
Chapter 7

The Stadelts got away, Jules found out around supper time. Halian sent men out in every direction to find them, but no one had much hope of success. The constantly falling snow would cover tracks and deaden a scent trail. The hunting hounds were of no use.

"I hope they f.u.c.king freeze to death," Sam said as he ladled himself a bowl of corn chowder. He, Halian, Bill and Ellaine were eating in the kitchen with Jules, discussing the turn of events. "Do the world a favor."

"It"s too much to hope for," Bill said, sighing. "Witchcraft can keep them alive, probably. We need to have their likenesses sketched and hung up in town, promising a reward."

"I can draw Elsie," Jules said. "I never saw Don."

Ellaine handed Jules a paper sack and a lump of charcoal. "If you make one, I can copy it," she promised.

Jules quickly sketched Elsie"s likeness, aware of being watched.

"c.r.a.p," Sam blurted. "Jules, you"re an artist."

Jules shrugged. "Comes in handy when Felix and I work together," he said.

Halian finished his second gla.s.s of wine, and twirled the stem between his fingers. "Jules, I had to postpone our formal ceremony. My parents want to be here for it, but Keita"s safety took precedence."

"I figured," Jules said. "It"s fine. I didn"t want Keita here during the mess."

Halian nodded shortly. "Let"s you and I go for a walk to the lake. I"ll take my best dog with us." He got up from the table and kissed Ellaine"s forehead. "Good meal, Ellaine."

Ellaine blushed, and busied herself with dishes as her husband laughed.

Halian strapped a saber to his waist, one he"d carried downstairs an hour ago. "Bill, Sam, I want you two to spread the word around the estate. No one, omega, beta or alpha, is to go about unarmed. There are too many unknown variables lately. Those that can no longer defend themselves are to be given a dog for home defense. If this means emptying out all the dog breeder kennels from here to the coast, get it done."

"Any preference?" Sam grunted.

"I"d prefer mastiff pups," Halian admitted. "But, I want you to search long and hard and see if you can find a healthy jindo for Jules."

Sam nodded slowly. "I approve," he said. "Perfect dog for Jules."

"Meg might like one of those, too," Bill murmured.

"Then, get her one, or even two," Halian said. "She can handle a pair easily, and it wouldn"t hurt for her to have the extra protection. See if you can"t get her to live on the estate proper instead of in a tent."

"Ain"t gonna happen, sir," Bill told him. "I can try, but my Meg-Beth has the touch of the wild. She hates four walls more than anything."

Halian smiled. "Yes, I can see that in her."

They left the house, stopping at the kennel, which Jules hadn"t even known existed. He saw it kind of like a barn for dogs, except the dogs could move in and out freely. Halian got a lightly fawn-colored dog from a stall, and bent to speak to him lowly. Jules couldn"t hear what he said, but the animal followed them back out and flanked Jules"s other side.

"So, horses and dogs," Jules commented. "What else?"

"Cattle, chickens, sheep, goats," Halian answered, smiling a little. "My friend Balthazar, who owns a dairy, insists I keep the sheep. He has a niche market for a certain sheep"s milk cheese. I tend to trade it for the goat cheese, as we all seem to like it more."

"Mary mentioned the Roche dairy early on in my time here," Jules said. "I got the idea Balthazar was lively."

"He ?? quite lively," Halian said, smirking. "A beta, and rightly proud of it."

Jules looked far down the grounds, seeing Lucien"s bent over figure. He felt bad the young man might freeze to death. "Hal, can"t we throw a blanket over him?" He asked.
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Halian hesitated. Then, he nodded briefly. "Only because you asked me," he said. "I"ll do it myself when we get back. I thought some light exercise might lift your spirits. But, you can"t rest while my brother is suffering, can you?"

"Not really." Jules spared Lucien another glance before looking out over the lake. "He can"t get any better if he"s dead."

"True." Halian stopped them at Jules"s balance beams, and looked up at the longest, largest one. "I felt very impressed with you, watching how graceful you are, how strong. I"m not ordinarily moved to carnal thoughts, Jules. Lucien has often accused me of an underdeveloped s.e.xuality, and he isn"t wrong."

"? ??? ???? ?? ???????, ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ???," Lucien had said to Jules. And before that, in Halian"s room, "??? ???? ??? ?? ?????, ???????? ??????? ???? ???????? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????!"

"I"m not sure your brother is the best judge of how developed you are, in any way," Jules said carefully. "He stinks of jealousy, and that always makes either a liar, or, an exaggerator, out of someone."

Bowing his head, Halian leaned on a pole. "You speak truly. He was always jealous of me. Of my birth standing, my looks, and later, even this manor. Mother and Father gave him an estate in Carran, and he ran it to ruin in eight months."

"Wow. That took effort," Jules murmured. He grabbed a beam and vaulted up. He wouldn"t be able to do anything fancy with snow and ice everywhere, but he could take in the view from a higher place. "He"s not an ugly kid. Why be jealous of your looks?"

"Jules, you have little idea of how motivating appearance can be. You didn"t care if you never saw yourself in a mirror," Halian said carefully, looking up at him. "Lucien is an alpha, and most alphas want to be tall, strapping and strong. I wouldn"t say I"m "strapping", but my strength exceeds the ordinary alpha"s, and you"re the only person I"ve ever met that"s taller than me, besides my father."

Jules smiled down. "I was so surprised at how easily you hauled me up to sit on your horse," he confessed. "I"m not exactly light."

"You don"t weigh a thing to me," Halian told him, unsmiling. "I could hold you in my arms for days. Weeks, even. Lucien knows of my strength, and it eats him up." He held his arms out. "Jump, Jules."

Jules had no reason to hesitate or disobey. He jumped out, and Halian caught him. He knew why Halian felt so somber, but he couldn"t help grinning at him. After a moment, Halian released a breath followed by a reluctant laugh.

"You"re so fun-loving at times," Halian said. "I"d like to never see anything darken your heart."

"You know that"s impossible."

"Yes, that doesn"t mean I can"t wish."

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