen .

“Don’t call me elder sister; it sounds weird . I’m sister Meng Qi’s junior apprentice-sister . My name is Lu Fang-er, so you can call me sister Fang-er,” she laughed .

“Haha, then little brother Long Chen greets sister Fang-er,” laughed Long Chen . He had a kind of friendly feeling towards this Lu Fang-er .

Seeing her made him feel that the distance between and Meng Qi was no longer as distant as before . He also had a way to pa.s.s on the Soul Nouris.h.i.+ng Pill .

“Haha, your mouth really is skillful . No wonder you’ve become the idol in the hearts of all the Phoenix Cry Empire’s maidens . ” Lu Fang-er held out drawing to him and laughed .

Looking at that drawing, Long Chen immediately felt embarra.s.sed . That was the cover of the comic depiction of his battle with Huang Chang, the Phoenix Cry Divine Battle .

“Cough, that was just a joke some merchants made . ”

“You confessed your emotions to a princess and then used your strength to defeat a powerful opponent; that was a joke?” Lu Fang-er teased .

Long Chen immediately felt his heart drop . If that matter was heard by Meng Qi then… .

“Long Chen, this isn’t acceptable . My big sis is a fairy in human form . For her to have a favorable impression of you, do you not know how to treasure that?” Lu Fang-er was a bit dissatisfied . “Since we know each other a bit, I’ll give you some advice . Immediately break things off with that princess and I won’t have to tell my big sis about it . ”

His expression immediately changed when he heard this . Thinking about the warmth and tenderness Chu Yao currently felt for him, he shook his head and sighed, “Sorry, I can’t do that . ”

As he said that he felt as if needles were stabbing into his heart . That decision was extremely difficult to make .

Meng Qi’s beauty and kindness had been deeply imprinted into his heart . She had given him his first taste of the feeling of love .

As for Chu Yao, she would sacrifice her everything for him . Asking him to leave Chu Yao at this time was absolutely impossible for him .

“How can you be so stubborn? Even with my sister you aren’t satisfied; you actually have to play around with the woman here too . If you choose her than don’t ever think about seeing my sister again,” angrily warned Lu Fang-er .

Long Chen took a deep breath . In the face of his complicated feelings, he was completely helpless . He refused to give on either of them . But now he had to choose which one .

Seeing that Long Chen remained silent, Lu Fang-er continued, “Are you really going to give on my sister for some princess?”

“I’m not giving up . I cannot give up on either one . ” Long Chen shook his head .

“Ha, your face really is thick . You actually want to monopolize two beauties for yourself . ” The angry Lu Fang-er actually laughed when she saw Long Chen act so confidently and shameless .

Long Chen was startled at that . He didn’t quite understand just what Lu Fang-er was saying .

“Ah, whatever . This is how a true man should act . If you really did give up that pitiful princess just to appease me, then you really would have had to say goodbye forever to my sister,” laughed Lu Fang-er . “How could a man who is fickle in love possibly enter my sister’s eyes? That was just a small test just now . I suppose you’ve just managed to pa.s.s . ”

A bead of sweat silently rolled off Long Chen’s forehead . A feeling of exhaustion rolled over him . He would rather have a huge battle with someone then endure such a test again .

“However, you’re also celebrating too early . That test was just one I did from a personal point of view . As for my big sister, whether she will let you have another beauty along with her is something only the heavens know,” Lu Fang-er laughingly warned him when she saw him relax .

His nerves which had only just relaxed immediately tightened again . Lu Fang-er continued, “But from what I understand about my sister, you should have the greatest chance out of all men . And with me helping you, your chances should increase even more . ”

“Then I’ll thank sister Fang-er for the help,” hastily said Long Chen .

“Haha, I won’t disturb you anymore . I had business to do in coming here . After flying for seven days and nights, I’m already completely exhausted . Plus, you don’t even know to pour me a cup of tea,” sighed Lu Fang-er discontentedly .

“Oh, I’ll immediately pour some tea for sister Fang-er . ” Long Chen quickly and carefully poured a cup of tea for her . There was no way around it . He definitely had to give her a good impression for the sake of Meng Qi .

Lu Fang-er took the teacup with a somewhat strange expression . “Does your Long family normally like to use cold water for tea?”

Only then did Long Chen realize the pot was already completely cold . But he thickened his face and said, “This is cold tea that’s supposed to be drunk cold . Sister Fang-er can try it . ”

“It’d be strange if anyone believed you,” scolded Fang-er .

“If sister Fang-er doesn’t want to drink cold tea, then I’ll immediately steep some hot tea for you . ”

“Ah, forget about it . As long as you have the right heart, then it’s fine . Coming and going like this is actually quite annoying, but if I didn’t then I’d feel too sorry for you . ”

For a moment Long Chen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry . This Fang-er truly was mischievous . But she still gave off a very innocent and lively feeling . She said whatever she wanted to . It really was easy for people to feel friendly to her .

