Chapter 1023

Long Chen coughed up blood . He hadn’t thought this silver lizard would be so crafty . At the same time as it had attacked him from the front, it had silently sent out its long tail to strike him from behind as well .

If he had been struck directly, then even with his powerful physical body, he would probably have had all his bones broken . Anyone else would just explode instantly .

Stabilizing himself, Long Chen wiped off some blood from the corner of his mouth . He was just about to check the others’ situation when the silver lizard opened its mouth . A golden ray of light suddenly shot out .

Long Chen’s scalp turned numb . Without even thinking about it, he used the Lightning Body Blink to dodge to the side .

The ray of light shot right past him . It then pierced through the light barrier and struck the castle walls . A huge hole appeared in the wall . Not only that, it continued forward, killing any Bloodthirsty Devil Lizards in its way .

Through that hole in the wall, Long Chen saw many female faces . It was the Heaven Female Alliance .

Countless shocked expressions could be seen there . They had been lucky just now, as this ray of light had shot past them . But if it had been angled just a bit to the side, it would have gone right through them . That would have been a calamity they didn’t want to even imagine .

“Not good!”

Seeing the silver lizard once more open its mouth, Long Chen’s heart turned cold . The direction it was facing was the army outside . If it once more attacked, who knew if those disciples would be so lucky again?

But the silver lizard didn’t give him much time to think . Its next attack was being prepared and would come out quickly . He couldn’t dodge it again .

“Lightning Finger!”

Seeing it open its mouth, a sphere of light fully condensed inside, Long Chen quickly shot out a bolt of lightning that entered its mouth .

That silver lizard hadn’t expected Long Chen to take advantage of when it was unleas.h.i.+ng its attack . Its attack had only just formed and it hadn’t had time to release it when the lightning arrow struck it .

“Go ahead and explode . ”


The ball of light exploded in the lizard’s mouth . Its mouth shattered along with its lower head .

“d.a.m.nit, this monster’s aura didn’t drop at all . ” Long Chen had thought it was over now that its attack had exploded inside its head . But he suddenly realized that the heavily injured lizard’s aura was as fierce as ever .

That meant its vital point wasn’t its head . It was very likely similar to a Neidan Magical Beast . Unless its Neidan was destroyed, its body wouldn’t die .

Long Chen suddenly launched an attack, slas.h.i.+ng his saber at it . It was just an ordinary attack, because he had no time to charge up a magical art . He couldn’t give it any breathing room .

Long Chen’s saber slashed toward its head . He wanted to completely destroy its head, but it instinctively blocked with its arms .

If he could have destroyed its head with this move, then his victory would just be a matter of time . It would run out of energy eventually .

But this silver lizard’s power far exceeded Long Chen’s expectations .

If he hadn’t been lucky and managed to use his thunderforce to cause its attack to self-destruct, the consequences would have been too horrible to imagine .

It was truly worthy of being the trial for core disciples . Although it had only revealed a portion of its power, it was enough to deeply shock Long Chen . It definitely had the power to push him to the brink, and maybe even into death .

Having failed with this attack, Long Chen extended his left hand . A lightning sphere shot out . He couldn’t give it any chance to recover .

The lightning sphere exploded on the lizard’s body . It let out a bizarre cry, and its body stiffened .

Long Chen was already in the air, his saber raised . Twenty-seven of his acupuncture points had been activated, and a fierce aura soared into the sky .

Only eighteen of these acupuncture points had full-grown divine runes on them . He was able to unleash the second form of Split the Heavens perfectly, but the third form’s divine runes were still in their initial states . They were still being nourished by his spiritual yuan .

But despite that, they were strengthening with each pa.s.sing day . The power of Split the Heavens also increased with them .

Long Chen was acc.u.mulating his energy for the third form . He was confident that despite the silver lizard’s power, once it was struck by this blow, it would at least be heavily injured . Then he could easily kill it .

But just at this moment, his expression completely changed . He hastily looked at the distant battlefield .

Panicked cries rang out along with loud cursing . A huge flame beast had charged the Dragonblood Legion and was attacking Huo Long .

“Que Xinyan, you must want to die!” roared Long Chen . That flame beast was Que Xinyan’s Earth Flame . For him to send it to attack Huo Long, he was too despicable .

Que Xinyan had already suppressed his silver Bloodthirsty Devil Lizard with his other Earth Flame . Looking at the furious Long Chen, he sneered .

