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Chapter 68
Younger Sisters, Elder Sister

Vera accepted the breakfast offered, but she prioritised caution over satiety . She was treated well . They wouldn’t provide her with such a luxurious home just to poison her; it wouldn’t make any sense . Reasoning so, she picked up breakfast in the end and, while eating, demanded, “I want to know where I am . ”

The amber coloured drink was similar to tea . It was sweet, but it wasn’t sickening after a few sips . There was also some soft grilled food . It was different to bread, which underwent a lot of processing before it was served . If she had to describe it, it’d be grilled fruit .

“This is Travest, Princess Vera . ”


“Yes . ”


Unfortunately, the answer only served to confuse Vera even further . She tried to put the puzzle together in her head: “Travest is Ikana’s imperial city, but why does Travest need me? Does kidnapping me serve a purpose? It’s too aggressive, isn’t it? If Ikana wanted me to come here, all she needed to do was say the word . Though I’m more surprised than I am angry, I do want Ikana to explain the situation to me . ”

With her hunger satisfied, Vera regained her courage . She stood up and, in a loud voice, she demanded, “I am Troy Galadriel Rosvenor’s daughter, Vera . I am a descendant of the Galadriel tribe, a descendant of the Elven Queen . I hereby demand an audience with your King . Either Ikana or Abner will do!”

The maids packed up the tray then bowed: “Queen Ikana is on her way . She ordered us to deliver you your breakfast as well as prepare a room . We have completed our task . Queen Ikana is on her way . ”

“The truth is I’ve already arrived . ”

The two maids froze for a moment then turned to respectfully salute the owner of the voice at the door . Leaning against the door, Ikana spoke before Vera could: “So, you’re not the Vera from Galaluocia but the North, King Troy’s daughter?”

“Correct . ”

Ikana let out a heavy sigh and then ambled over . Vera watched the woman with pretty purple hair and red eyes . She took a step back because she was slightly afraid . After all, Ikana was the one who put her through all those perilous situations . Ikana’s killed plenty of people . She even almost drowned the youngster with his s.h.i.+p . Everything was her brainchild .

Vera did think Ikana didn’t sport the appearance of a cunning individual, but Ikana’s beauty exceeded what Vera imagined . Vera was so startled she didn’t dare to utter a word . Ikana hopelessly smiled . She touched her head and explained, “I’m very sorry, Vera . This was my fault . Technically, it is not my fault . My order was, indeed, to bring Vera here, but I was referring to the other Vera, not you . The person I sent on the job was just excruciatingly stupid . I offer you my sincerest apologies for this incident . I know a simple apology is worthless, but that is all that I can provide you . I am the Queen of a kingdom where men are superior to women, and it does not belong to me, either . As such, besides an apology, I can only provide you with this room and breakfast . Oh, plus dinner and lunch . You can have anything you’d like as long as we can prepare it . ”

“That… . ”

Vera found herself speechless after Ikana’s explanation . Ikana scratched her head and continued, “While I know that what I am about to say is shameless, the innocent should not shoulder this mistake . I imagine you’re aware of what sort of person your father is . Your father is already coming here with his invincible navy . He has resolved to raze this entire city . You must know it will be a ma.s.sacre . My point is… I hope you can dissuade your father . He will listen to you as your father . Vera, I know it’s shameless for me to ask for your forgiveness and aid after what I’ve done, but this is a misunderstanding . I harbour no ill-will toward you . ”

“I understand . ”

Vera wasn’t angry . She was furious . The fear and despair she initially suffered made her feel idiotic . Further, it was unfair to make her bear the kidnapping for nothing . She was innocent; however she didn’t have any retort for what Ikana said . As a matter of fact, she couldn’t even bring herself to ask for compensation .

Vera was dismayed to discover that she, the child people have always labelled as a smart child, a claim that even she bought into, was unable to utter a word in front of Ikana . Ikana figuratively walked all over her . Ikana was at fault, and her kidnapping excuse was awfully lame, yet Vera couldn’t even make a complaint after what Ikana said . All she wanted to do was go and convince her father .

“I really don’t want Dad to become a murderer . That’s not how my father’s legacy should end . It shouldn’t . My father is a hero . He’s not a murderer . My father shouldn’t do this . Moreover, the other people here are innocent . He shouldn’t be here,” reasoned Vera .

Current time at the border of the sh.o.r.e .

“s.h.i.+p up ahead! s.h.i.+p up ahead! Attention! No large s.h.i.+ps are allowed to enter Travest’s docks today! s.h.i.+p up ahead! s.h.i.+p up ahead! Do you hear me?!!! No large s.h.i.+ps are permitted entry into Travest’s docks as of today!! You, argh!!!”

The soldiers on the small sh.o.r.e fearfully watched the huge s.h.i.+p approach . The s.h.i.+p totally ignored their warning and completely disregarded them . The s.h.i.+p with a metal end for charging other fleets charged straight toward Travet’s tiny s.h.i.+p . After leaping into the water, the soldiers turned around to witness the s.h.i.+p charge straight into their sealed-off docks . The huge s.h.i.+p ignored the shallow waters and continued its charge onto the sh.o.r.e .

The soldiers on sh.o.r.e surrounded them . Ying whipped her sword and hostilely declared, “We’re here to rescue our Princess . Get lost if you know what’s good for you!”

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