TL: MbypobjzfSisjnq

I"n jo aif njeemf pg TLjoh dibqafs 86. Ia"t 40% epof. Sipvme cf gjojtife aijt wfflfoe. Hpqfgvmmy tppofs jg I nbobhfe ap tofbl tpnf ajnf bgafs wpsl ipvs.
Amtp, I"e mjlf ap bqpmphjzf tjodf aijt dibqafs ibe mjaamf-ap-opof fejajoh.

The dragon knights escorted us using their dragons to the rocky mountains where the monster group resided.

There was a plan where mother simply burn them from the sky using 《Fire Storm》, but considering some monsters in the group were fire resistant, such as Ifreet, that would be a bad idea. In case we didn"t finish all of the monster group in one attack, having them ganging up on us would be terrible for our well-being.

And so, our final strategy was for the dragon knights to attract the harpies, which were the enemy"s main aerial combat force, into the sky. In the meantime, us adventurers will attack the monster group from the opposite side from the ground.

Due to the number of enemies, we would get surrounded if we fought in open s.p.a.ces. For that reason, we first aim at the monsters that resided in the caves, which would narrow the paths that their monster reinforcements could take. Also, investigating what was inside the cave was also important.

「ーLooks like they"ve started」

Mother said while looking at the sky.

The dragon knights that dropped us had already circled around the monster group and started attacking from the sky. The mage-warrior ratio among the dragon knights were rather surprising. That made a lot of sense since magic is the most effective method of attacking while riding the dragons. Every time red flashes that came from 《Fireball》 or 《Flame Lance》 brightened the sky, burnt harpies fell headfirst into the ground. The other monsters were clamoring, trying to push their way into the dragon knights. However, most of the monsters couldn"t do anything anyway besides glancing up at the sky. There wasn"t much they could do against the dragon knights in the sky.

「There are a group of Armored Tortoise, 2 Emperor Slimes, 4 c.o.c.katrices, and 6 Owl Bears ahead of us. It seems that this place is the weakest path around. We can make our breakthrough from here」

Elemia reported from under the shade of big rock.

「……Not bad」

Mother muttered with troubled expression.

Certainly, comparing from the other routes we could take, this one had the thinnest security.

「Well, I think we"ll manage. I will deal with the tortoise. Edgar, be good and deal with the c.o.c.katrices, okay?」


Mother was our party leader.
That should be obvious.
She was the most experienced adventurer among all of us.

「Then, I will take on the Emperor Slimes」

It seemed that father had chosen his targets. Coincidentally, he happened to have a holiday today. Since he didn"t need to do his job as a Royal Guard, he decided to tag along.

「In that case, I shall fight the Owl Bears」

Steph said while holding on her greatsword.

「Umm I……」

「Elemia, please cover for me, okay?」(Julia)

Since Elemia was too late to choose her target, she was in charge to cover for mother. She looked a little upset, but once we entered the cave, there are tons of work for her to do. We should keep her strength for now. Well, it wasn"t like she would get tired anyway; thanks to her 【Fatigue Transference】.

Since the task had been distributed, we nodded and took action immediately.

「Then I"ll start」

I took my favorite bow from my dimensional storage, which Melby had kindly taught me beforehand. By the way, my big brother Chester gave this bow to me about 5 years ago. He tweaked with it every now and then, adjusting it to my body growth, so I could use it without any problem.

I took an arrow from my dimensional storage and nocked it, aiming at the nearest c.o.c.katrice.

c.o.c.katrice, like their name suggest, could petrify their targets.

However, unlike the legends in my previous world, they weren"t as ferocious as to petrify people with their glares. Their plumes contained poisons that petrify their preys. Similarly, they claws were also coated in the same poison. It didn"t seem like a big deal, but for normal adventurer, they were quite a formidable threat. Especially since c.o.c.katrices were only about twice as big as regular chickens. In a fight, c.o.c.katrices could easily disappear and strike from blind spots with their poison.

