Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Phoenix Cry Lantern Festival

Within the inner part of the palace was the fourth prince’s study . The fourth prince was sitting with his eyelids half closed as he quietly listened to Manhuang Hou’s report .

“Master, no news has come from Zhenyuan Hou . The army continues to stay at their original place and no reply has come from master’s letters,” respectfully said Manhuang Hou .

The fourth prince slowly opened his eyes . Within them was a glimmer of cold grimness . “What a reckless, obstinate old man . I gave him that much time yet he still treats me like some pushover . ”

“This Long Tianxiao truly doesn’t know greatness . He still refuses to surrender to prince after this many years . Truly hateful to the point of deserving a thousand deaths,” ruthlessly said Manhuang Hou .

The fourth prince looked at him and said, “I know about the past grievances between you and Long Tianxiao . If it hadn’t been for that punch of his then you would have had a high chance of advancing to the Muscle Rebirth realm . But Long Tianxiao’s strength doesn’t lie in martial might, otherwise I wouldn’t view him as so important . Unfortunately he’s too stubborn and can’t be used by me . Since he can’t become one of mine, let him become a dead man . ”

Manhuang Hou rejoiced when he heard this . “Master, do you have a plan?”

“Right now isn’t the time to handle him . But he has wasted so many years of my effort, so first kill his only son . Count it as interest,” indifferently said the fourth prince .

“Long Chen? How should he be killed?” Manhuang Hou was somewhat puzzled .

The current Long Chen counted as one of the alchemist guild’s people . The rumors reported that he was closer than normal to grandmaster Yun Qi . Even a prince couldn’t avoid the alchemist guild’s punishment .

“I’ve already fixed that matter so you don’t need to worry about it . Just quietly gather your forces . We’re about to make some big moves; don’t forget to not attract any undue attention,” coldly said the fourth prince .

“Yes master . Don’t worry, I’ll definitely make sure there’s not even the slightest leak,” hastily promised Manhuang Hou .

His current strength was just at the Blood Condensation realm so his martial might wasn’t very outstanding . That was why the fourth prince could place him in a position of such importance . He wasn’t overly eye-attracting .

He was extremely loyal and devoted, and he was also very meticulous with how he handled things . He hadn’t made any slipups in this many years .

After Manhuang Hou left, the fourth prince looked at the books on his shelves . A long while later, he sighed .

“Long Tianxiao . Is it worth the trouble? So much of my sincerity over the years was unable to move you . Don’t blame me for being vicious . ”


Another explosion sounded out within his body and Long Chen’s eyes popped upon . His eyes s.h.i.+ned brightly like stars, yet also like sharp blades . His gaze seemed so sharp that it reached the point where people wouldn’t dare look him in the eyes .

Inside his Dantian, seven cyclones were slowly revolving . A pleased smile appeared on Long Chen’s face .

He had spent seven full days focused only on cultivating, advancing four levels . Such a speed would definitely shock and frighten anyone else, but Long Chen still wasn’t satisfied with it .

Originally he had thought that with the increasing amount of cyclones he condensed, his cultivation would become faster, but he quickly realized his a.s.sumption had been wrong .

Every new one cyclone had been harder to condense than the last . The amount of spiritual qi needed quickly shot up; the fourth cyclone had only required six hours to form, while the seventh cyclone had required three full days .

That was basically the sum of all the three cyclones before it . But Long Chen was still pleased when he noticed on the seventh Heavenstage that his meridians had become even more solid .

But he was still unable to use the Split the Heavens Battle Skill . However this didn’t disappoint him; in fact, it made him even more excited . This meant that Split the Heavens was an exceptionally powerful Battle Skill . For him to use some random pill to exchange for such a high cla.s.s Battle Skill had definitely been worth it .

Originally he had been planning on going back there and bribing that Blood Condensation expert with more medicinal pills for some high grade Battle Skills .

But now that Chu Yao had given him the Breaking Wind Fist and the Flamecloud Palm, he had enough . The two of them were both high grade Mortal Battle Skills . Most likely only the third floor of the Battle Skill Pavilion would hold Battle Skills of that level . Perhaps even that Blood Condensation guard didn’t have the qualifications to learn them .

It was not the case that the more Battle Skills you learned, the better . Unless martial artists were pushed to their limit, they wouldn’t normally use them .

That was because Battle Skills used too much spiritual qi . Ordinary Qi Condensation cultivators could only use a low grade Mortal Battle Skill once .

After using it once, their remaining spiritual qi would be insufficient to use it a second time . So unless you could defeat your enemy in one move, no one would waste their spiritual qi like that .

Furthermore, the higher grade the Battle Skill, the most spiritual qi it required to use it . High grade Mortal Battle Skills were normally reserved for Blood Condensation cultivators to use .

Only they had the required spiritual qi for such a frightening cost . But of course, Long Chen wasn’t ordinary .

His spiritual qi was stored within his FengFu Star . By Long Chen’s calculations, he could use a high grade Mortal Battle Skill seven times .

But if he were to send his FengFu Star’s spiritual qi to his seven cyclones in order to produce his absolute max power, then he would only be able to use a high grade Mortal Battle Skill once .

He wouldn’t be able to use it a second time even if squeezed himself to death . But the current Long Chen still could not condense a second star since the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art required that only after the first star became a true star could a second star be condensed .

