Chapter 1085

When the zithers were plucked gently, they released a sound that was like the beating of war drums . As they continued playing, their soundwaves spread, and those slightly uneasy and nervous disciples gradually calmed down . The zither music had the effect of calming their hearts .

Looking at those two, for some unknown reason, Long Chen thought of another woman . She was of unmatched grace and elegance . When her hand touched her zither, the music would touch the depths of people’s souls .

Zi Yan, a name which had been almost forgotten by Long Chen . Hearing this zither music, she once more appeared in his mind .

Long Chen lost focus . The zither music had gone through some soft variations and was growing louder, with greater tempo . The music now contained a battle intent that made people’s blood boil .

The Heaven Female Alliance and Ten Thousand Insect Guild’s disciples quickly entered their peak battle states . Long Chen nodded . The Music Dao was also powerful . Used on the battlefield, it was the best at controlling the rhythm .

Depending on the strength of the player, their zither music would be able to directly give people directions . That was even more effective than shouting orders .

“Boss, our faction is truly lacking a powerful music master,” said Guo Ran enviously .

“Perhaps we’ll have one as well . Have you forgotten about the Soul Calming Song? That beautiful woman is a fairy-like existence . ” Tang Wan-er looked at Long Chen, laughing .

It was unknown whether or not it was because of accompanying Long Chen for so long and having him shop for her had won her over, but she actually said such a thing . It almost sounded like encouragement .

“Ah, that’s right!” Guo Ran slapped his leg . That Soul Calming Song had been one of the foundational aspects that had allowed the Dragonblood Legion to soar . Even Shui Wuhen had benefited from it .

Although Zi Yan was veiled in the photographic jade, just from the parts of her face that were exposed, they could tell she was a beauty that could cause the downfall of a state .

Furthermore, when she played the zither, she possessed a moving immortal charm . She was like a fairy who didn’t eat mortal food . Even though the effect of the music was greatly reduced because it was recorded by a photographic jade, they had benefited immensely .

“That’s right, my a.s.s . I don’t even know her, so how am I supposed to pull her in?” demanded Long Chen .

Long Chen cursed him inside . Did he think he was a G.o.d, capable of pulling in anyone? If he was, he’d have long since swept through this world .

Guo Ran was disappointed . Continuing to watch the battle below, they saw that under the guidance of the zither players, their tempo and control only grew better and more natural .

They all understood that the zither players were the crux of this entire formation . Hua s.h.i.+yu and w.a.n.g Zhen both sent down many orders through the zither music, including when to change formations or switch from offense to defense .

Although more and more devil beasts appeared, the two factions still had it very easy . The hordes of devil beasts were slaughtered, making the Dragonblood Legion’s warriors’ hands itchy .

“Boss, let’s also go out,” whispered Guo Ran eagerly .

“You want to be a poser again?” Long Chen rolled his eyes .

“Yes . ” Guo Ran nodded sincerely .

“Your skin is growing even thicker . You don’t even get embarra.s.sed anymore? They’re using this opportunity to drill their troops, so would you not feel ashamed to interfere?” Long Chen was speechless .

“Fine, then I’ll endure a bit longer . ”

Guo Ran was a bit embarra.s.sed . But looking at the fiery battle below, he had an urge to descend from the sky and shock everyone, the perfect act of an unrivaled hero arriving on the scene .

“Advance the formations a hundred miles!” shouted Long Chen suddenly . He saw that the distant devil beasts were getting stronger and more numerous . There were more eighth rank devil beasts, and a few isolated ninth rank devil beasts were appearing .

It had only been less than an hour, but ninth rank devil beasts had already appeared . That was not a good omen . Perhaps the numbers of the devil beast army would be even greater than Long Chen had expected .

If they killed too many devil beasts near the wall, their corpses would begin piling up . That would cause problems when the time came .

The two factions slowly pushed forward . As the devil beasts grew stronger, the factions displayed greater power .

w.a.n.g Zhen had summoned a huge pincer insect that was completely black but s.h.i.+ny like it was made of metal . It had a long curved tail, seeming to be a variation of a scorpion .

This ‘scorpion’ was huge, looking around like it was approximately a mile long . Its aura was extremely terrifying, and its venomous stinger was so toxic that even ninth rank devil beasts would be killed on contact .

This was what w.a.n.g Zhen was using to handle the ninth rank devil beasts . On the other side, Hua s.h.i.+yu and Zhao Ziyan were standing at the front of their army, meeting any ninth rank devil beasts that came .

After that huge battle last time, they had all obtained an ocean’s worth of points . The disciples had all advanced a great deal in terms of both cultivation base and equipment .

Zhao Ziyan was holding a sword, and when she attacked, Sword Qi would flow out like water . She was actually capable of compressing her water energy to a level that it easily cut through the void, and even ninth rank devil beasts were unable to bear it .

There was a huge ape-like devil beast . Its large arm was cut off with a single slash of her sword, and just as he let out a heaven-shaking roar, before it could reveal any of its power, Zhao Ziyan’s second slash reached its neck .