Just in case, I handed our vanguards, which were father, Steph, and Elemia, a dropped item that increases their resistance towards petrification. There was a c.o.c.katrice nest inside the Abandoned Ancient Firedrake Nest, which had a lot of c.o.c.katrices for me to hunt. As a result, I got a lot of their drop items (item inside a monster"s body that gives an ability to the said monster). Not all monster had this and the one that do didn"t completely neutralize the poison, but it added our resistance which should be better than nothing. According to mother, not even an ranked party could get their hands on equipment that covered every single status resistance, so I had to settle with only this much.

In worst case scenario, I could cure the status condition with my 【Healing Magic】 that I learnt from the temple. In case where I was the one who got the status condition and couldn"t move, Melby would cure me instead. Her pet cactus had an ability to spray status condition resistance liquid, so she had become a reliable partner. And of course, each of us also held a dose of antidote that was made from alchemy.

With our current strength, we wouldn"t even need to worry if something like Gazaine"s night attack happened again.

But Melby didn"t come with us for today. She went back to the fairy village quite a few days ago.

Anyway, we had enough anti-petrification potion, but I didn"t know what kind of accident might happen when facing 4 c.o.c.katrices. I must kill them all.

I used 【Infusion Magic】from my recently acquired 〈Alchemist〉cla.s.s and endow my arrow with 【Fire Extremity Magic】. 【Infusion Magic】 was an upgraded version of 【Enhancement Magic】. Incidentally, 【Fire Extremity Magic】, that mother and I had, was the upgraded version of 【Fire Spirit Magic】.
(TL: 極 end/extreme 火 fire 魔法 magic)

After rigorous experiment, I found a way to infuse objects with 【Fire Extremity Magic】, which was about 5-10 times more powerful than a regular 《Flame Lance》. The difference in power was due to whether the arrow could pierce through the target"s skin. c.o.c.katrices skin were quite tough, but going with past experiences, the arrow should pierce them with no problem.

With the whoosing of the blue flames, the arrow ripped through the air and pierced though the c.o.c.katrice"s torso.

Just as I took another arrow from my dimensional storage, the other c.o.c.katrices started to move.

「ーGatling Flame!!」

Mother fired 【Fire Extremety Magic】 using her 【Uninscribed Invocation】 and 【Simultaneous Invocation】 at the same time.

The same blue fire appeared from thin air.
Not only one, but eight of them at once.

Each and ever one of them was at least 5 times more powerful than 《Flame Lance》and all of them were heading straight to the armored tortoise.

The first spear was blocked by its hard metal-like carapace.
The second spear was also blocked, but the metallic carapace was glowing red at this point.
The third one melted the metallic carapace.
The fourth one melted them even further and formed a cone pointing inwards the tortoise"s body.
The fifth oneー Honestly, I couldn"t even see what happened past the 5th one.

The blue scorching spears. .h.i.t the tortoise one after another, went past the tortoise"s carapace and burning its inside to shreds.

《Gatling Flame》 was a spell specifically designed to fight the other reincarnator even if he brought out an army of tanks. I think it could also be used as anti-aircraft flak. I pity the armored tortoise, being shot with such a high caliber spell right at the beginning, but apparently it wasn"t enough to kill it.

The armored tortoise retaliated by shooting large pieces of metal from small holes in its sh.e.l.l.

I instantly jumped into its bullet path.

「《Electromagnetic Barrier》!」

The barrier interferes with the metal, twisting their orbit upwards so they pa.s.sed way above our heads and disappeared in the back.

This spell was also developed to fight against Kizaki Tooru in case he reinvented rifle or machine guns. If he wanted to shoot through this electromagnetic barrier, he would need something as powerful as the battleship cannons from our previous world. There"s no way a mere lightspeed metallic rock bullet could beat it.

It was quite a struggle developing this spell, since it must also redirect bullets and arrows alike. At first, I thought it would be better to utilize magnetic force but metals other than iron barely reacts to magnetic force. If you increase the amount of mana, it could slightly affect the other metals. However, so did any metals attached to your body.