But Long Chen still didn’t know how to make his star a ‘real star’ . He also didn’t know what the ‘nine transformations of the star’ in his memories were . He became more and more puzzled as he went on his cultivation path . Therefore he could only continue forming cyclones for now .

“Young master, can I enter?” Bao-er’s clear voice came from outside .

“Enter . ”

Bao-er entered with a set of clothes in her hands . She laughed, “Young master, today is the Phoenix Cry Lantern Festival . Mrs . Long has told me to make you presentable . ”

She had him sit down properly while she washed his face and combed his hair . Long Chen laughed, “Is this really so important?”

“Haha, the Madam has already said young master is now sixteen and is the age for getting married . She told me to properly dress you . If any family’s pretty daughter sees you, haha… you understand . ” Bao-er laughed .

“No way . My mom really thinks it’s that urgent?” Long Chen was speechless . Fatty Yu and the others were all seventeen, but they hadn’t gotten married .

“Of course it’s urgent . I worry about my grandchildren . ” Mrs . Long walked in and looked at Long Chen . “The matter of Meng Qi can be handled slowly and considered a long term goal . But you also need to have short term goals . It’s called insurance . I suggest you go find a suitable young lady and get some kids while also pursuing Meng Qi . ”

“What?” Long Chen couldn’t believe his ears .

“What? For a man to have multiple wives and concubines is common . Isn’t it fine to just reserve Meng Qi as the first wife?” Mrs . Long spoke as if this was as it should be .

“No way . ”

“Of course . But you can’t tell Meng Qi this at the beginning . Once you two become closer, she’ll naturally agree to it . ”

Long Chen blinked . Even this was fine? “Mom, dad hasn’t bothered to talk to us in this many years . Does he also have wives and concubines outside?”

“Nonsense . But it would be fine if your father had them,” she chided . But a guilty ashamed glimmer flashed through her eyes .

“Haha, I’m just joking mom . Don’t worry, if there are any suitable women during the lantern festival I’ll bring a few back for you . ” Seeing his mom wasn’t very happy, he joked .

“Tch, who do you think you are to bring ‘a few’ home? Let me tell you, don’t try any fakes smiles with your mom . You have to properly remember this matter, understand?” she solemnly warned .

“Fine, fine, fine . However you tell me to act is how I will act,” promised Long Chen . Inside he didn’t feel that that was right, but he didn’t dare say that out loud to his mother .

After making himself presentable, Long Chen put on a blue robe . It was the perfect size, and after putting it on, it seemed as if he had become a completely new person .

Sword-like eyebrows and glowing with health; although he wasn’t outstandingly handsome, Bao-er unceasingly praised him .

“Haha, don’t worry Madam . How many women could resist our young lord?”

“Ah, don’t praise him too much . ” Although she said this, she was pleased . She was filled with pride at her handsome son .

“Ok, it’s time . Go . ” Mrs . Long pushed Long Chen out the door .

“Mom, the sun is still so high . It’s going to be a while before it darkens,” helplessly pointed out Long Chen as he looked at the western sun that had barely begun to descend .

“Bad child, you don’t know what it means to prepare early . First get a good spot, and only then can you increase your chances . Quick, go . ”

After saying this, she closed the gates on him .

Long Chen rolled his eyes . It wasn’t like he was setting up a stall for business . Why did he need to first occupy a good position? But since he was already driven out, he still left .

He saw countless people bustling in front of their homes, hanging lanterns . Seeing Long Chen, a youth smiled, “Brother, you really are early . ”

“What do you know? The early bird gets the worm,” retorted Long Chen .

“Ha, true . Many thanks for the reminder big brother . I’ll go change now . ” That person ran back into his house .

“What a kid . Only thirteen yet he wants to play with women . ”

His mouth twitched . The children these days really were maturing too early . He had also truly come out too soon, and seeing him come out at this time led to more jokes from people along the way .

He was early enough to be embarra.s.sed, but he also didn’t have enough time to go cultivate either . And just sitting around would also be boring .

Just as he was hesitating on what to do next, a seemingly solid murderous aura attacked him . A gust of wind shot straight towards Long Chen’s back .

Hastily turning, Long Chen’s fist just managed to block a sneak attacker’s punch .

Gale winds exploded when they collided, and Long Chen was forced back several steps . Raising his head, to he saw a masked man who was sending another punch at him . The man’s strength was very great and wind whistled with his every blow .

Long Chen coldly snorted . Ignoring the punch, he kicked his leg between that person’s leg .

That person’s battle experience was very rich and he directly stopped his punch and switched to defense, his leg blocking Long Chen’s attack .

After blocking it, Blood Qi exploded out from that person’s body and a fierce energy surged out . A fist ripped through the s.p.a.ce and completely cut off Long Chen’s retreat paths .

Coldness filled Long Chen’s eyes . Just as he was about to use all his power, he suddenly thought of something .

“Spirit of the Bull!”

Long Chen shouted and their punches collided . He was sent flying dozens of steps of distance and his blood surged within him .

Just as that person was about to keep attacking after sending Long Chen flying, he suddenly turned to see the shadows of people approaching .

“Hmph, kid, next time I’ll take your life . ” He coldly snorted when he saw the pale-faced Long Chen . He disappeared in front of Long Chen’s eyes with shocking speed .

After he left, Long Chen’s pale face once more became rosy .

“Idiot, you want to test my power?”

Long Chen patted off the dust on his clothes . Looking in the direction that that person left in, a certain thought arose in his mind . . .

It appeared tonight would not be boring after all!

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