_fa si son_, Isambard BRUNEL, Chancellor to the Diocese of Ely; ecclesiastical barrister.

_Ancestors in more remote degrees:_

_fa me fa_, John Wall CALLCOTT (1766-1821), composer, mainly of glees and catches; published "Musical Grammar," 1806.--["Dict. N. Biog.,"

and Grove"s "Dict. of Music."]

_fa me fa bro_, Sir Augustus Wall CALLCOTT, R.A. (1779-1844), distinguished painter, mainly of landscapes; knighted, 1837.--["Dict.

N. Biog."]

_me fa fa_, Thomas HADEN, the princ.i.p.al doctor and three times Mayor of Derby.--[Unpublished information.]

_wife_, nee BRAMWELL.

_wife"s fa_, Sir Frederick BRAMWELL, Bart. (1818-1903), F.R.S., eminent engineer; President British a.s.sociation, 1888; Pres.

Inst.i.tution of Civil Engineers, 1884-1885; Hon. Sec. Royal Inst.i.tution.--["Who"s Who."]

_wife"s fa bro_, Lord BRAMWELL (1808-1902), Judge, 1856; Lord Justice, 1876-1881; raised to peerage, 1882.--["Dict. N. Biog.,"

Suppl. i.]

John #JOLY# (b. 1858), D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in the University of Dublin since 1897; has published many contributions to the Royal Soc., Royal Dublin Soc., etc.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa fa_, Henry Edward JOLY, divine and physician; is credited with scientific medical views in advance of his time.

_me fa_, Frederick, Comte de LUSI, statesman, author and linguist; resident Minister of the King of Prussia in London, St. Petersburg, Greece, etc.; made one of the earliest ascents of Mont Blanc, in 1816.

_fa_, John Plunket JOLY (Rev.), accomplished as a painter of bird, insect, and plant life; left a remarkable collection of pictures behind him; died early.

_me bro_, Frederick, Comte de LUSI, soldier; distinguished himself in the German-Danish War of 1848; decorated for valour in saving the life of General Halkett.

_fa bro_, Jasper Robert JOLY, remarkable precosity as a boy; obtained distinguished college successes in cla.s.sics in his thirteenth year at Trinity Coll., Dublin. Devoted his life to the collection of Hogarth and Bewick, upon whom he was an authority.

_fa si_, Mary JOLY, died young; left a remarkable collection of minutely accurate paintings of birds and flowers.

_me fa fa_, Spiridion, Comte de LUSI, the founder of the de Lusi family, enn.o.bled by Frederick the Great for statesmanship.--["Percy Anecdotes."]


Alfred Bray #KEMPE# (b. 1849), F.R.S., Chancellor of the Dioceses of Newcastle, Southwell, and St. Albans; Treasurer and Vice-President of the Royal Society from 1899; has published works on mathematics.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa fa_, Alfred John KEMPE (1784-1846), distinguished antiquary; published works on Holwood Hill, Kent, and St. Martin-le-Grand Church, London.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa_, John Edward KEMPE (b. 1810), late Rector of St. James"s, Piccadilly; Hon. Chaplain to the King since 1901.--["Who"s Who."]

_bro_, John Arrow KEMPE, C.B. (b. 1846), Comptroller and Auditor-General.--["Who"s Who."]

_bro_, Harry Robert KEMPE (b. 1852), Princ.i.p.al Technical Officer of the Postal Telegraph Department; author of "Handbook of Electrical Testing," and other works which have gone through many editions; for many years editor of "Electrical Review."--["Who"s Who."]

_bro son_, Edward KEMPE, Captain and Gold Medallist, Radley School; scholar of Lincoln Coll., Oxford; editor of "The Huia," New Zealand.

_fa fa si_, Anna Eliza BRAY, nee KEMPE (1790-1883), historical novelist; completed "Monumental Effigies of Great Britain," commenced by her first husband, Charles Alfred Stothard.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

[For further particulars see "A History of the Kempe and Kemp Families."]

Edwin Ray #LANKESTER# (b. 1847), LL.D., F.R.S., celebrated zoologist; Director of Natural History Departments, British Museum, since 1898; Fullerian Professor of Physiology and Comparative Anatomy, Royal Inst., 1898-1900; Linacre Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Oxford, 1891-1898; numerous other distinctions.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa_, Edwin LANKESTER (1814-1874), M.D., F.R.S., Professor of Natural History, New Coll., London, 1850; Medical Officer of Health for parish of St. James"s, Westminster, and Coroner for Central Middles.e.x; joint editor of "Q.J.M.S.," etc.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me_, Phebe LANKESTER (1825-1900), auth.o.r.ess of "Wild Flowers Worth Notice"; the popular portion of Sowerby"s "British Botany," and many other publications; also wrote weekly in a newspaper for many years under the signature of "Penelope."

_me bro_, Samuel POPE, Q.C., successful leader of the Parliamentary Bar.

_bro_, E. Forbes LANKESTER, first cla.s.s in "Greats," Oxford, 1877; successful barrister.--["Oxf. Reg."]

_bro_, S. Rushton LANKESTER, H.M. Consul, Batavia.

_si_, Fay LANKESTER, Secretary of National Health Society.

_si_, Marion VATCHER, wife of Rev. Sydney Vatcher, Vicar of St.

Philip"s, Stepney. Both well known in connection with East London organization of help to the poor.

_si_, Nina LANKESTER, Superintendent of Female Clerks in Money Order Department of Post Office.

Joseph #LISTER# (b. 1827), created Baronet, 1883; Baron #LISTER#, 1897; F.R.S., P.C., O.M., and numerous other distinctions; President Royal Soc., 1896-1900; Professor of Surgery, Glasgow, 1860-1869, Edinburgh University, 1869-1877, King"s Coll., London, 1877-1893; famous for discovery of antiseptic treatment in surgery.--["Ency. Brit.," and "Who"s Who."]

_fa_, Joseph Jackson LISTER (1786-1869), F.R.S., optical investigator, especially in connection with the principles of the achromatic microscope, also author of contributions to Zoology, Phil.

Trans.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_bro_, Arthur LISTER (b. 1830), F.R.S.; botanist; author of monograph on the Mycetozoa.--["Who"s Who."]

_bro son_, Joseph Jackson LISTER, F.R.S., biologist; Fellow of St.

John"s Coll., Cambridge.--["Who"s Who."]

_bro son_, Arthur Hugh LISTER, a.s.s. Phys., Aberdeen Infirmary; obtained "three stars" at University examination, Aberdeen.

_bro da_, Gulielma LISTER, contributed papers to "Linnaean Journal,"

and, in connection with her brother, to "Journal of Botany."

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