aI told Baracka,a: Gibbs interview with author, July 2005.

aYou know, it woulda,a: Obama discussion with author, March 2004.

aAbsolutelya,a: Jarrett interview with author, May 2005.

aNice having youa,a: Obama discussion with author, March 2004.

aHe was finea,a: Peter Coffey interview with author, January 2005.

aYou really didnata,a: Sh.o.m.on interview with author, January 2005.

aHe knowsa,a: Jarrett interview with author, May 2005.


aleft of Mao Tse-tunga,a: Steve Rauschenberger, quoted in various media, March 2004.

asoft on crimea,a: Kirk Dillard interview with author, September 2004.

aMeet my stalkera,a: Obama speaking to various media, April 2004.

Ryan divorce files: various media reports, June 2004.

aIave tried to makea,a: Obama interview with author, June 2004.

aI wannaa,a: Obama conversation with aides, June 2004.

aI donat thinka,a: Gibbs discussion with author, June 2004.

aI donat take any pleasurea,a: Obama at a press conference in Peoria, June 2004.

aDo you thinka,a: Radio reporter in questioning Obama, Peoria, June 2004.

aall of usa,a: Obama speaking to reporters, Chicago, June 2004.

aHeas tireda,a: Gibbs discussion with author, June 2004.

aThereas no othera,a: Rahul Sangwan, aJack Ryan a Conservative Idealist,a The Dartmouth Independent, October 4, 2004.

aBarack just killeda,a: Nate Tamarin interview with author, December 2004.

aWe wanteda,a: Cauley discussion with author, January 2007.

aThis was not laboriousa,a: Obama interview with author, August 2005.


Obamaas convention day material: David Mendell, adapted from aObama Finding Himself Flush with Media Attention,a Chicago Tribune, July 28, 2004.

Tim Russert interview: Meet the Press, NBC News, July 2004.

Oomph quote: Ryan Lizza, aThe Natural,a Atlantic Monthly, July 2004.

aChicagoans have growna,a: Joe Frolik, aA Newcomer to the Business of Politics Has Seen Enough to Reach Some Conclusions about Restoring Votersa Trust,a Cleveland Plain Dealer, August 1996.

More oomph: Scott Fornek, aIs Oomph an Oops for Obama?a Chicago Sun-Times, July 2004.

aIs that gooda,a: Obama conversation with author, Boston, July 2004.

aYouare thea,a: Bob Schieffer conversation with Obama, Boston, July 2004.

aTalk toa,a: Obama conversation with Schieffer, Boston, July 2004.

aWe brought hera,a: Obama at press conference, Boston, July 2004.

aWhen am Ia,a: d.i.c.k Kay conversation with Green, Boston, July 2004.

aI canata,a: Obama speech to League of Conservation Voters, Boston, July 2004.

aEven that last trya,a: Practice speech observer conversation with author, July 2006.

various DNC speech quotes: Obama, Boston, July 2004.

aOf alla,a: Axelrod interview with author, December 2004.

aIam gonnaa,a: Obama, as told to author by Katz, June 2005.

aThis is aa,a: Jeff Greenfield, as recounted by Axelrod and Gibbs, December 2004.

aWhen I lookeda,a: Green conversation with author, March 2005.

aI was shiveringa,a: Chris Matthews, Hardball, July 28, 2004.

aelectrifieda,a: Wolf Blitzer, CNN coverage, July 28, 2004.

aI guessa,a: Obama, as recounted by Green to author, March 2005.


aI donat wanta,a: Cauley, Obama quote recounted to author, August 2004.

aThis was supposeda,a: Obama discussion with author, August 2004.

David Mendell, material adapted from aHeady Week Yields to Hard Work,a Chicago Tribune, August 2004.

aI donat intenda,a: Obama interview with author, August 2004.

aIn just a fewa,a: Axelrod interview with author, October 2004.

aApparentlya,a: Obama to audience in Kewanee, Illinois, August 2004.

aThis is alla,a: Obama discussion with author, August 2004.

aI vote fora,a: David Bramson interview with author, August 2004.

aIave learneda,a: Obama discussion with author, August 2004.

aI canat goa,a: d.i.c.k Durbin conversation with Obama, August 2004.

aThose little smalla,a: Obama to audience in Quincy, Illinois, August 2004.

aWeave losta,a: Mike Daly conversation with campaign aides, August 2004.

aWhen are wea,a: Obama conversation with Mich.e.l.le Obama, August 2004.

aWhatas ina,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama conversation with Obama, August 2004.

aWeave finally kind ofa,a: campaign aide conversation with author, August 2004.

aThis is nota,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama interview with author, August 2004.

aTheyare botha,a: campaign aide conversation with author, August 2004.

aThis is whata,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama conversation with author, August 2004.

aItas embarra.s.singa,a: Obama conversation with author, August 2004.

Smoking anecdote: Tommy Vietor conversation with author, August 2004.

aknock the haloa,a: Obama, The Audacity of Hope.

Bud Billiken parade material: David Mendell, adapted from aBilliken Crowd Jeers Keyes, Cheers Obama,a Chicago Tribune, August 2004.

aAt one pointa,a: Mike Signator conversation with author, August 2004.

aBarack Obama hasa,a: Liam Ford/David Mendell, aJesus Wouldnat Vote for Obama, Keyes Says,a Chicago Tribune, September 2004.

aBarack thinksa,a: Cauley conversation with author, September 2004.

aYou know, Baracka,a: Axelrod, recounted by Obama in conversation with author, September 2004.

aWhat could Ia,a: Obama, The Audacity of Hope.

aWe canat losea,a: Axelrod conversation with author, November 2004.

aHe hatesa,a: Vietor conversation with author, November 2004.

aIt was a thinga,a: Chicago political consultant conversation with author, June 2005.

aI canat believea,a: Obama, recounted to author by campaign aide, August 2004.

aHe is the smartesta,a: Amanda Fuchs conversation with author, November 2004.

aI am not lookinga,a: Obama, recounted by Cauley during interview with author, December 2004.


aCongratulationsa anecdote: conversation between the Obamas, January 2005.

aIam not aa,a: Obama conversation with Jesse Jackson Sr., January 2005.

aWe are bounda,a: Obama to supporters in Washington, D.C., January 2005.

aIf Mike Tacketta,a: Gibbs conversation with author, February and March 2005.

ahouse in ordera,a: Obama interview with author, December 2005.

aIam writinga,a: Obama conversation with author, April 2005.

aDoes hea,a: Rahm Emanuel discussion with author, May 2005.

aBarackais tightlya,a: Sh.o.m.on conversation with author, April 2006.

aThere are probablya,a: Obama interview with author, December 2006.

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