Then I pondered about what to do, so I searched around the Library Labyrinth for it with David and we stumbled upon something called “electric interaction force”. That was not a very common term to use especially in this world, but after researching about it more carefully, it seems to be the same thing as electromagnetic force or Lorentz Force in the previous world.

We only need to prepare one electrostatic barrier and one magnetic field barrier. Thanks to my magic, creating electric and magnetic fields on any scale quite easy in this world.

The flying metallic rock will first hit the electrostatic barrier. The rock will store its charge before hitting the magnetic barrier. The interaction will result in a Lorentz force perpendicular to the bullets path, specifically pushing the rock bullet upwards. It is the same force that create electromagnet on a coil back in junior high school science lab cla.s.s.

This force could be strengthened even further by increasing the strength of the electrostatic and magnetic field, which will also depend on the material chosen to generate the force. In this world, increasing the MP supply would suffice. However, since there"s a limit of the amount of MP I can release at a time, But in my case, I could deflect any bullet just fine as long as it didn"t come from a battleship gunfire.

We realized that 《Electromagnetic Barrier》 was literally useless against insulating materials, so we also developed several defensive measures in this 5 years. This 《Electromagnetic Barrier》 was just one of them. It was easy to deploy and easy to cast.

However, I still need to mind where I redirect the projectiles since this barrier only divert its trajectory, not deflect. I asked David for his help in my practice until I could instinctively remember the direction of magnetic field and the direction of the diverted projectiles. I know about the left-hand rule, but I can"t exactly look at my left hand during a fight, can I?

Incidentally, David also learned 【Electricity Magic】. He could also deploy an 《Electromagnetic Barrier》 like I do, but he couldn"t spread it as wide as I could. He didn"t even need to practice it or anything. He said「As long as I keep in mind where I wanted the bullets to redirect to, I can just create the barrier as is, can"t I?」 and casted a perfectly made 《Electromagnetic Barrier》.

Looking at the armored tortoise, I didn"t see any sign of movement anymore.
That attack was its last stand.

「Thank you, Edgar! I didn"t expect it could still attack after all those damages」
「Uu…… Edgar took my job……」

I looked away from them to check on how father was faring. Father is currently fighting a variant of slime called the Emperor Slime.

Slimes were usually quite docile, only some variants were aggressively attacking its surrounding. Unfortunately for us, Emperor Slime belonged to the latter category. It was said that Emperor Slime was born as a result of slimes cannibalizing each other. They were roughly 1 meter in diameter and had elliptical shape. It utilizes its elastic characteristic to leap onto its prey.

However, it was not a simple body attack. Emperor slime would also devour its target"s mana upon collision. a.s.suming the victim still had any mana after receiving this attack, it will leave its target stunned. The emperor slime will then suck the remaining mana from the target"s unconscious and unprotected body, destroying its victim"s mind in the process. The damage caused by this attack could extend as far to the victim"s soul, which according to the G.o.ddess, would take quite a lot of effort to purify. So it would be best to kill any emperor slimes on sight.

There were 2 emperor slimes.

Which was also quite a strange thing to witness. Emperor slime cannibalized on each other, so when 2 members of this variants meet, they should attack each other.

What we witnessed instead was these 2 emperor slimes were working together and blocked my father"s escape route. But that was as far as their monster mind could strategize.

One of the slime leaped to attack, which father responded by freezing the bottom part of the other slime. He then sidestepped which caused both slime to collide onto each other.

After that,

「Techniqueー 〈Flash Frost〉!」
(TL: 氷槍 Ice spear 結閃晶 JPa.r.s.er didn"t show anything for these one, GTL shows this for each character Conclusion-Flash-Crystal)

Cold temperature air started flowing from his manclad spear and covered the emperor slimes. That technique was a combination of magic and martial arts. Since it"s the combination of both of them, we decided to call it 「Magic Arts」. Another example of this was, of course, Steph"s magic sword techniques.

