It was silent all around, except for the rustling of leaves as the cool breeze blew gently.

Hie breath was scorching on my face and his stare grew more and more intense.

He leaned closer. Instinctively, I retreated back, one step at a time till my back hit the trunk of a tree.

My chapped bark caught at my clothes

He placed his palms on the trunk on both sides of my head, effectively imprisoning me within the circle of his arms

" You…"

He moved closer, and with his lips near my ear , he whispered, " I remember, you said, your fantasy was to have me wear a uniform one day… you would slowly unb.u.t.ton the uniform, one b.u.t.ton at a time…then take off the uniform… the aura of a solemn and serious  man gradually being shed."

My breath hitched and my chest moved violently up and down as I tried to get some oxygen into my brain.

The lines of his rigid uniform outlined a heroic and solemn figure. Just like he had described, the beautiful uniform seemed to have imprisoned him, creating a sense of an unattainable and unreachable person..

"Now I give you a chance..", the smile in his voice was very evident.

" Here?"

I knew I had to repay him for his favour, but this was neither the time nor the place.

He laughed silently. His answer was self evident

I had no retreat. Shamelessly, my hand moved forward. As soon as my fingertips touched his clothes, an electric current coursed through my body.

My hand shook and I gulped air, trying to get some oxygen circulating in my brain.

He was happy seeing me tortured like this.

As I looked at the blue sky and the lush trees, then the ground carpeted by yellow leaves, it suddenly struck me that there was no way he was going to do something here, He cound not afford to dirty his uniform.

At best, he was just teasing me to see how embarra.s.sed I would be.

I relaxed. Once again, I reached out and my fingers reached the b.u.t.ton on his collar. My palms were slightly sweaty and my nails lightly sc.r.a.ped the skin at his neck. The smile on his face faded

I unb.u.t.toned the b.u.t.ton on his collar. The half open collar made him look s.e.xy and I could not help but look up to his eyes

His eyes were no longer calm. The hidden fires clearly hinted at his emotions.

As I unb.u.t.toned the second b.u.t.ton, my heart started beating faster and faster and my breathing became more and more erratic

By the time the third b.u.t.ton was open, the sound of our breathing seemed to have overcome the sounds of the distant rustling of the leaves. Just when I reached the fourth b.u.t.ton, Ye Zhengchen caught my wrist and pushed it against the trunk. My breath hitched again as I felt the familiar pressure of his body over  mine

I could see the naked desire in his eyes. I was too scared to move.

In this broad daylight, where we were easily visible, did he really intend to ..?

He deeply inhaled, then exhaled, his eyes staring at the distant scenery of the faint outline of trees in the mist.

I breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed my body, I had escaped this ordeal. As I relaxed, his body sagged and his hot lips touched my neck.

As his tongue gently licked the skin at my neck, I struggled and my nails dug into the bark of the tree.

He moved my hair and gently kissed the outline of my ears.

Maybe because I was always accustomed to him acting in a crazed and wild manner, this rare display of gentleness made my whole body feel uncomfortable. I twisted to escape his touch, not knowing if I wanted to push him away or get closer to him.

He kissed me lightly, then let go of my wrist. With the back of his hand, he traced my forehead, then slowly moved down to my cheek and further down. I could no longer feign indifference. I closed my eyes and clearly felt every sensation and his soft touch travelled everywhere in my body.

I didnt shout out "No!" or " Dont!". I did not struggle, did not resist. My previous experience had long since proved that he would always get what he wanted. I did not want to pretend anymore.

Let him do what he wanted, till he decided that he had had enough

I thought that my submissiveness may make him lose interest. But instead, it only invigorated him and his brisk fingers started playing with my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, making me more and more addicted to his touch.

His breath in my ears was like a spreading fire melting my bones.

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