_wi fa fa_, Lewis Weston DILLWYN (1778-1855), F.R.S., well known as a botanist; established Cambrian Pottery Works at Swansea; M.P. for Glamorganshire, 1832-1841.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_wi fa_, John Dillwyn LLEWELYN, F.R.S., early experimenter in photography.

_wi fa si son_, Traherne MOGGRIDGE, author of "Flora of Mentone,"

"Harvesting Ants," and "Trapdoor Spiders."

_wi me bro_, Christopher Rice Mansel TALBOT, first-cla.s.s mathematics, Oxford, 1823; Lord-Lieutenant of Glamorganshire, M.P., "Father of the House of Commons."--["Oxf. Reg."]

_wi me me si son_, William Henry Fox TALBOT (1800-1877), F.R.S., independent inventor of photography, his (wet) processes, talbotype, etc., being those which have survived in various forms. He also discovered the direct method of printing by the autotype process. A distinguished mathematician, he furthermore was one of the earliest interpreters of cuneiform writing; M.P.

for Chippenham, 1833-1834.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

Raphael #MELDOLA# (b. 1849), F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in Finsbury Technical Coll.; discoverer of many new products and processes in the manufacture of coal-tar dyes; also well known as a naturalist; has been President of the Entomological Soc. and of the Ess.e.x Field Club.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa fa_, Raphael MELDOLA (1754-1828), invited to London, in 1805, on account of his fame as a theologian, to preside as High Rabbi over the London congregation of British Jews belonging to the Spanish and Portuguese community; author of many theological works.--["Dict. N.


_fa bro_, David MELDOLA, succeeded his father as chief of the community, though not given the same high rank; author of theological works.

_me bro_, Joseph ABRAHAM, founded a large and successful firm in Bristol; took a prominent part in munic.i.p.al affairs, and became the first Jewish mayor of Bristol.

_fa si son_, Abram DE SOLA, Professor of Oriental literature in McGill Coll., Montreal; the only Jewish divine ever invited to open Congress by the U.S. Government; erudite scholar, and author of theological works.

_me bro son_, Harry ABRAHAM, a man of business, and councillor and Mayor of Southampton.

Louis C. #MIALL# (b. 1842), F.R.S., Professor of Biology, University, Leeds; Fullerian Professor of Physiology, Royal Inst.; President Zool. Sec. British a.s.soc., 1897; author of memoirs and books on natural history.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa_, James Goodeve MIALL (Rev.), Chairman of Congregational Union.

_fa bro_, Edward MIALL (1809-1881), Independent minister at Leicester, 1834; established and edited the "Nonconformist," 1841; M.P., Rochdale, 1852-1857, Bradford, 1869-1874; strove for Disestablishment of Church.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me bro_, Charles MACKENZIE, a well-known Haymarket actor (stage-name, Henry COMPTON).

_me bro son_, Sir Morell MACKENZIE (1837-1892), celebrated physician; specialist on diseases of the throat.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me bro son_, Sir Stephen MACKENZIE (b. 1844), senior physician, London Hospital; consulting Physician, Poplar Hospital, etc.--["Who"s Who."]

_son_, Stephen MIALL, first in solicitors" examination, Clement"s Inn, and "Daniel Reardon" prizeman, 1896; first-cla.s.s honours, LL.B.

and LL.D., London.

Henry Alexander #MIERS# (b. 1858), D.Sc., F.R.S., Waynflete Professor of Mineralogy, Oxford, since 1895; author of many scientific papers, "Mineralogy," etc.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa me fa_, Francis PLACE (1771-1854), Radical reformer and writer; started life as leather-breeches maker; succeeded in getting the laws against combinations of workmen repealed.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa fa_, John MIERS (1789-1879), F.R.S., engineer and botanist; accompanied Lord Cochrane to Chile, 1818; made collections of birds, insects, and plants; author of many scientific papers.--["Dict. N.


_fa_, Francis Charles MIERS, engineer and successful man of business.

_bro_, Edward John MIERS, zoologist; author of a volume on Brachyura in "Challenger Reports," etc.

Alfred #NEWTON# (b. 1829), F.R.S., Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, Cambridge; has been very active in promoting the protection of wild birds; has been Vice-President of the Royal and Zoological Societies; gold medal of the Royal and of the Linnaean Societies; author of many works dealing princ.i.p.ally with birds.--["Who"s Who."]

_me fa_, Richard Slater MILNES, M.P. for York; took a prominent part in county business.

_fa_, William NEWTON, M.P. for Ipswich.

_me bro_, Robert Pemberton MILNES, M.P. for Pontefract; prominent in county business.

_bro_, General William Samuel NEWTON.

_bro_, Robert Milnes NEWTON, Recorder of Cambridge; metropolitan police magistrate.

_bro_, Lieutenant-General Horace Parker NEWTON, first of his year in R.M.A., Woolwich.

_bro_, Sir Edward NEWTON, K.C.M.G., Colonial Secretary of Mauritius; Lieutenant-Governor of Jamaica; author of several zoological papers in scientific journals.

_bro son_, Arthur William NEWTON, H.M. Inspector of Schools.

_bro son_, Francis James NEWTON (b. 1857), C.M.G.; Treasurer of Southern Rhodesia, 1902; some time Administrator of British Bechua.n.a.land, and Colonial Secretary British Honduras and Barbadoes.--["Who"s Who."]

_me bro son_, Richard Monckton MILNES (1809-1885), first Baron HOUGHTON; M.P. for Pontefract, 1837; distinguished in literary society; author of poems and critical essays. Did much to secure Copyright Act; a.s.sisted in the preparation of the "Tribune," 1836; established the "Philobiblon Soc.," 1853.--["Dict. N. Biog.," and "Life" by Wemyss Reid.]

_me bro son son_, Robert Offley Ashburton CREWE-MILNES, first Earl of CREWE, son of Lord Houghton; Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, 1892-1895.--["Who"s Who."]


Robert Harris Inglis #PALGRAVE# (b. 1827), F.R.S., economist and statistician; editor of the "Economist"; also of "Dictionary of Political Economy."--["Who"s Who."]

_me fa_, Dawson TURNER (1775-1858), F.R.S., botanist and antiquary.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me fa bro_, Joseph TURNER, Senior Wrangler, 1768.

_fa_, Sir Francis PALGRAVE (1788-1861) (son of Meyer COHEN, adopted the name Palgrave in 1823), historian; deputy-keeper, and a.s.sisted in the publication, of H.M. Records. Author of the "Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth," 1832; "History of England and Normandy,"

1851; and other works; greatly promoted study of mediaeval history; knighted, 1832.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me_, Elizabeth, nee Dawson TURNER, a.s.sisted her husband in his literary work.--[Unpublished information.]

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