After sending away all the people, I rushed into Ye Zhengchen"s room and slapped the desk.

" Ye Zhengchen, what did you mean with that comment out there?"

He calmly continued writing the report. Then he saved his work and looked up at me. The half open shirt collar exposed his beautiful neck and shoulder blades..

" Did you come to help me buy the quilt?"

My annoyance instantly evaporated and I stood, dumbfounded, completely forgetting my primary reason for fighting with him.

He stood up and, one step at a time, walked closer to me. Instinctively, I shrunk back one step for every step that he took forward till my back hit the wall

His left hand braced against the wall, with his right hand, he picked up one strand of my hair and wound it around his fingers.

" Do you want to know what I meant by that comment today?"

I nodded eagerly

Yes, that"s what I wanted to know.

" You made such a statement in front of so many people, what must they be thinking about me?"

What was it with this almost begging tone? I had obviously been planning to roar at him with anger !

In the languid tone of a typical play boy, he said , " I just wanted everyone to know that you are mine.."

" Didn"t I tell you last time that I do not want to change the status quo?"

" We won"t", he smiled , a hint of treachery in his smile,  "but before that, I will not let any other man claim you."

"But there are so many beautiful women in this earth. Why are you so worried about me?"

"Because I need someone who cooks my meals, washes my clothes, makes my bed and asks nothing in return."

" You need not.." I was about to say that he need not worry about me when he interrupted me," I think it"s better if you are with me."

Apart from Ye Zhengchen, no other man could justify himself so shamelessly

I suddenly felt hot.

" So late at night, you shouldn"t be here".

He stared at my lips as his face leaned closer to mine

Panicked, I pushed him away hard

" It"s late. I will leave now."

Escaping from his room , I couldn"t help but rue the fact that such a s.e.x maniac was staying right next door!

G.o.d help me!

After thinking it through the whole night, I decided to keep a distance from him henceforth. There was no way I could let this maniac break through my defences

The next day, I had no In the morning, I went to the laboratory to discuss the next steps of the experiment with the a.s.sociate professor.

I wanted to go to the bacterial cultivation room to see how my cells had progressed. As I reached the door, I saw that back..dressed in his white coat.

His eyes through the mask were deep and mysterious

My heart beat accelerated

Whenever Ye Zhengchen wore a white coat and mask, he suddenly seemed like another person. His eyes were no longer playful, but instead became sincere and disciplined.

Faced with this side of him, I would sometimes wonder, was this the real Ye Zhengchen?

Walking close to the door, I surrept.i.tiously looked at him through the gla.s.s, the tip of my nose hitting the gla.s.s window

He was teaching a new student how to remove the ovaries of a white mouse.

He deftly wielded the scalpel, the light dancing on the silver scalpel creating a silver aura

This was the first time that I had found the act of surgery to be so beautiful

After the surgery, he used a silver needle to st.i.tch the incision. After finishing this, he folded a white gauze, gently placing it on the body of the mouse. His gaze was both sympathetic and apologetic.

I don’t know why that look of his put me into a trance till Ye Zhengchen came out of the room.

" Why are you here?", he asked with surprise as he took off his mask and gloves

This simple action, oh G.o.d, it really challenged my determination to stay away from him

"I was watching how cruel you are!" I shook my head pretending annoyance

" Not only do you destroy the reputation of an innocent girl, you won"t even spare a female mouse! There is no medicine to save us womenfolk from men like you !"

Ye Zhengchen smiled, then tapped my forehead with his finger.

"Girl, you can insult me, but you can"t malign my professional conduct. I am a doctor and I abide by the professional ethics of a doctor."

" Dr Ye, I wont bother you. Please continue saving lives!" I shrugged my shoulders to indicate that I really didn"t care

Ye Zhengchen looked at his watch. " It"s almost lunch time. Let"s have lunch together"

" Okay", I looked at him innocently, " Qin Xue is also planning to join me"

" In that case let"s just go to the lab and have some coffee."

I wanted desperately to be unmoved by him but I couldn"t stop caring about him

" Ok. I made some lunch for myself. It"s in the refrigerator in the second floor laboratory. You can eat it if you want."

His eyes shone with joy." What about you?"

" I don"t want to eat leftovers. I will go to the cafeteria."


Alone in the cafeteria, I gulped down the lukewarm soup and tasteless noodles, very much missing the Mapo tofu and Kung pao chicken I had made for myself after getting up at 5 am in the morning

But who could I blame except myself?

I could not live up to my own expectations, I was always swayed and confounded by the handsome Ye Zhengchen!

Bitterly, I cursed myself and the unscrupulous man.

" Ye Zhengchen, you shameless man, you heartless man…"

Suddenly I caught sight of a pink lunch box .Why did it look so familiar?

Then a familiar person came and sat in front of me

" You better eat your lunch instead of cursing and chewing me out."

I almost spewed out the noodles in my mouth in surprise

He handed me a gla.s.s of water

I gulped down the water

" Why did you come here?"

" Qin Xue came looking for me"

" What did she say?"

He didn"t answer. " Wait a minute. Let me buy you a big meal"

Soon he had got me my favorite fried chicken, grilled fish, beef curry with rice and sushi

Smiling, he patted my head.  " Eat slowly, chew your food, don"t curse me anymore!"

G.o.d , where are you when I need you the most?

In the afternoon, I went directly to the convenience store. I was planning to work for six consecutive hours to make up for my absence yesterday

Finally, when I looked at the clock, it was five minutes to midnight

I hated the thought of the long trek back home with my stiff legs. Even standing here for another six hours seemed to me a better option.

"Four bottles of Asahi beer"

I put on my courtesy smile and turned to greet the customer, " Welcome!"

Then , when I saw the handsome face, my smile turned into genuine pleasure, " Brother!"

I had already maintained enough distance from him

" I was just pa.s.sing and felt a bit thirsty"

He paid the money, then, opening one bottle he leaned against the counter to drink the beer, as if trying to prove to me that he was really thirsty.

" What time do you get off work?

" 12 o clock!"

At this moment, Li Kai came in. He looked at Ye Zhengchen but did not greet him

Ye Zhengchen also pretended not to notice his arrival and continued chatting with me.

" Is it? Then I will drive you back."

"Thank you !” I took out a pack of roasted chicken, microwaved it for three seconds and handed it to him, " This is for you."

He didn"t feign politeness , took the food and left

I changed my clothes, untied my hair and walked out of the store

He was sitting in a navy blue sports car.

"You"ve  changed cars again?"

" Well, that day you said my car was ugly. When I looked at it, even I found it ugly"

" Huh! Just giving yourself an excuse to be extravagant!"

He just raised his eyebrows at me

There wasn"t much traffic on the streets, but he still drove slowly

I curled up in the comfortable leather seats. I had been standing for six hours continuously and my legs were stiff and aching. I rubbed them as my eyes closed on their own. As I breathed in his unique fragrance, I drifted off to sleep
Miumiu : Ah this couple is so cute. On the one hand we have Bo Bing, vowing to stay away from him but ending up staring at him and sacrificing her lunch for him. And then we have Ye Zhengchen already exhibiting streaks of possessiveness and craving her company. So he invites her to lunch with him, walks into the store with some excuse so he can drive her back and then drives ‘slowly’ even though there is no traffic to prolong his time with her:) Alas, such cute moments won’t last very long! Next chapter..their first kiss!

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