Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts

Chapter 4757 Heavenly Lightning Body

Chapter 4757 Heavenly Lightning Body

A muscular figure came charging out of a spatial gate, with a storm of lightning around him.

“He’s undergoing tribulation!” Startled cries rang out when they saw this person. A chaotic, destructive energy permeated the atmosphere, while tribulation clouds gathered over him, unleas.h.i.+ng bolts of lightning in the form of swords.

“No, his aura is only in the third Heavenstage!” Guo Ran and the others exclaimed in astonishment. This person’s realm was close to theirs, so how could he be undergoing tribulation?

“Does he have a legendary heavenly lightning body?” Long Chen couldn’t help being shocked as he stared at that figure.

“Boss, what is that?” asked Guo Ran hastily.

“I read about it in the library of the academy. It’s an extremely special const.i.tution. While we undergo tribulation when we break through every major realm, the heavenly lightning body undergoes tribulation with every minor realm,” explained Long Chen.

“Undergoing tribulation with every Heavenstage? Then doesn’t that mean...?”

“Correct. The heavenly lightning body is one of the world’s strongest const.i.tutions. It is absolutely terrifying, and I didn’t expect to see it here. This person’s aura possesses desolate qi, so he clearly isn’t someone from our era. He is most likely a sealed genius who was recently awoken,” replied Long Chen.

The devil creatures who spotted this figure instantly fled, not daring to block him. Pa.s.sing through the crowd alone, he swiftly vanished beyond their sight.

Although he left in a flash, the shock he left behind lingered for a long time. Feng You’s eyes widened with astonishment. The mixed beast race had reached an unprecedented scale this time, and their spirits were high. But unexpectedly, their newfound confidence was swiftly dealt a blow with the unexpected appearance of a legendary const.i.tution.

Although Feng You didn’t understand what the heavenly lightning body truly was, for this person to undergo a tribulation with every Heavenstage meant that his foundation had to be unimaginably solid. Even without revealing his aura, the ease with which he navigated such a terrifying tribulation showcased his tremendous power.

After all, this level of lightning was enough to exterminate Sage King devil creatures. Even Long Chen felt immense pressure from this tribulation. Yet, the individual pa.s.sed through it effortlessly, treating it as nothing special.

“Boss, are there other const.i.tutions just as powerful as the heavenly lightning body?” asked Xia Chen.

“But of course,” replied Long Chen with a smile. Indeed, there were other formidable const.i.tutions, such as the one granted by the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art.

When Long Chen saw this person, the astral energy in Long Chen started to slowly circulate, sensing this person’s const.i.tution. However, that person hadn’t sensed Long Chen. Yet, it wasn’t indicative of Long Chen’s superiority; rather, it suggested that his dragon blood power might be so potent that it masked his astral energy.

Of course, Long Chen had done it intentionally. He couldn’t afford to reveal his status as a nine star heir just yet, especially with the cover provided by the Starry River of the Sky Art having its limitations. By meticulously controlling his aura, it was only natural that the individual hadn"t detected it.


Just as everyone was shocked by the heavenly lightning body, the void in the distance exploded. There had been an extremely small opening there, but it was blasted open by some unknown force.

In this region, eight large channels symbolized the eight heavens, and Long Chen had emerged from the one connecting to the Darklight Heaven. Meanwhile, the smaller openings represented minor worlds leading directly to the Sovereign Emperor Heaven, and Feng You and the others had come from one of them.

This grand channel served as the convergence point for all others, akin to hundreds of rivers merging into one, leading to the sea. It was the path that had to be traversed to enter the Sovereign Emperor Heaven.

Looking in the direction of that disturbance, they saw devil qi raging forth. A group of enormous beings smashed their way through the enlarged opening.

Unexpectedly, these lifeforms were riding horses, clad in battle armor and wielding immense lances. Towering at thirty meters tall, they dwarfed their already colossal mounts, and their leader was a bald, rough-faced man with protruding tusks.

Though he could be described as bald, he had a single braid as thick as a finger at the back of his head, a somewhat comical sight. However, seeing their ferocious appearances and their blood-stained armor, no one dared to laugh. The temperature of the world plummeted in their presence.

Millions of them emerged, breaking through the void. Unluckily, a nearby group found themselves in their path and promptly fled. However, those who failed to escape in time were mercilessly trampled by the giant horses, their screams echoing as they turned into a crimson mist.

“The Heavenly Loather race is here! If you don’t want to die, scram you ants!” shouted their leader, waving his thirty-meter lance.

“The Heavenly Loather race? What’s that?”

Long Chen was baffled. This name made him think of the Loather race from Purgatory—existences said to hate heaven and earth for having no handle, or they would have been able to use heaven and earth as weapons.

While these giants might look a bit similar to the Loathers from Purgatory, their auras weren’t very alike.

“Courting death!”

A group that had run into them took hideous casualties, so a white-robed man furiously charged at the leader of the Heavenly Loather race with his sword. When his Heavenly Doyen aura erupted, everyone could see that he was a true nine star Doyen.

“Don’t!” The Sage King of this group cried out. Regretfully, it was too late as the Heavenly Loather expert had thrust his lance forward.

An enormous lance projection materialized above his head, looking exactly like the lance in his hand but on a ma.s.sive scale. With a powerful blast, it shattered the nine star Heavenly Doyen along with his weapon.

“What a powerful attack!” Feng You couldn’t help being shocked. The fact that this person could kill a nine star Doyen wasn’t all too shocking. However, when he attacked, he could draw out the power of heaven and earth to help him, so he didn’t need to put any energy into that attack. Not sensing any Doyen fluctuations coming from him, Feng You didn’t even know how he had unleashed this attack.

Tch, I wondered who was so blind. So it was a bunch of humans, the trash of the cultivation world. I can’t believe you dared to block the path of the Heavenly Loather race,” sneered that expert. It was only now that he took note of the group in front of him.

That sneer instantly caused the Dragonblood warriors’ expressions to change.


Guo Ran looked at Long Chen.

“This brat’s mouth really is loathsome!” Long Chen’s anger flared in response.

Suddenly, the leader of the Heavenly Loather race turned toward Long Chen"s side, his smile taking on a savage edge as he spotted Feng You.

“Brothers, grab that girl for me!” he commanded, and his cohorts of the Heavenly Loather race laughed lasciviously as they advanced toward Long Chen"s group.

“There was a path to heaven, but you didn’t take it. There was no door to h.e.l.l, but you still barged in,” Long Chen uttered, his smile turning cold and sinister as he watched them charge over. He looked like a death G.o.d welcoming people into his embrace.

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