_fa bro_, Thomas BARING (1799-1873), financier; refused Chancellorship of Exchequer, also a peerage; head for many years of Baring Brothers and Co.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa bro_, Charles BARING (1807-1879), double first at Oxford, 1829; Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, 1856, of Durham, 1861.--["Dict. N.


_fa fa bro son_, Evelyn BARING (b. 1841), first Earl CROMER, P.C., son of H. Baring, M.P.; pa.s.sed first into staff college from Royal Artillery; made successively Baron, Viscount, and Earl, for services in Egypt.--["Who"s Who," and "Ency. Brit."]

_fa fa si son_, Henry LABOUCHERE (1798-1869), first Baron TAUNTON, first-cla.s.s "Greats" at Oxford; Cabinet Minister under Lord Melbourne and Lord John Russell; raised to peerage 1859.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me bro_, Sir George GREY (1799-1882), Home Secretary 1846-1852, 1855-1858, 1861-1866; carried the Bill that abolished transportation.

_me fa bro_, Charles GREY (1764-1845), second Earl GREY, Prime Minister; carried the Reform Bill.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me si son_, Sir Edward JENKINSON (b. 1835), K.C.B., Private Secretary to Lord Spencer when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.--["Who"s Who."]

Descended from _fa fa fa bro_, Rev. S. BARING-GOULD (b. 1834), author of numerous novels and works on theology and history.--["Who"s Who."]

William Thomas #BLANFORD#, LL.D., F.R.S.; (1832-1905), on staff of Geological Survey of India, 1855-1882; accompanied Abyssinian Expedition and Persian Boundary Commission; sometime President of Geological Society and of Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, also of Geological Section British a.s.soc.; author of works dealing with the geology and zoology of Abyssinia, Persia, and India.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa_, William BLANFORD, established a manufacturing business in London, and was a founder, and for many years Chairman, of the Thames Plate Gla.s.s Company.

_me bro_, Alfred SIMPSON, established a large and successful manufacturing business in Adelaide, S. Australia.

_bro_, Henry Francis BLANFORD, F.R.S., for many years at the head of the Indian Meteorological Department, which he originally organized.

Right Hon. Charles #BOOTH# (b. 1840), P.C., F.R.S., economist and statistician; President of the Royal Statistical Soc., 1892-1894; originated and carried through a co-operative inquiry in minute detail into the houses and occupations of the inhabitants of London, which resulted in the volumes "Life and Labour of the People of London"; author of memoirs on allied subjects. ["Ency.

Brit.," xxvi. 306; "Who"s Who."]

_fa fa_, Thomas BOOTH, successful merchant and shipowner at Liverpool.

_fa bro_, Henry BOOTH (1788-1869), railway projector; co-operated with Stephenson in applying steam to locomotion, published much relating to railways, and invented mechanical contrivances still in use on railways; secretary and then railway director.--["Dict. N.

Biog.," v. 382.]

_fa bro_, James BOOTH (1796-1880), C.B., Parliamentary draughtsman; became Permanent Secretary to the Board of Trade.

_me si son_, Charles CROMPTON, Fourth Wrangler, Q.C., and for some years M.P. for the Leek Division of Staffordshire.

_me si son_, Henry CROMPTON, a leader in the Positivist Community; authority on Trades Union Law, and author of "Industrial Conciliation."

_me si son_, Sir Henry Enfield ROSCOE, F.R.S. (q.v.)

Robert Holford Macdowall #BOSANQUET#, F.R.S. (b. 1841). Fellow of St. John"s Coll., Oxford; author of many mathematical and physical memoirs, chiefly in the "Philosophical Magazine."

_fa fa bro_, Sir John Bernard BOSANQUET (1773-1847), Judge of Common Pleas, 1830; Lord Commissioner of Great Seal, 1835-1836.--["Dict. N.


_bro_, Bernard BOSANQUET (b. 1848), Prof. of Moral Philosophy, St.

Andrews, since 1903; formerly Fellow of University Coll., Oxford; worked in connection with Charity Organization Society; author of many books on philosophy.--["Who"s Who."]

_bro_, Vice-Admiral Day Hort BOSANQUET (b. 1843), Commander-in-Chief West Indian Station since 1904; previously Commander-in-Chief East Indian.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa son_, Charles Bertie Pulleine BOSANQUET (b. 1834), a founder and the first secretary of the Charity Organization Society.

_me fa bro_, Hay MACDOWALL (d. 1806), Commander-in-Chief of Madras Presidency.

_fa son son_, Robert Carr BOSANQUET (b. 1871), archaeologist, director of British School of Archaeology at Athens.

_me si son_, Ralph DUNDAS, head of large and influential firm of Dundas and Wilson, Writers to the Signet, Edinburgh. His relatives on his father"s side include his--

_fa_, John DUNDAS, worked up the business of Dundas and Wilson into its present position.

_fa fa son_, Sir David DUNDAS (1799-1877), Judge-Advocate-General and Privy Councillor, 1849.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa fa son_, George DUNDAS, Judge in Scotch Courts under the t.i.tle of Lord MANOR.

_fa fa son son_, David DUNDAS, K.C. (b. 1854), Judge in Scotch Courts under the t.i.tle of Lord DUNDAS; Solicitor-General for Scotland, 1903.--["Who"s Who."]

James Thomson #BOTTOMLEY# (Hon. LL.D., Glasgow), D.Sc., F.R.S., electrical engineer (1870-1899); Arnott and Thomson, Demonstrator in the University of Glasgow.--["Who"s Who."]

_me fa_, James THOMSON.

_me bro_, William THOMSON, Lord Kelvin, F.R.S.

_me bro_, James THOMSON, F.R.S.

See THOMSON for the above.

Sir Dietrich #BRANDIS# (b. 1824), K.C.I.E., F.R.S., Superintendent of Forests, British Burmah, 1856-1864; Inspector-General of Forests to the Government of India, 1864-1883.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa fa_, Joachim Dietrich BRANDIS, born at Hildesheim, where his ancestors had governed the town as Burgemeister for centuries; practised medicine at Brunswick, Driburg, and Pyrmont; Professor of Pathology at Kiel; ultimately physician to the Queen of Denmark.

_fa_, Christian August BRANDIS, secretary of the Prussian Legation in Rome, 1818; afterwards Professor of Philosophy at Bonn; went to Athens, 1837-1839, as confidential adviser to King Otho, partly with regard to the organization of schools and colleges in Greece; author of a "History of Greek Philosophy."

_me bro_, Friedrich HAUSMANN, Professor of Mineralogy and Geology at Gottingen; author of a "Handbook of Mineralogy."

_bro_, Johannes BRANDIS, for many years Kabinetsrath of H.M. Empress Augusta, Queen of Prussia.

_me si son_, Julius VON HARTMANN, commanded a cavalry division in the Franco-German War; after the war was Governor of Strasburg.

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