Father"s magic should be included as the evolved version of ice magic, but since father really insisted on it, we decided to include his frost spear techniques into Magic Arts as well. If you open his status window, 【Magic Spear Techniques】 appeared as a legendary skill.

It was thanks to this skill that his Magic Arts was so polished, for example, he could instantly freeze any opponent in an instant. After getting this skill, father could forcefully expand his maximum mana since it was also come with a magic-related t.i.tle. The technique he used before cost roughly 100 points of mana. Compared to mother"s 《Fire Storm》, the MP consumption was on another level.

While I was thinking about the Magic Arts, father had already froze the emperor slimes and placed a very careful poke at them. Countless cracks appeared on their body before shattering into millions of little pieces.

It looked so easy, like breaking a block of ice with an icepick, but it was an attack from his 【Battlespear Techniques】, which was an upgraded version of the 【Spear Techniques】 after reaching the counterstop.

The only one left is Steph.

She was heading alone against 6 owl bears. Judging from the number of opponents, Steph was at a disadvantage.

However, Steph was using a greatsword, which works really well against a crowd.

「〈Upwind Slash〉! 〈Downwind Slash〉!」
(TL: エアロブル [earo buru] and エアロベア[earo bea]. I don"t know so I horribly translate the kanjis instead)

Steph clad her sword in wind and threw speed-focused slashes to deal steady damages to the owl bears.

Owl Bear was a bear-like monster with owl head. They looked docile and cute, but they were actually carnivores. Not to mention that they especially love the taste of human flesh. Even during a battle, they would try to aim at the softer flesh like eyeb.a.l.l.s and cheeks, which was why the vanguards in an adventurer party hate fighting them as much as fighting scorpions and snakes.

The fighting style of a 〈Spell Sword〉emphasized high firepower, but that wasn"t it"s only redeeming point. In the past few years, Steph had been training to use spells in the way that compensates for the huge gaping weakness of regular large swords.

This time, the owl bears were on the offense. They utilized their large build to attack with all their might.

Steph held her sword tight in her hand and zeroed in to the owl bears.

Ssdog rwvmf gdq fqdtsrwnqc tmc khsdqtkky bvs sgqnvfg sgd whmc. After that, sgd nmky sghmf qdlthmr wdqd t edw Owk Bdtqr whsg rnld lhrrhmf khlar.

None of the owl bears could move anymore.

「ーI"m finishing things here. 〈Vorpal Thrust〉!」

Steph disappeared and suddenly appeared right behind the fallen owl bears. There was no need to mention the rest. The owl bears couldn"t move to save themselves from being swallowed into the ground.

Incidentally, I just finished shooting down the c.o.c.katrices.

ー10 minutes after the fight

we didn"t encounter any serious challenges and reached our target destination safely.

TL Npaf:

Allow me to break your immersion for a bit. There are 4 fundamental forces which are gravity, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and electromagnetic force 【Lorentz Force】.

Lorentz force itself is further divided into 2 main categories, which are electrostatic force and magnetic force, which by combining the two of them you will get electromagnetic. Both of them are in the same group because they basically acts on particles that have electric charge. The main difference is that electrostatic force acts on stationary stuffs and can build up even more charges depending on how you treat it. If you, for example, rubbing a rubber against wool, you basically stuffing them with more and more potential energy that is dying to move from one place to another. Each of them have their own charge and will retain their charge even if you stop rubbing them together. So when you put a positively charged thing next to a negatively charged thing, the potential energy will jump from the negative one to the positive.  and make them stick together.

Meanwhile magnetic force is force that is generated when a charged particle is in motion, like in a coil for example, which will then create a field with a positive charge on one end and a negative field on the other end. It"s just normal electromagnet, what more can I say?

And so, to redirect, let"s say, a 10 kilogram metallic rock that is traveling faster than eye can see, 80 km/h for example,  AGAINST gravity would require more than 2 simple barriers of eLeCtRiCiTy and MaGnET

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