Dont forget to catch up with part 2 in the earlier post!

Part 3

Instinct took over and I struggled in the dark. But this person was strong. Effortlessly, he picked me up and threw me on the bed

Before I could recover, he immediately pressed his body on mine and started tearing off my pyjamas.

I felt a burst of cold air on my exposed skin. I felt like I was caught in a nightmare. I was so frightened that not a sound escaped from my throat

I could feel cold hands on my skin. Then cold lips pressed on mine.

A familiar taste and familiar scent filled my mouth and I was suddenly pulled back from the abyss of horror. I hate this man! He didn"t even bother switching on his phone!

I ruthlessly hammered Ye Zhengchen"s chest, then clung to him and kissed him.

We kissed for so long we almost ran out of breath, then reluctantly separated.

" You still know that you need to return? I thought you forgot all about me in another woman"s embrace"

" You still owe me tuition fees. How can I forget?"

His lips kissed my body all the way down, from my mouth to my chest, his lips and tongue igniting the nerve ends in my body

A hot wave engulfed me.

" Did you miss me?"he asked.

"Yes,but…" I reached out to stop the hands trying to tear off my clothes.

" Not aunt is visiting"

" Aunt? What aunt?" he did not stop as his hands explored my body , all the way down to my inner thighs.

When his hands touched the stiff sanitary napkin, his hand stilled

He finally understood. Helplessly, he looked at me, " Isn"t it the second of every month?"

" It"s not always exactly on the 2nd"

He let go of me and angrily remarked," I am going to take a shower"

…… …

By the time Ye Zhengchen finished his bath, I had replaced my torn pajamas and was lying under a quilt, waiting for him

He came to the bed and kissed me. " I am going back to sleep in my apartment tonight"

" Dont go", I pulled at his hand and looked at him pitifully, " I missed you.."

He sighed and pulled up the quilt

I immediately curled up in his arms, inhaling the scent that was so uniquely his. Some things were difficult to quit once you get addicted to them

With my fingers, I lazily drew circles on his bare chest.

" Brother, what were busy with?"

" It"s a busy time for me right now", he answered vaguely.

I looked at his silhouette in the dark, the curve of his body.

I moved myself closer to him , my hands exploring his body. His hand came up to my chest, and then his lips pressed against my b.r.e.a.s.t.s..

Ten minutes later, we both sat up, breathing heavily..

He got out of bed

" Where are you going?", I asked

" Cold shower"

I wiped the moisture from my chest. It was early summer, but the night felt exceptionally hot.

This time he sat a bit further away from me.

" How is your bacteria doing?"

" Don"t even talk about it, they just keep dying. I have never bacteria that are so difficult to maintain"

" What kind of bacteria is it?"

" The a.s.sociate professor said it"s a newly developed strain supposed to inhibit cancer cells.I really dont know what kind of bacteria they are, but they are really difficult to keep alive. I have simulated almost all kinds of environment, but they are still dying."

" Show me the records of your experiment"


I climbed out of bed and got my laptop to show him the details

We spent the whole night sitting in bed, discussing this

Soon a hazy dawn set in.

I fell asleep in his arms

By the time I woke up, the day was brighter. I looked up to see him looking at me, his dark eyes full of love and longing.

The next afternoon, I was working in the convenience store.

Ye Zhengchen sent me a text message , telling me he was busy with something and could not pick me up.

I looked at the message and put away the phone.

At this time a female customer walked in

As I looked at her come in, I was dazzled with her beauty for an instant. I even forgot to say my usual greeting. Unconsciously, my eyes travelled from her body to her face, a vision of pure, innocent beauty.

Not only did she have a stunning face, she was tall and exquisite with a n.o.ble bearing

This kind of innate n.o.ble beauty would charm anyone

I was still wondering why someone so high cla.s.s would bother to enter a small convenience store, when she chose some food items, a few daily necessities and a few cans of coffee flavoured beer and brought it to the counter.

I bowed and respectfully said, " h.e.l.lo, welcome , I am glad to serve you."

She smiled and nodded in keeping with the j.a.panese etiquette.

In j.a.pan, even the wife of the Prime minister will never forget etiquette

Then she surprised me by pointing at the name tag on my chest.

" Bo?", she asked me in standard j.a.panese, " Is your surname Bo?"

" Yes", I answered in j.a.panese, " I am Chinese"

Her lips slanted upwards into a smile like the spring breeze

" I am Chinese as well!"

Her voice was even better than I had expected, her tone the standard soothing tone of Mandarin.

I had however guessed she was Chinese, so I wasn"t surprised. I skilfully settled the bill

" Is this something you do?" she gestured to the fried chicken in the gla.s.s counter.

" Yes", I answered, " do you want one?"

She thought for a moment. " Two pieces"


I picked two of the latest pieces in the counter and put it in her bag.

" Thank you . That would be six hundred and one yen."

She opened her Hermes bag, then searched around for some time before she looked up and apologized to me, " I"m sorry. I forgot to bring my purse."

"Doesn"t matter!" I still put the bag in her hands, " you can pay next time."


I smiled and nodded at her, " Don"t make your boyfriend wait too long"

She was startled, then smiled at me, "Thank you. I will pay you back."

I was sure she would come back. Call it a woman"s intuition

As she left, she left behind a trace of her perfume. J"adore. One of my long time favourites

An hour later, she really did come back. She opened her Gucci wallet and took out a large note from a thick stack of currency

" Keep the change"

Her tone, when she said this, was exactly like that of Ye Zhengchen. They pretended as if the small change would ruin their branded wallets

I knew that there was no need to feel sorry for myself. I put the change in the jar. This was the store"s rules. Customers were not allowed to tip us. If they refused the change, it would go into the jar which was handled by the boss

She smiled at me

I bowed, " Please come back"

I never thought he would come again

I certainly had not expected that she would come back almost once a week

She would buy some daily necessities, food, and sometimes some men"s stuff.

She was usually casual in her selection . Only when buying men"s products, she was always careful, She would read the instructions and sometimes would even ask my opinion

Soon we grew to be good acquaintances

With our casual chit chat, I learned that her name was Yu Yin. She had come to j.a.pan only a month ago and was staying in a rented apartment somewhere close by with a man

That man was very busy and could only spare once a month to take her to the downtown shopping mall

She was not familiar with Osaka, so to buy anything else , she was forced to come to the convenience store.

Once she invited me solemnly, " Bo Bing, when you are free, come over to my house."

" Me?"

I did not think that we are that close

" Yes, you are my only friend in j.a.pan."

I was flattered and was about to respond when the bells at the door rang

I looked up to see Ye Zhengchen come in.

Miumiu : So Bo Bing finally meets the "other woman" - Yu Yin. From her description, it looks like Bo Bing is half in love with Yu Yin.:)

But jokes apart, I thought one thread in this whole chapter was the fact that Bo Bing somewhere feels Ye Zhengchen is out of her league. In the earlier part of this chapter, where she compares her sodden adidas shoes with his clean Guccis and says that it looked funny, I could"nt help but think that this was a kind of hint of how unmatched she felt to Ye Zhengchen. And then we have Yu Yin, who seems perfect in every way. Plus, she waives off the change in almost exactly the same manner as YZ, which shows that they are both very rich. This underlying current of " I am not good enough for him" is maybe one reason their relationship could not survive three years ago.

On another note, I will start stockpiling chapters so expect some continuous chapters starting late feb or early march

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