Chapter 292

Chapter 292 Gu Yang Battles a Favored

Following that person’s shout, Long Chen’s expression became slightly colder .

When it came to controlling his emotions, Long Chen was definitely an expert . But the instant that man’s gaze fell on Tang Wan-er, his killing intent was ignited .

If others insulted him, Long Chen would just smile . But if someone touched one of his taboos, he was unable to control his feelings .

Tang Wan-er’s expression was icy cold, and killing intent surfaced in her eyes as well . She was just about to jump onto the stage when a voice rang out:

“Long Chen, let me battle . ” That voice came from Gu Yang .

Both Long Chen and Tang Wan-er were startled . Although Gu Yang was powerful, he wasn’t a Favored . The odds of losing were too high .

Long Chen thought about it for a while before nodding . “You can go . ”

Gu Yang was delighted . He knew that this was extremely risky, but he was unable to suppress his battle intent . He was looking forward to have a one on one fight with a Favored .

According to common sense, Long Chen should not have accepted . Gu Yang might be strong, but his chances of victory were low . That was something that involved eighty thousand merit points .

But Long Chen could understand Gu Yang’s thirst . In Gu Yang’s eyes, this battle wasn’t in order to gamble for resources, but a way for him to see what level he had reached .

As for that Favored, seeing that it wasn’t Tang Wan-er, but a random core disciple, who had come to face him, he was infuriated .

This was clearly their attempt at humiliating him . He icily glared at them .

“Good, since you want to court death, don’t blame me!”

Gu Yang got on the martial stage and glared at that Favored . “I hope that when you die, you also won’t blame me!”

“Hahaha!” That Favored’s fury somehow turned into laughter . “Someone like you dares to be arrogant? Die you little pig!”

That Favored suddenly roared, and his aura exploded out . A berserk energy caused his feet to leave behind two footprints on the martial arena as he suddenly charged out at Gu Yang, smas.h.i.+ng out with his fist .

Gu Yang had long since circulated his spiritual qi to its peak . With a harsh shout, runes lit up on his body and a vast aura shot out of him as well . He punched out .


The instant their two fists met, the entire martial stage shook . Powerful gales shot out in every direction, causing everyone’s clothes to blow back .

The both of them then instantly retreated a couple steps . That Favored couldn’t help being astonished .

“So you have a couple tricks . But let me see just how many of my fists you can receive!” That Favored snorted, and his fists began to smash at Gu Yang .

This was the first time Gu Yang had an opportunity to fight a Favored one against one . Battle intent soared off him . He repeatedly roared, facing off against him with his own fists .




The two of them were both brute strength style fighters . Each time their fists collected, the entire martial arena would shake, and powerful gales would explode out, chilling everyone .

“Gu Yang is so powerful! He can actually withstand a Favored,” exclaimed Tang Wan-er .

Favored were all supposed to be incomparably powerful . The fact he could exchange over ten blows without losing was already out of everyone’s expectations .

“This is still just the warm up, so it’s still too early to say . ” Long Chen shook his head . How could a Favored only have this little skill?

And as he expected, after over a hundred intense collisions, they once more separated .

“Not bad . It’s been a while since I’ve exercised my body . But if you think this the limit of my power, you would be gravely mistaken . Now I’ll let you see what true strength is! Earthen Armor!”

A mark appeared over his forehead, and a powerful energy exploded out, causing the land to tremble .

That Favored’s clothes burst off his upper body, revealing his skin that looked like it was made of rock . In fact, his entire body grew taller, and the lines covering his arms were very rock-like .

He roared, and stamping on the ground, he charged at Gu Yang with a fist . “Rock Fist!”

Gu Yang used his full strength to block, but he was still sent flying dozens of meters . Even once he landed on the ground, he still stumbled back several steps before stabilizing .

In the end, he even coughed up a mouthful of blood, causing Tang Wan-er’s expression to change . Gu Yang had finally been injured .

“c.r.a.p!” Song Mingyuan and the others were all shocked . If he was wounded with just one blow, how could he fight?

“Don’t worry about it . Gu Yang still has moves,” consoled Long Chen .

Long Chen had exchanged blows with Gu Yang before, and he knew his physical body was extremely powerful . This little injury was unable to affect his strength .

“Looks like you’re quite stubborn . That’s good . I’ll just have to smash you to mincemeat . ” That Favored once more charged at Gu Yang .

Gu Yang’s blood was roiling inside, but his battle intent was still soaring . Seeing that person charge at him, Gu Yang smiled coldly .

His spatial ring shook, and a golden spear appeared in his hands . Gu Yang’s feet sunk down slightly .

“Ancestral blood support!” A rune lit up atop Gu Yang’s forehead . His runes had originally just been covering his four limbs, but now they spread to cover his entire body, even densely covering his face . He appeared very frightening now .