Black blood spurted into the air along with its head . She had killed it easily .

“Nice!” The Dragonblood Legion’s members cheered from the wall . They all agreed that this attack had been exceptionally beautiful .

“Long Chen, now we’re strong enough . Why not draw Hua s.h.i.+yu, Zhao Ziyan, and w.a.n.g Zhen into the Dragonblood Legion,” whispered Tang Wan-er .

“If I drew them all in, I bet the Xuan Master would kill me . ” Long Chen shook his head with a bitter smile .

“Why?” asked Tang Wan-er .

“Because when we leave, we’d end up taking away all the Xuantian Dao Sect’s elites of this generation . It would be odd if he didn’t kill me,” laughed Long Chen .

“Why would we leave?”

“Foolish girl, this world is huge . There’s nowhere that can completely protect us . I wish we could stay in the Xuantian Dao Sect forever, but my prediction is that I’ll provoke a huge calamity one day, and if we don’t leave, we’ll implicate the sect . And if both of them join us and we leave, we’ll have taken away this generation of people . Do you think the Xuan Master will allow that?” said Long Chen .

Long Chen sighed inside . He felt himself to be an unlucky star . If he stayed in the Dao Sect for too long, he would implicate it somehow .

“Brothers, that’s about enough . Prepare to get to work!” called out Long Chen . Up ahead, a ma.s.s of large figures had appeared . There were dozens of ninth rank devil beasts approaching .

Right now, they were still slowly advancing because there were just too many seventh and eighth rank devil beasts . It was like wading through knee-deep water . Quite a few of those weaker devil beasts were trampled by them .

Hua s.h.i.+yu and w.a.n.g Zhen’s expressions changed . Although they weren’t afraid of ninth rank devil beasts, there were too many of them . Once they arrived, there was no way for the disciples to kill them all at once . Quite a few would get by, and they were worried that their people wouldn’t be able to handle them .

Just as Hua s.h.i.+yu and w.a.n.g Zhen were about to ask for reinforcement, a huge object fell from the sky . It was a three-hundred-meter square platform, and it landed with such power that it smashed the devil beasts around it to smithereens .

This square platform had been created with special steel . There was a figure loftily standing on it, his arms spread and raised at a forty-five degree angle toward the sky . His chest was out, his head was high, and it was incredibly flashy .

“I swept through the four seas, crossed a thousand mountains, caused huge billows in heaven and earth, slaughtered demons, eliminated devils, plucked the stars and moon . Tis I, the unrivaled hero Guo Ran!” chanted Guo Ran in an incredibly showy manner .

Guo Ran looked back to see the Heaven Female Alliance and Ten Thousand Insect Guild’s disciples looking at him with shock . They were clearly stunned by his display .

But then when he looked at the wall, he saw that only the Dragonmark warriors and newly joined healing disciples were looking at him . Long Chen, Tang Wan-er, and essentially all the Dragonblood warriors, had turned away, acting like they didn’t know him .

Gu Yang: “I can’t handle it . He’s absolutely shameless . He even called himself an unrivaled hero? Does anyone else just give themselves that t.i.tle?”

Yue Zifeng: “I have gooseb.u.mps . I was not prepared for this sudden poser act . ”

Li Qi: “Guo Ran’s posing act is familiar, both the way he does it and how it feels . But its power only grows stronger . ”

Song Mingyuan: “But his self-restraint got worse . That final sentence of his, his voice was clearly shuddering . He’s definitely nervous . ”

After a moment of silence, the same words came from different mouths: “He probably held back from posing for too long . ”

“Hey, hey, you call me brother, but you don’t support me at all!? What do you think you’re doing!?” raged Guo Ran .

“There’s no need for so many words, go ahead and continue . We will support you in our minds . ” Long Chen turned to face him and forced a smile . As brothers, even if they didn’t cheer on his posing, they couldn’t undermine him . If they did, Guo Ran would go crazy .

Only once he saw Long Chen and the others turning back to face him did Guo Ran’s expression improve . With another bang, a huge crossbow appeared in front of him . This crossbow was so heavy that it caused the platform to shake . It was the same crossbow as last time .

Even after advancing to become a rank five Celestial, Guo Ran was still unable to carry such a heavy crossbow . So he had created this huge platform just for it .

Guo Ran aimed it at the distant ninth rank devil beasts . Once he was focused like this, he truly did have a bit of the air of an expert .

A light sound rang out . A blur flew out, and then, one of the ninth rank devil beasts hundreds of miles away exploded . That made Long Chen and the others’ expressions change slightly . It seemed Guo Ran truly did have the power to be a poser .

Then, shockingly, Guo Ran continued shooting out unknown objects at the ninth rank devil beasts . They were killed one by one, exploding into black blood flowers .

“d.a.m.n, how fierce . ”

Even Long Chen couldn’t help but let out an exclamation . This was being a poser through power .

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