Thomas Roscoe Rede #STEBBING# (b. 1835) (Rev.), F.R.S., naturalist; authority on Crustacea; prepared the report on the Amphipoda of the "Challenger" expedition; author of many works on natural history.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa_, Henry STEBBING (1799-1883), D.D., F.R.S., poet, preacher, and historian; editor of the "Athenaeum" almost from its commencement, 1828; published a continuation to Hume and Smollet"s history, "Lives of the Italian Poets," etc.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me bro_, William GRIFFIN, Vice-Admiral.

_bro_, William STEBBING, Scholar of Lincoln Coll., scholar and Fellow of Worcester Coll., Oxford, first-cla.s.s Mods., 1852; first-cla.s.s Lit.

Hum., 1853, first-cla.s.s Law and History, 1854; for nearly thirty years on the staff of the "Times" as leader writer, and second to the late Mr. Delane in the editorship.--["Who"s Who."]

G. Johnstone #STONEY# (b. 1826), D.Sc. F.R.S.; Professor of Natural Philosophy in late Queen"s University, Ireland; memoirs on the "Physical Const.i.tution of the Sun and Stars," on the "Internal Motion of Gases," etc.--["Who"s Who."]

_me bro_, William Bindon BLOOD, Professor of Engineering; author of professional papers.

_me bro son_, Sir Bindon BLOOD (b. 1842), K.C.B., Commander of the Forces in Punjab; distinguished in Chitral Expedition and in Boer War.--["Who"s Who."]

_bro_, Bindon Blood STONEY, LL.D., F.R.S., Engineer, especially marine; numerous engineering works and publications of great originality.--["Who"s Who."]

_si son_, Maurice FITZGERALD, Professor of Engineering, Queen"s Coll., Belfast.

_si son_, George Francis FITZGERALD (1891-1903), F.R.S., Professor of Nat. and Exper. Philosophy; of School of Engineering, Dublin University. His scientific writings have been edited since his death by Dr. Larmor.

_son_, Gerald STONEY, one of the engineers in the work of the Parson"s Steam Turbine Company.

Lieutenant-General Sir Richard #STRACHEY# (retired 1875), G.C.S.I., R.E., LL.D., F.R.S., Cambridge. Secretary of Government Central Provinces of India during Mutiny, 1857-1858; Public-Works Secretary to Government of India, 1862; Legislative Member of Governor-General"s Council, 1869-1870; Member of Council of India, 1875-1889; Acting Financial Member of Governor-General"s Council, 1878; Chairman of East Indian Railway from 1889; Chairman of Meteorological Council from 1883; President of Royal Geographical Soc., 1888-1890; Royal Medal of Royal Soc., 1897.

Publications: "Lectures on Geography"; "Finances and Public Works of India" (jointly with his brother, Sir John S.); various scientific memoirs.--["Ency. Brit.," and "Who"s Who."]

_fa fa_, Sir Henry STRACHEY (1736-1810), Bart., private secretary to Lord Clive in India; Joint Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, 1782; cr. Baronet, 1801.--["Dict. N. Biog.," Suppl. iii.]

_me fa_, Lieutenant-General KIRKPATRICK, W. (1754-1812), Orientalist; military secretary to Marquess Wellesley; Resident at Poona; translated Persian works; expert in Oriental tongues and in Indian manners, customs, and laws.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa_, Edward STRACHEY (1774-1832), Chief Examiner of correspondence to the India House, the other two being Peac.o.c.k and James Mill (secretaries" work, writing despatches, etc.).

_fa bro_, Sir Henry STRACHEY, Bart. (1772-1858), distinguished Indian Civilian, described by James Mill ("Hist. Brit. India," vol. vi., chap, vii.) as "the most intelligent of the Company"s servants."

_fa bro_, Richard STRACHEY, Resident at Lucknow and Gwalior.

_me si_, Isabella Barbara BULLER, a well-known centre of literary and political society.