The Wind Spirit Pavilion was many thousands of miles away from this place . Even if she was riding a Magical Beast, travelling for seven full days and nights was still extremely exhausting . So he could understand her teasing of him .

“Next I’ll tell you some good news . My sister gave me a gift for you . ” Lu Fang-er pointed to a small trunk to the side .

Only then did Long Chen realize there was a rectangular trunk two feet tall .

When the trunk was gently opened, Long Chen was astonished to see that there was a small furred creature inside .

It was a two foot tall wolf cub . Its body was completely snow white . Only a small section of fur at the middle of its forehead was a fiery red color . It was extremely adorable .

This small cub had yet to even open its eyes after being born . It was blindly searching around, appearing to look for food .

“Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf?”

Long Chen was extremely startled . This was the cub of a Magical Beast that he had read about before .

The Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf – its body was completely snow white with only a small lock of fur that was a blazing red color . It was extremely easy to recognize .

But most Scarlet Flame Snow Wolves weren’t of a completely pure bloodline . Their fur would be a duller color and would sometimes even have some spots .

But this Snow Wolf cub didn’t have a single spot . That meant it was an extremely pure-blooded Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf .

Such a Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf that was completely pure would grow to become a third rank Magical Beast when matured, and it could even reach the fourth rank . That was an existence that surpa.s.sed Muscle Rebirth experts .

“Correct, this is a pure-blooded Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf that has just been born . It was given to my sister as a gift from her master, but she instead wanted me to fly through the night to give it to you . ” Lu Fang-er looked at Long Chen with a complicated expression .

His heart shook . Not only had Meng Qi not forgotten about him, but she actually worried about him . These feelings of a beauty caused Long Chen to feel an urge to cry .

“Originally sister wanted it to be your house pet, but she definitely never thought that you’d have already become a Pill Adept . Your Spiritual Strength isn’t low, so I can impart a couple techniques to control beasts to you . Then this Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf can become a battle pet,” said Lu Fang-er .

Ordinary martial artists would always have Beast Masters use their martial force or other techniques to gradually tame the Magical Beast, letting it become a house pet .

But such a house pet wasn’t perfect . After all, Magical Beasts had a violent and brutal aura that had seeped deep into their bones . A house pet devouring their master was a common occurrence .

But even so, Magical Beast house pets were still extremely precious . Although it was a bit dangerous, once it was properly trained and if it was used properly, a Magical Beast was definitely an extremely terrifying addition to your combat strength .

What was special about a battle pet was that it could be controlled much better . However, to have such a control over a Magical Beast required an extremely strong Spiritual Strength . Ordinary people were absolutely incapable of that .

With the Spiritual Strength connecting and communicating with the Magical Beast, both beast and owner could work together .

Not only was the power of a battle pet much greater, but the chance of it betraying its master was essentially zero . But it also required having your Spiritual Strength connected to the Magical Beast for a long time, which not only used a great deal of time, but was also extremely exhausting .

Meng Qi didn’t know about Long Chen’s current strength . She had sent the cub in hopes that the Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf would follow Long Chen as it grew up and be an extra life-preserving measure in the future .

But the current Long Chen was already a Pill Adept . Lu Fang-er directly imparted a couple techniques for controlling Magical Beasts to him .

What surprised Lu Fang-er was that Long Chen was able to comprehend the techniques with just a quick explanation . He would ask a couple questions that went right to the core of how the technique functioned .

But there was a limit to how much Lu Fang-er could pa.s.s onto Long Chen . She could only teach him the common beast controlling techniques that circulated in the public . As for the core techniques of her sect, she didn’t dare pa.s.s them on without permission .

Long Chen’s intelligence completely won over Lu Fang-er . She realized Long Chen was definitely a freak monster . He remembered every word and comprehended everything almost immediately . He even asked her questions about ideas that she hadn’t ever thought of .

She stayed for half a day at the Long family . After Lu Fang-er saw that Long Chen had completely comprehended all the techniques she pa.s.sed on to him, she directly left .

But before she left, Long Chen gave her the precious Soul Nouris.h.i.+ng Pill to give to Meng Qi .

Once she left, Long Chen looked down at the little cub he was holding to his chest and couldn’t help feeling a burst of warmth . The Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf proved that he was present within Meng Qi’s heart .

Long Chen couldn’t help feeling extremely grand knowing that Meng Qi cared about him . He hoped to resolve everything in the capital as soon as possible so that he could step out of these uncivilized lands and enter that vaster sky .

That was because he knew there was an unmatched beauty waiting for him . Thinking of Meng Qi, Long Chen felt his blood burn hotter . He had to quickly rise .


Suddenly the small cub in his arms let out a loud cry and start patting its way over Long Chen body .

Looking at that little fellow, Long Chen smiled . But at that moment, he suddenly felt an extremely indistinct killing intent .

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