At the mention of tuition fees, the blood ran straight to my lower body and I bit back the words that immediately came to mind

Ye Zhengchen smiled and said, " If you don"t believe me, ask your sister in law."

I really wanted to ask him if he had mentioned this to Yu Yin. If he had, I would die of laughing.

Hearing us repeatedly mention "sister in law", Zhong Tim"s expression relaxed and he looked more natural.

"Xiao Bing, why didn"t you pay General Ye?"

I laughed out loud.

" Don"t take his complaints seriously. Do you really think General Ye will remember such a small matter of remedial fees? He was just joking!"

" Yeah, just joking", Ye Zhengchen responded with a smile,"I am not a stiny person. But I just wanted to remind her. If you would like to pay me the fees, I don"t mind."

I tried hard to squeeze out a smile, " Brother, your sense of humour remains the same after so many years."

" You are just being kind."

…… …

We toasted a few rounds then started on the food. My headache was killing me

Taking advantage of Zhong Tim going to the washroom, I could no longer hold back. " Ye Zhengchen, what are you trying to do?"

" I wasn"t trying anything.." he said while playing with the gla.s.s in his hand.

" Girl, why are you hiding your relationship with me? Is it so humiliating to admit that I was your former boyfriend?"

"It"s about a man"s dignity. If you were in prison, would you want me to go to my ex-boyfriend to rescue you?"

Ye Zhengchen sneered.

" I will never go to prison. Even if I do, there are many people I know who can save me. I don"t need you to sacrifice yourself…"

I quickly opened the door to see if Zhong Tim was in the corridor. Seeing he was no where around, I heaved a sigh of relief.

As I sat down again, Ye Zhengchen leaned closer to me.

" Tell me the truth. Would you really sacrifice yourself like this if I were in prison?"

" Never."

I was telling him the truth. Apart from Ye Zhengchen, no man could force me to undress and go to bed with him including Zhong Tim.

As for the future wedding night, I was not even willing to think about what would happen.

Ye Zhengchen looked slightly perplexed. Then he leant even closer to me and whispered, " I will never allow you to do this either."

In a sentence, he brought back the memories of a few days back, the memories of our pa.s.sionate embrace, the red hot desire between us and his unembarra.s.sed possession of me.

I turned my face away as my face reddened. I finally asked the question that had been lurking in my mind for a long time.

" Why did you have to force me?"

He laughed, a typical Ye Zhenchen type of laugh.

" I did not force you.. you were willing."

" I was willing?"

" Yes. Even before I spoke you had taken off your clothes. How could I let you down?"

" You!" my eyes were spitting fire.

" Don"t pretend you were reluctant", he whispered, his lips almost touching my ear.

" You were moaning unabashedly under my body, you told me not to stop, the expression on your face…"

I just wanted to pour the tea on his face when I heard the door open and Ye Zhengchen sat up straight.

Seeing Zhong Tim enter the room, I also put on a smile on my face and lowered my cup to the table and clinked it with his.

" Brother, I hope that you can take care of Zhong Tim. Your invaluable experience will help him a lot. We will be endlessly grateful."

Zhong Tim was at a loss and immediately asked, "Oh, what experience?"

The person answered bitingly, " Everything."

Realising Ye Zhengchen dare not say the truth, I felt my heart suddenly turn lighter.

With a smile, I raised my cup.

All these years without him, I had thought my heart had died. Now I knew it was only Ye Zhengchen who could make it beat like this.

…… …

Finally, we finished lunch and headed back on the road. Too tired to say anything, I leaned against the door and tried to sleep.

Occasionally, I would wake up and rub my eyes. I would always catch Ye Zehengchen"s eyes in the rear view mirror at those times. Whether I was sleeping or awake, it was always his eyes that I saw…

Some people were unwilling to be forgotten. Even after three long years, a three second meeting was enough to revive all memories.

Just three seconds was enough to revive all those memories of you hating him, you being annoyed with him or you being teased by him till you laughed.

…… …

I accompanied Zhong Tim to meet my parents and his. Then we went to my home. I gave him some clothes to wear and took the clothes he was wearing to wash it in the bathroom.

As I washed them, I could hear bits of conversation between his parents and him. My eyes inadvertently wandered to the door frame. A pang of melancholy hit me.

Once I washed the clothes, I went to the balcony to hang them. Then I came back and whispered to Zhong Tim , " I have to go for the night shift. I"ll see you tomorrow."

" have dinner and go", Aunt Zhong told me

" No, I need to visit my dad before I go to the hospital."

I walked towards the elevator. As I waited for the lift,Zhong Tim moved closer to me. I suppressed my instinct to move away from him

He placed his hand on my shoulder.

" You seem to have a good relationship with General Ye."

" It"s ok", I responded, then added, " we haven"t been in touch for many years."

" Then why did he help you?"

Maybe it was just the shame in my heart , but I didnt like the question. I felt that it was tinged with some suspicions.

" Just because of our past friendship."

The elevator arrived and I hurried to step in.

" Have a good rest. Don"t think too much. As long as you are alright, nothing else is important."

He added, " We should have another meal with General Ye if possible."

" Hmm?" I could not understand what he was saying.

" We should thank him properly. Besides, we should ensure we have a better relationship with him."

The elevator door closed. I smiled to myself.

We needed to have a better relationship with him?

If he knew how good the relationship between Ye Zhengchen and me was, how would he feel?

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