n.o.ble Reincarnation Chapter 2 - Demonic Sword Resistance

The Thirteenth Prince"s Palace.

It was one of the residences of the imperial princes that surrounded the perimeter of the Emperor"s Palace.
There was where I woke up in the morning.

It"s been six years since I moved here, and in those six years of my life, I"ve gotten used to my new life.

After I wake up, I get off the bed and stand still, in my pajamas.
Then, the maids waiting outside the room soon enter and wash my face, do my hair, and change my clothes.

I don"t know who hired them, but the maids are pretty much all around ten years old except for the head maid.
Having my buck naked body being seen my young girls every day made me feel excited — only for the first week or so. I quickly got used to it.

The maid continued to dress me until one of them gave me the okay.

"Master, I have finished dressing you."
"I am very handsome as always."

With a gentle nod, she left the bedroom.
From here, I head to the dining room.

"Noah is a handful, ain"t he."
"Yep, yep. Normally, you"d be embarra.s.sed at that stuff, but he teases you young "uns like nothing. And he stays calm. That"s like the Emperor."

Turning my back to the gossiping of the maids, I headed to the grand dining room.

(TL note: I"ve changed the status page from the raws to look a bit better in English)

Name: Noah Aralight Gender: Male Aralight Empire"s Thirteenth Imperial Prince Level: 1/∞ HP: F MP: F STR: F VIT: F+F INT: F MND: F AGI: F DEX: F+F LUK: F+F Fire: F Water: E+S Wind: F Earth: F Light: F Dark: F

While walking, I brought out my status page in a corner of my vision.
I have a few questions about my status page, but in the six years since I reincarnated, I was able to answer one of them.

The plusses change whenever my — no, the The Thirteenth Imperial Prince Noah Aralight"s subordinates change.
I don"t know all the numbers, but the plusses change every time I gain or lose a subordinate.

And the plus is invisible to everyone but me.
With the few dozen maids I had now, a few of my stats had a small buff.

I get stronger with more subordinates, but as a prince, I have various ties of obligation.
I couldn"t do anything as a six-year-old; I had to wait a few more years.

In the spare time walking through the halls, I thought about a few things.
I soon reached the dining room and was served breakfast by a different maid.


Just a bit after I finished eating, a maid came in.
She wasn"t one of the maids that served my daily needs. She was trained as a reception maid for visitors.

"The Crown Prince as well as the Fourth Imperial Prince have come to see you."
"Huh? Right now?"
"They are waiting in the living room. The Crown Prince wishes for Master to come after Master eats."
"Lead me to them."

It would be rude to keep the Crown Prince waiting, no matter what he said.
I stood up from my chair, and the maid guided me to the living room.

When I entered the living room, I saw the two men there.

The Second Prince and Crown Prince, Albert Aralight.
The Fourth Prince, Henry Aralight.

The two of them were Noah"s elder brothers, but as one might tell from me being the Thirteenth Prince, they were both middle-aged. The Crown Prince even had tufts of grey hair above his ears.

I performed the customary bow to my brothers, who were old enough to be my father.

"Good morning, elder brothers."
"Oh, you finally came."
"Dispense with the formality, sit down."
"Thank you very much."

I sat down in a lower seat.
The highest seat was, of course, being sat on by the Crown Prince, Albert.

Although he was my sibling, he was also the Crown Prince.
He was a major part of ruling the country, a sort of half-Emperor.
I have my retainers to thank for learning formal etiquette.

"Hmm, you"re very polite and smart for your age."

Albert complimented me.

"The four other kids around your age are much more childish compared to you."

By "the four other kids," I a.s.sumed he meant the eleventh through fifteenth Imperial Children, not including me.

"Thank you very much, elder brother."
"Wise beyond his age, I see promise in you. We might have our future Prime Minister."
"I will work hard to achieve that goal."
"I bet you will. Hey, Henry."

The Fourth Prince, Henry, gave a silent nod then looked at me.
He was younger than Albert, but based off the calmness in his eyes, one could easily believe that he was the older one.

"Noah understands…….his intelligence is bounds above his siblings."

I felt that there was some deeper meaning to this, but I also felt that I shouldn"t overthink it.

"Excuse me for changing the topic. What might you have come here for, today?"
"Yeah, I almost forgot. I have a present for you."

Albert clapped his hands twice.
Right after, a servant came from outside the room, holding a box.

For some reason, the servant had a pale face and was shaking.

"Open it."

With a commandeering tone of voice, Albert gave the servant a single order.
The servant, with a face as white as paper, opened the box.

Inside the box was a sword.

"This is?"
"Didn"t I say? It"s your present."
"Try holding it."

I didn"t know where this was going.
I looked over at Henry, and he gave a silent nod.

With the two of them giving approval, I took the adult-size sword to my hand.

It was slightly heavy, and the tip of the scabbard fell and b.u.mped into the floor.

Even so, it wasn"t something that I couldn"t carry.
For a six-year-old to carry it, it must be fairly light.

However, I noticed something.

When I took the sword out of the box, the servant"s face began to regain color.
I had no idea what to make out of that fact.

"Oh, amazing."

Albert gave me another word of praise.

"What is?"
"That sword"s name is Leviathan."
"It"s also called the Blade of the Sea Demon. It ranks up pretty high amongst other demonic swords, and around a hundred and twenty people died before it was first tamed."

I was so surprised that I almost instinctively dropped the sword.
It was a gift from the Crown Prince, so it would be quite rude to drop it.

"Don"t worry."

Probably as he saw how uneasy I looked, Henry consoled me.

"Those who can"t hold it instantly die the moment they wield it."
"Exactly. You have SS in water, don"t you? S-ranked users of demonic swords are basically incarnations of death, but what about SS-ranked users?"

What kind of reason was that, sh*tty Crown Prince — oh, wait.
If I continued to say insults like those in my head, it might accidentally be said aloud someday.

"Hey, Noah, do you really feel fine?"
"Yes. Well, it is a bit heavy."
"Huh, amazing. Well, I got to see something good."

My SS-rank was praised with the demonic sword, but I still felt that there was something missing.

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