I updated chapter 14 for the rest of the chapter. I did it so the people who read from the thieving sites only get to read half the chapter and (hopefully) come over to miumiu596 at WordPress to read the full one. Lets see if it works.

So please go back to Ch 14 and scroll up to part 2. Let me know if this is too  c.u.mbersome

This too is part of chapter 15. The rest gets updated when I publish chapter 16

Chapter 15

This was really strange.
I had never been in love before and of course, I had never been dumped. I didn"t know if the person dumping you was supposed to explain the reasons, I didn"t know if that person needed to show some sympathy

But I am pretty sure that when people broke up, they absolutely did not hug the other person like this. Hug them even more tightly than when they were actually in a relationship
I didn"t know if it was my illusion, but in the long silence as Ye Zhengchen held on to me, I felt his love for me , more than what I had experienced in the past.

…… …

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If you were unlucky, everything would stop working.
The next day, I arrived at the laboratory with dark shadows under my eyes to discover that the bacteria that I was culturing were all dead
The a.s.sociate Professor severely reprimanded me , saying that I hadn"t put in the required effort, that I hadn"t studied enough and that my part time jobs were taking up all the time I should have spent studying
I was really bitter these days. I apologized only once to him, then explained, " The environment is too harsh for the bacteria to survive."
This angered him even more, " You don"t even know what tou are talking about. First check the ideal habitat for this kind of bacteria."

I had actually checked that, but the problem was that all the research on this bacteria was in j.a.panese and my current level of j.a.panese comprehension was very weak
"If you don"t know, you should ask your seniors or come to me" After this last parting remark, the professor angrily left.

In the empty room, there wasn"t anything else
Since the bacteria had been killed, I took off the protective clothing and the mask
I stood in the room in a daze
For the last six months, day and night, holiday or no, I had studied the bacteria, meticulously jotting down each and every observation.
However, apart from Ye Zhengchen, no one saw how much effort I had put in this

Suddenly, I wanted to see Ye Zhengchen. I remembered how once, right at the beginning, I had used his sleeve to wipe my nose as I viciously cursed, "What"s so great about being an a.s.sociate Professor ? In his old age, he should hurry home to play with his grandchildren . Why can"t he just retire ? These j.a.panese devils ! Whatever culture they are proud of is from our Tang dynasty, their territory is protected by the US, their alphabet is borrowed from Chinese and English. What"s so great about them ? They thunk we have buried the hatchet, that we are afraid of them? That we have forgotten that they invaded China ? They are dreaming ! Is it so hard to understand ? China is rapidly developing, and so we are string. Their island is disappearing !"

As I cried tears of frustration, Ye Zhengchen was laughing

"Brother, cant you be a bit sympathetic ? Now I even have to endure you laughing at me ?"

He patted my shoulder . "I wasn"t laughing at you. You just reminded me of myself..when I was an angry young man."


How was it that I had never seen him angry ?

He had been in j.a.pan for almost two years and his words and actions were very compatible with the j.a.panese culture.

"When I was young, I vowed never to come to j.a.pan unless there was a war."

"Why did you come ? Like me, did you come here to serve the greater good for  medicine in China?"

He didn"t smile , just muttered under his breath, "Silly girl!"

As I looked at the happy smile kn his handsome face, I resolved not to tell him that this rationale was just a lie to my father. I was actually trying to escape !

"I have learnt something useful in j.a.pan."

" What?"

" To bow"

" Bowing doesn"t mean deference. Apologies don"t mean yielding. You can always have hatred and grievances in your mind, but there is no need to display your emotions on your face."

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