This was one of Gu Yang’s trump cards . By activating his ancestral blood support, his strength would explode to an unprecedented level .

He viciously smashed that spear straight at the charging Favored .

BOOM! The instant that spear collided with the fist that was covered in earthen lines, a metallic explosion rang out . The martial stage beneath their feet caved in from their impact .

That Favored’s arm shook intensely, and a force he couldn’t block sent him flying . He hastily stabilized himself, appalled .

Gu Yang’s golden spear had been s.n.a.t.c.hed from the Corrupt path’s genius, Yin Luo . Its weight was alarming, and that Favored was knocked back almost three hundred meters before just barely managing to stabilize himself .

When he finally stabilized, Luo Bing’s disciples all breathed a sigh of relief . As for the disciples on Long Chen’s side, they all sighed that it was a pity .

That Favored was just a couple inches off from the edge of the martial stage . If he had just been pushed back slightly more, then according to the rules, he would have lost .

Turning back to look behind him, that Favored sighed in relief at his close call . Turning to look at Gu Yang’s spear, greed sparked in his heart .

“Your weapon . I want it . ”

That Favored could instantly tell that Gu Yang’s spear was a treasure and immediately wanted to take it for himself . It seemed he had already forgotten that this wasn’t the thirty-sixth monastery .

“You want it? Come take it . ” Gu Yang roared, his spear attacking that Favored .

In response, that Favored didn’t hold back any of his spiritual qi, and his fist smashed into Gu Yang’s spear .

With another loud metallic ringing, everyone was shocked to see sparks flying the instant that fist and spear met . It was as if that fist was made of steel .

“A rare earth cultivator!” Tu Fang exclaimed .

This Favored had been someone born with an innate earth energy . But because he was a Favored, that earth energy had transformed, becoming more rock energy .

Not only did that increase his physical strength, it made his physical body incredibly hard . In other words, both his attack and defense had been sharply improved .

Gu Yang’s spear continuously collided with his fists over and over again . Gu Yang’s blows were incomparably valiant, and he surprisingly was forcing back that Favored step by step .

“Excellent! If this continues, Gu Yang should win!” Luo Cang’s blood was boiling just from watching this .

“You’re wrong . If this continues, Gu Yang will lose . ” Long Chen shook his head .

“What? Gu Yang has clearly taken the advantage . ” Luo Cang didn’t understand .

“I’ve heard that earth cultivators are specialized in battles of attrition just like wood cultivators .

“Looking at Gu Yang right now, his attacks are like a torrent of rain, and it looks extremely impressive, as if he has taken the advantage . But in reality, this is extremely unfavorable for him .

“That golden spear is too heavy, and it"s using up too much of his physical energy . He won’t be able to continue attacking like that for long .

“I estimate that he’ll only be able to keep this up for a quarter hour before he’s exhausted and his strength declines . At that time, the final result is that he’ll be defeated . ”

“Then what should we do? Should we give him a reminder?”

Long Chen shook his head . “Don’t . A loss is a loss . It’s not something bad . This way he’ll be able to get a better understanding of himself . He’ll realize what his strong points and what his weak points are . The benefits more than make up for the loss .

“As for the lost merit points, hehe, this is just a game . The fact that there will be winners and losers isn’t anything major .

“If a person wants to become an expert, first they have to understand themselves . That’s something no one else can do for them . This is his battle . Let him understand it himself . ”

But then Long Chen’s tone became angry . “But this b.a.s.t.a.r.d Favored really is repulsive . I almost wanted to go up myself and crush him . He wants to take liberties with my Heaven Earth Faction’s old boss? Hmph, he really doesn’t know what death is . If this had happened back when I was young, I would have long since made him kneel in front of me . ”

Long Chen words immediately caused Tu Fang and the other Elders to not know whether to laugh or cry . But Tang Wan-er did appear a bit gratified .

Guo Ran immediately did some boot-licking . “Exactly, exactly! Even if someone has to take liberties with a woman, only boss has the qualifications to do that! Who does he think he is?”

“Nice!” Long Chen nodded, giving Guo Ran a thumbs-up .

“Both of you shut up,” raged Tang Wan-er .

Long Chen and Guo Ran obediently stopped talking, focusing back on the stage . Gu Yang’s imposingness had reached its peak, his spear repeatedly forced his opponent back .

But their hearts sunk when they saw that it really was just like Long Chen had said . That Favored was purposely drawing out the battle . Once Gu Yang was out of energy, he would immediately counterattack .

“Haha, that little fellow Gu Yang really is not bad . He’s actually seen through his opponent’s strategy!” Long Chen’s eyes suddenly brightened .

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