_bro_, Sir John STRACHEY, G.C.S.I., eminent Indian statesman; Lieutenant-Governor of the N.W. Provinces; Financial Member of Governor-General"s Council; Member of Council of India. Publications: "Finance and Public Works of India," 1882 (jointly with his brother, Sir Richard S.); "Hastings and the Rohilla War," 1892; "India," 1888, third edition, 1903.--["Ency. Brit.," and "Who"s Who," 1904.]

_bro_, Colonel Henry STRACHEY, Tibetan explorer, gold medal of Royal Geographical Soc., 1852.

_bro_, Sir Edward STRACHEY (d. 1904), Bart., author of "Hebrew Politics in the Time of Sargon and Sennacherib."

_bro_, George STRACHEY (1873-1890), Charge d"Affaires and Minister Resident at Dresden.

_bro son_, Sir Arthur STRACHEY (1858-1901) [son of Sir John S. and of Katherine, daughter of George BATTEN], Chief Justice Allahabad, aet.

thirty-nine; d. aet. forty-three.

_bro son_, John St. Loe STRACHEY (b. 1860) [son of Sir Edward S.

and Mary, sister of John Addington SYMONDS, writer and critic], editor of the "Spectator."--["Who"s Who."]

_me si son_, Charles BULLER (1806-1848), distinguished politician, sent as secretary with Lord Durham to Canada, 1838; Chief Poor-Law Commissioner.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me si son_, Sir Arthur BULLER, Judge of the Supreme Court, Calcutta.

_fa fa bro_, John STRACHEY, LL.D. Cambridge, Archdeacon of Suffolk, Prebendary of Llandaff, preacher at the Rolls.

_fa fa fa fa_, John STRACHEY (1671-1743), F.R.S., geologist, said to have first suggested theory of stratification in his "Observations on Different Strata of Earths and Minerals," 1727.--["Dict. N. Biog.,"

Suppl. iii.]

_Wife and her kinsfolk:_

_wi_, Jane Maria, nee GRANT, second wife, auth.o.r.ess of "Lay Texts," "Poets on Poets," "Memoirs of a Highland Lady,"

etc.--["Who"s Who," 1904.]

_wi fa fa_, Sir J.P. GRANT (1774-1848), Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Calcutta.--["Dict. N. Biog.," xxii. 398.]

_wi fa_, Sir J.P. GRANT, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. (1807-1893), Indian and Colonial Governor; Member of Council; Lieutenant-Governor of Central Provinces of India; Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal; Governor of Jamaica (1866-1873).--["Dict. N. Biog.," Suppl. iii.


_wife"s me bro son_, Sir Trevor Chichele PLOWDEN, K.C.S.I., Resident at Kashmir, Hyderabad, and Baghdad.

_wife"s me bro son_, Sir Henry Meredith PLOWDEN, Senior Judge of Chief Court, Punjab (1880-1894).--["Who"s Who," 1904.]

_son_, Giles Lytton STRACHEY, Scholarship at Trinity Coll., Cambridge; Chancellor"s medal for English verse.

_son_, Oliver STRACHEY, Eton scholarship.

_son_, James Beaumont STRACHEY, scholarship at St. Paul"s School.

_da_, Joan Pernel STRACHEY, lecturer on Old French at Royal Holloway College.

_da_, Marjorie Colvile STRACHEY, prize offered in 1904 by the British Amba.s.sador in Paris to male and female undergraduates of all colleges in Great Britain, for examination in French; scholarship at Royal Holloway College, 1904.

Aubrey #STRAHAN# (b. 1852), F.R.S., district geologist on the Geological Survey of England and Wales; author of geological memoirs on Chester, Rhyl, Flint, Isle of Purbeck, Weymouth, South Wales Coalfield, etc., and contributions to scientific journals.--["Who"s Who."]

_me fa_, Sir George FISHER, General of Royal Artillery; Commandant of Woolwich a.r.s.enal.

_bro_, George STRAHAN, second for Pollock Medal at Addis...o...b..; Dep.

Surveyor-General of the Trigonometrical Survey of India, 1889; Colonel of Bengal Engineers.

_bro_, Charles STRAHAN, Lieutenant-General of Bengal Engineers; Surveyor-General of India, 1895.

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