Nirvana Days

Chapter 14

Woe to the Druids!

Woe from the heavens!

Woe from the ireful Queen!

[_They pursue confusedly._

SCENE IV: _Dawn; far in the forest. Enter_ BRUDE _and_ LAMORA _faintingly to a spot where_ HORMA, _the hag, unseen by them is gathering herbs._


_Lamora._ Strength no more Wings me for flight.

With hunger of sleep I faint.


_Brude (sinking by her)._ Yet ere thy sleep, Maid like the dawn, List to my heart"s wild uttering!

All I have dared Was for thy love-- Tho but to love thee Would I dare all!

_Lamora._ Ah! What is love, Brude wise and n.o.ble?

Is it this burning Far in my breast Melting my soul to thine?

Is it this power Hid in my eyes Shaping thy face On hill and cloud?

Is it this whisper, As of sea-waves, Singing thy name to me?

Yea! So now we may sleep.

[_They lie down._ HORMA, _the hag, who has heard_ _them, creeps maundering up and gazes at them._

_Horma._ Owl and eaglet?

Have they fled?

Then let witch-toads sing!

Oaths forgotten, Would they wed?

Then let bull-bats, Wild a-wing, Flap the moon from heaven!

Deep in the forest-- Ha! ho! ho!

[_Breaks off, hearing shouts. Continues._

They"ll be slain!


They"ll be slain!

_Brude (waking)._ What was my dream?...

[_Hears the shouts._

Lamora! Lamora!

[_They start up and look at each other. Silence._

_Lamora (at length)._ So was it doomed.

Now we must cross Thro the death-fog Unto the blest.

But side by side, And ere they come.

[_Hands him her knife._ Here we shall die.

But in the Meadows Where the thin shades Wander and wander, Ever in love we"ll live!

Fold first thy arms around me.

[_They embrace._

_Brude (starting from her)._ Hear! they have come-- Cormo! The Queen!...

_Lamora._ Then strike! for thy face Alone would I see in death!

_Brude (killing her then himself)._ Cormo!... Queen!... Death!

Ye shall never ... tear us apart!

[_Falls with her in his arms, as_ BOADICEA _and warriors enter._

_Boadicea (seeing them)._ Dead!... Leave them, food For beast and bird!

Leave them! away! away!

[_All go with pride and spurning._


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