“Sorry, my flame beast suddenly stopped listening to orders . I’m trying to communicate with it right now, and I’m sure I’ll regain control quickly . Just wait,” said Que Xinyan .

Right now, his other Earth Flame Beast was unleas.h.i.+ng powerful attacks on his silver lizard . He also had a long flame chain in his hand that had bound it . That silver lizard was unable to escape no matter how hard it struggled .

Que Xinyan had taken the absolute advantage . Thus, killing his silver lizard was just a matter of time . As for trying to communicate with his Earth Flame, that was absolute nonsense .

The Earth Flame Beast he was controlling was facing the silver lizard head-on, while he provided a.s.sistance . After a few testing blows, he had gained control of the rhythm and laid down a trap that had cleanly caught the silver lizard .

He had originally thought that he would be the fastest one to suppress a silver lizard . The others still hadn’t gained an absolute advantage like him . But when he had looked over at Long Chen, he had been shocked .

The silver lizard Long Chen was fighting already had half its head destroyed . Que Xinyan had looked over just in time to see Long Chen use a lightning sphere to paralyze his own silver lizard and prepare an attack to kill it . Que Xinyan was startled and infuriated, unable to accept that the person he looked down upon would kill a silver lizard before him .

This core disciple trial was their first step to rallying their supporters . While everyone was in danger, they would save them all, and the disciples who lived would follow them unswervingly .

But the person who killed their silver lizard first would raise the greatest morale . That related to their future rankings, and Que Xinyan couldn’t allow Long Chen to get a head start on him .

As a result, just as Long Chen had taken the absolute advantage, Que Xinyan ordered his other flame beast that was still outside to attack Long Chen’s flame dragon .

Long Chen’s faction immediately panicked . Huo Long was their faction’s greatest defensive s.h.i.+eld . Now that it was attacked, their defensive line immediately collapsed, and the ordinary disciples were exposed to the Bloodthirsty Devil Lizards .

Most sinister of all, Que Xinyan had his flame beast attack all-out . It clamped down on Huo Long’s neck and refused to let go . It was actually devouring Huo Long’s energy .

Huo Long had already spent a great deal of its energy on protecting the ordinary disciples behind it, as those had been Long Chen’s orders . As a result, this sudden sneak attack put it at an immense disadvantage . Despite doing its best, it was unable to reverse the tide .

This sudden turn of events also caught Guo Ran and the others by surprise . They wanted to help Huo Long, but now an unending tide of Bloodthirsty Devil Lizards charged over . They had no choice but to go all-out killing them, or the ordinary disciples would all be slaughtered .

Even so, the ordinary disciples were falling one by one . With their defensive line in tatters, they were as weak as paper in front of these Bloodthirsty Devil Lizards . Their blood dyed the ground, and seeing the people beside them falling, the ones still alive all turned scarlet-eyed .

Those people were their brothers who they had entrusted their lives to . In the same manner, their lives had been entrusted to them . Seeing them dying one by one, they let out their b.e.s.t.i.a.l roars . Without a care for their lives, they charged at the Bloodthirsty Devil Lizards, unleas.h.i.+ng fatal attacks .

“Don’t worry, Long Chen, I’ll quickly regain control! Very quickly…” Seeing Long Chen’s eyes seeming to spit flames, Que Xinyan rea.s.sured him .

Long Chen glanced from the recovering silver lizard in front of him to the sneering Que Xinyan . An icy emotion crept over his heart .

In front of countless people’s shocked gazes, Long Chen directly left his light barrier and rushed back to the Dragonblood Legion .

“He… he gave up!” The countless people whose attention had been drawn over were all stunned .

He had no choice but to give up . Huo Long was being suppressed, and the flame beast was in the midst of devouring its power . Huo Long was growing weaker and weaker . Furthermore, those disciples were dying too quickly .

Although it would have only taken him a few breaths to kill his silver lizard, those few breaths represented thousands of lives that would be forever gone from this world . Furthermore, even after killing it, he would need some time to send everyone to safety . The number of people that would die during that time was unacceptable to Long Chen .

“Boss, you…” Guo Ran and the others didn’t know what to feel upon seeing Long Chen give up his core disciple spot .

“We can talk about other things later . First, save them . ”

Long Chen waved his hand, and dragon roaring filled the air . A huge lightning dragon flew out at the endless Bloodthirsty Devil Lizards .

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